AD026 - Associate Degree in Engineering Technology

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Plan: AD026 - Associate Degree in Engineering Technology
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

After the enrolment, students will be able to log on to the RMIT Course Guide system to access the learning methodology and assessment procedures for each course.

The program is designed with a common first year where all students will undertake the same core courses: eight in all. In Year 2, you will undertake a 24 CP (or equivalent of 24 CP) capstone project related to your chosen major discipline option.

Teaching  and Learning
You will be offered an interactive teaching and learning environment, including:

  • Lectures and tutorials in which course contents will be illustrated with demonstrations, animations and examples.
  • Laboratory work to enhance your technical skills. You will gain exposure to physical equipment and learn experimental techniques, solve hardware and software problems. 
  • Group discussions in which you will be encouraged to participate in broadening your ideas to solve technical problems.
  • Simulations of professional work environments, aiming to enhance your knowledge through problem-solving.
  • Work on various projects, including the preparation of professional reports. Examples include activities and projects which involve you in planning, designing and maintenance to prevent network problems. Such assignments and projects will provide you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate specified capabilities.
  • Work-integrated learning (WIL) activities that are closely linked to industry and real workplace scenarios.

 A variety of assessment strategies are used in the program to ensure that you have achieved the required learning outcomes and developed critical capabilities:

  • Examinations: an individual form of assessment where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to explain fundamental principles and solve problems
  • Assignment and projects: which may be done individually or in groups. This method may also be used to enable you to demonstrate your ability to work alone or as a member of a team
  • Assessed tutorials: a form of in-class test, which may be done individually or as part of a team
  • Laboratory reports: which provide an exercise in experimentation, report writing and critical analysis of data
  • Project Report: demonstrates that you are able to report a significant project, from the planning phases right through to completion where conclusions and recommendations are made.
  • Team based activities: for assessment activities (such as seminars, group presentations) you will assess yourself or your own group; or assess the work of other groups. This is part of equipping you to become more independent in your own learning, and assessing your own and others’ performance.

RMIT University has an assessment policy at:

If students have a long-term medical condition and/or disability they can apply for adjustments to their study and assessment (Equitable Assessment Arrangements) by registering with the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) at

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities, and
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations.

These interactions and the work context provide a distinctive source of feedback to you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a work integrated learning (WIL) experience may be simulated.

In the OENG1068, Engineering Project (or OENG1066 Engineering Project B in conjunction with OENG1064 Engineering Project A), all activities are carried out either in conjunction with industry or in a simulated work environment, thereby contributing to WIL. You will undertake and be assessed on project work that allows you to learn, apply and demonstrate the professional or vocational practice relevant to the field of study.

Completion of the OENG1068, Engineering Project (or OENG1066 Engineering Project B in conjunction with OENG1064 Engineering Project A), in the workplace during your Associate Degree studies will also count towards the 12 weeks of work experience required in all of RMIT's Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) programs. 

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete: All courses may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Ninety Six (96) credit points:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Engineering Science 12 MANU2112 City Campus
Mathematics 1 12 MATH2167 City Campus
Electrical Principles 12 EEET2276 City Campus
Engineering Materials 12 PROC2097 City Campus
Computer Applications 12 EEET2277 City Campus
Engineering Management 12 MIET2138 City Campus
Fundamentals of Environmental and Sustainable Systems Engineering 12 OENG1289 City Campus
Mathematics 2 12 MATH2168 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Select and Complete Twenty Four (24) Credit Points from:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Engineering Project A 12 OENG1064 City Campus
Engineering Project B 12 OENG1066 City Campus
Engineering Project 24 OENG1068 City Campus
Civil Option - Complete the following Seventy Two (72) credit points:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Steel Design 12 CIVE1209 City Campus
Fluid Systems 12 CIVE1204 City Campus
Structural Analysis 12 CIVE1205 City Campus
Soil Mechanics 12 EASC1081 City Campus
Roads and Transport 12 CIVE1206 City Campus
Concrete Design 12 CIVE1208 City Campus
Computer and Network Option - Complete the following Seventy Two (72) credit points:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Network Fundamentals 12 EEET2320 City Campus
Internetworking Technologies 12 EEET2323 City Campus
Network Administration 12 OENG1286 City Campus
Network Security 12 OENG1287 City Campus
Computer Architecture 12 EEET2319 City Campus
Computing Engineering 12 EEET2280 City Campus
Electrical and Electronic Option - Complete the following Seventy Two (72) credit points:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Advanced Electrical Theory 12 EEET2279 City Campus
Electronic Applications 12 EEET2282 City Campus
Digital System Design 12 EEET2281 City Campus
Computing Engineering 12 EEET2280 City Campus
Transmission Media 12 EEET2321 City Campus
Industrial Manufacturing and Control System 12 OENG1211 City Campus
Aerospace Option - Complete the following Seventy Two (72) credit points:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Mechanics of Materials 12 MIET2139 City Campus
Mechanics of Machines 12 MIET2340 City Campus
Thermo-Fluids 1 12 MIET2341 City Campus
Mechanics of Solids 12 MIET2342 City Campus
Aerodynamics 12 AERO2395 City Campus
Aircraft Systems and Integration 12 AERO2392 City Campus
Mechanical Option - Complete the following Seventy Two (72) credit points:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Mechanics of Materials 12 MIET2139 City Campus
Mechanics of Machines 12 MIET2340 City Campus
Thermo-Fluids 1 12 MIET2341 City Campus
Mechanics of Solids 12 MIET2342 City Campus
Thermo-Fluids 2 12 MIET2344 City Campus
Industrial Manufacturing and Control System 12 OENG1211 City Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics Option - Complete the following Seventy Two (72) credit points:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Mechanics of Materials 12 MIET2139 City Campus
Mechanics of Machines 12 MIET2340 City Campus
Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing 12 MANU2521 City Campus
Mechanics of Solids 12 MIET2342 City Campus
Computing Engineering 12 EEET2280 City Campus
Industrial Manufacturing and Control System 12 OENG1211 City Campus

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