MC198 - Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Plan: MC198KPX16 - Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Campus: RMIT Online

Program details
Award title: Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Award abbreviation: MSCLM
Total credit points: 192
Career: PGRD
Duration: 2 years full-time equivalent (or 1.5 years full-time equivalent with advanced standing)
Location: RMIT Online
Owning school: Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain (665H)
Owning school URL:
ASCED code: 089901
CRICOS code:

Purpose of the Program
The Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management program prepares you for a career that involves planning, implementation and execution of customer-responsive and sustainable strategies across the entire value chain.
This program will expose you to a variety of learning experiences and activities, which may include engaging with interactive contents, simulations, practical exercises and collaborative projects. Assessments would include major and minor written assignments, conduct and evaluation of case studies, completion of field investigative projects, and video development. Some assignments will be completed in groups, while others, individually. The aim is to provide you the opportunity to learn both in a team environment and independently in a digitally enabled world.
A capstone experience will be provided in OMGT2292 Strategic Operations and Supply Chain Management, which will give you the opportunity to critically reflect on this program’s curriculum. This course syntheses the knowledge and skills gained in the program, promoting their application in discipline related, real-world scenarios, leading to work readiness or further studies.
The core research course of this program is BUSM4586 Business Research Design. This course is designed to develop your knowledge of research principles and methods and how to apply them within the contemporary business environment. You will have the opportunity to conduct a research project/proposal and further develop your skills in research methodology.
The program is designed to provide you with career opportunities for entry into various industries, spanning from primary production to manufacturing to shipping, distribution and retailing. Job functions include supplies and procurement, operations and material handling, freight transport and forwarding, distribution and warehousing.
This program is delivered online.

Articulation and pathways
- GC055 Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistics Management is an entry and exit point to MC198 Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management.
- GC211 Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Automation is an entry point to MC198 Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management.
- GD093 Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain and Logistics Management is an exit point only to MC198 Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management.
1. If you have completed the equivalent of an Australian Bachelor degree or higher-level qualification in business (or a related discipline), you will be exempt from completing four (4) courses (48 credit points) from the optional course list in the final semester of the program.
You must complete an additional twelve (12) courses (144 credit points) to qualify for the degree.
2. If you have completed the RMIT GC055 Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistics Management you will be exempt from completing the four (4) courses below:
OMGT2286 Supply Chain Principles
ISYS3375 Business Analytics
OMGT2287 Supply Chain Modelling & Design
BUSM4611 Business Project Management
You must complete an additional twelve (12) courses (144 credit points) to qualify for the degree.
3. If you have completed the RMIT GC211 Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Automation you will be exempt from completing four (4) courses (48 credit points) from the optional course list in the final semester of the program. You will be required to complete an additional twelve (12) courses (144 credit points) to qualify for the degree.
Please refer to the Masters Advanced Standing Credit Procedure for additional information regarding the recency of previous qualifications. Masters advanced standing credit cannot be transferred to exit awards.
Credit outside of the above arrangements will be assessed consistently with the RMIT University Credit Policy and procedures. If you wish to apply for a credit transfer/RPL, please refer to Apply for credit.

Entrance requirements
Academic Entrance requirements
Australian Bachelor degree or equivalent in Business (or a related discipline);
Australian Bachelor degree or equivalent in any diiscipline
Successful completion of the RMIT Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistics Management;
Australian Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters degree or equivalent in Business (or a related discipline).
Entrance requirements for international onshore applicants
All non-Australian residents and overseas full-fee paying students are required to meet RMIT English language requirements. For more information on these requirements and acceptable English Language tests please see

External accreditation and industry links
This program is accredited by the professional bodies listed in the table below. Specified credit/exemption towards professional qualifications as part of the accreditation are subject to the applicant meeting the set criteria defined by each professional body. Any application for credit/exemption should be made directly to the professional body and is the graduate's responsibility.
The professional bodies may offer membership for students and/or graduates as a career enabler which could include opportunities for networking and access to discipline specific resources. Application for membership is the student/graduate's responsibility.
Professional Body | Accreditation Description | Membership and Opportunities |
Charted Institute of Logistics and Transport [CILT] [Australia] |
Program satisfies the academic requirements for Chartered Membership. |
Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply [CIPS] |
Effective 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2021 To enable learners to apply for MCIPS the following conditions apply to this CIPS Accreditation Statement and must be met in full: The Business Research Design course BUSM4586)must be on a procurement and/or supply chain related topic. All modules must be passed with no module being condoned or compensated |
Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia [SCLAA] |
Not Applicable |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Society [LSCMS] [Singapore] |
Not Applicable |

Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees. Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

Library, IT and specialist resources
Library resources and services
As a student enrolled in a program at RMIT University you can access the extensive services, facilities and study space provided by the Library. The Library is continually expanding our electronic collections to make it easier for you to get the information you need when you need it.
All RMIT University students have unlimited access to quality electronic and print resources such as books, journals, newspapers, streaming media and past exam papers. Through our document delivery service you can also request items from any library in the world.
Library staff can show you how to find information for your assignments, or you can work through Library subject guides and web-based tutorials, or use our online Ask the Library service.
Computers for study are available at every Library site and wireless access is available if you are working from a laptop or mobile device.
You can find more information on Library resources and services at:
Online learning tools and content
Log in to myRMIT and select the myStudies tab to access study resources for your program.
Services available to you as a student at RMIT University
RMIT University provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist your learning and wellbeing so you can achieve your study and career goals.
Services are available face to face and online assisting with:
- transition to tertiary study and learning
- study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant
- enabling assistance if you have a disability, long term medical condition or other form of disadvantage which may impact on your learning
- career development and employment
- living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters)
- opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad
- opportunities for participating in arts, sport, recreation, fitness activities as well as student activism and university governance.
We also offer a friendly and supportive environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
You can find more information at

[Next: Learning outcomes]