BH112 - Bachelor of Project Management (Honours)

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Plan: BH112 - Bachelor of Applied Science (Project Management) (Honours)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

This program employs a diverse range of teaching and learning approaches to ensure a distinctive and quality learning environment in which students are recognised as active participants in the learning process. Courses provide for interaction amongst students as a central activity, so that you will have opportunities to collaborate in your learning.  You will be engaged in interactive seminars and workshops, lectures, online discussions, field trips, industry site visits, industry placements and applied research projects. Current research and industry and consultancy experiences are incorporated into content and teaching approaches and you will be encouraged and supported to see the relevance of research to current practice and to pursue your own areas of intellectual interest.
This program exposes you to diverse and challenging perspectives, while fostering the development of critical analysis. You will be encouraged to examine and question your beliefs, to articulate and test your understandings and to confront challenging intellectual questions.

The learning and teaching approaches employed in this program recognise the diverse ways students learn, the need for students to be actively engaged in learning and the need to actively foster preparation for your future professional practice. Students in this program are recognised as individuals, with different abilities and aspirations, and are provided with regular opportunities to consult individually with teaching staff.

Assessment forms part of a structured framework designed to give you the opportunity to learn from feedback as you progress. Assessment tasks are undertaken during each course and are integral to the teaching and learning cycle.

Assessment tasks include, but are not limited to, individual essays, individual and group projects, written or verbal presentations, online discussions, case studies and exams. These assessment tasks have been developed to maximise the opportunity for you to work both individually and collaboratively, and to apply your knowledge and understandings by linking theory to practice. This program provides frequent opportunities for you to gain informed and constructive feedback from teachers and your peers. Teacher to student feedback is tailored to your individual performance and focused on your development. 

The graduate capabilities you will develop in this program have been aligned with the accreditation requirements of the accrediting professional bodies. This strengthens the relevance of this program to your future professional practice, particularly through the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) experiences and activities that this program provides.

If you have a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition or are the primary carer of individuals with a disability it is possible to have adjustments arranged and negotiated to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Program Manager or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more. 

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

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Work integrated learning

RMIT is committed to providing students with an education that strongly links formal learning with workplace experience. As a student enrolled in an RMIT program you will:

  • Undertake and be assessed on a structured activity that allows you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • Interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities; and
  • Complete these activities in real or simulated work contexts or situations

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be simulated in a workplace environment. In this program, you will be undertaking specific courses that will encompass work integrated learning (WIL). You will be assessed on professional or vocational work in a work place setting (real or simulated) and receive feedback from those involved in your industry. The designated WIL course in this program is:

  • BUSM4817 Project Management Capstone (24cp)
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Program Structure

For students who commence their study in this program from 1 January 2016 onwards, please note that some courses listed in this structure will have their course marks count toward your program's weighted average mark. Your weighted average mark will determine the honours level of your award once you have completed the program. If a course counts toward your weighted average mark, that fact will be stated in its course guide. In Enrolment Online, after you completed your course enrolment, you will be notified which of the enrolled courses will count toward the weighted average mark.

For more information about the weighted average mark, please click here

To graduate you must complete the following:


All courses listed may not be available each semester


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Year One of Program

Complete the following Eight (8) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Buildings 12 BUIL1226 City Campus
Introduction to Property 12 OMGT2214 City Campus
Project Management Concepts 12 BUSM3307 City Campus
Communications for Built Environment Professionals 12 BUIL1230 City Campus
Introduction to Construction Processes 12 BUIL1227 City Campus
Property and Capital Markets 12 BUIL1228 City Campus
Techniques for Project Planning and Management 12 BUSM3308 City Campus
Managing for Sustainability 12 BUIL1229 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Seven (7) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Built Environment Law 12 BUIL1247 City Campus
Project Management Processes 12 BUSM4168 City Campus
Management Fundamentals 12 BUSM4169 City Campus
Quality Management 12 BUSM3132 City Campus
Project Administration 12 BUIL1156 City Campus
Project Management Domains 12 BUSM4300 City Campus
Property Economics 12 BUIL1149 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) Course from:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Building Measurement and Estimating 12 BUIL1237 City Campus
University Elective

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Year Three of Program

Complete the following Seven (7) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Professional Practice in Project Management 12 BUSM4305 City Campus
Project Risk Management 12 BUSM4303 City Campus
Leadership in Project Management 12 BUSM4304 City Campus
Construction and Business Enterprise 12 BUIL1249 City Campus
Project Procurement Management 12 BUSM4302 City Campus
Project Planning and Communications 12 BUSM4301 City Campus
Research Methods for the Built Environment 12 BUIL1305 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
University Elective

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Year Four of Program

Complete the following Six (6) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Advanced Project Management 12 BUSM3134 City Campus
Managing Complex Projects 12 BUSM4332 City Campus
Research Practice 1 12 BUIL1306 City Campus
Program and Portfolio Management 12 BUSM4334 City Campus
Project Management Capstone 24 BUSM4817 City Campus
Research Practice 2 12 BUIL1307 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
University Elective

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Program transition plan

The following transition statement applies to domestic students only.

RMIT is seeking CRICOS registration for the replacement program. Further advice will be provided at a later stage for international students.

From semester 1, 2024, this program will be updated with a new title and program structure.   

This plan will be discontinued and replaced with BH112P24 Bachelor of Project Management (Honours). The final intake into this plan will be semester 2, 2023. If you are due to complete the program in semester 2, 2023 you will not be affected by this change.  

All other students will be transferred to the new plan from semester 1, 2024. You will be provided with a study plan and a transition map of the same or equivalent courses. Your academic progress will be considered and reviewed with an academic advisor.   

Your study plan will outline:   

  • Courses you have already completed  
  • Courses you are currently enrolled in (results pending)   
  • Courses, if any, that you will need to complete in the amended program structure to graduate with the new award  

You will not be disadvantaged by this change in program structure, including if you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies. To ensure all your currently completed courses are recognised in the new structure, some students may not be eligible to complete the full 48 credit points required to receive a minor. 

You will not incur any extra costs or be required to complete extra credit points because of this change in program structure.

Transition map of existing courses

Current program structure (BH112) Replacement course in new program structure (BH112P24)
Year 1   Change
BUIL1226 Introduction to Buildings 12 BUIL1226 Introduction to Buildings 12 No change
OMGT2214 Valuations and Property Principles 12 OMGT2214 Introduction to Property 12 Existing course – new title
BUSM3307 Project Management Concepts 12 BUSM3307 Project Management Concepts 12 No change
BUIL1230 Communications for Built Environment Professionals 12 BUIL1230 Communications for Built Environment Professionals 12 No change
BUIL1227 Introduction to Construction Processes 12 BUIL1227 Introduction to Construction Processes 12 No change
BUIL1228 Property & Capital Markets 12 BUIL1228 Property & Capital Markets 12 No change
BUSM3308 Techniques for Project Planning and Management 12 BUSM3308 Techniques for Project Planning and Management 12 No change
BUIL1229 Managing for Sustainability 12 BUIL1229 Managing for Sustainability 12 No change
Year 2    
BUIL1247 Introduction to Built Environment Law 12 BUIL1247 Introduction to Built Environment Law 12 No change
BUSM4168 Project Management Processes 12 BUSM4168 Project Management Processes 12 No change
BUSM4169 Management Fundamentals 12 BUSM4169 Management Fundamentals 12 No change
BUSM3132 Quality Management 12 BUSM3132 Quality Management 12 No change
BUIL1156 Project Administration 12 BUIL1156 Project Administration 12 No change
BUSM4300 Project Management Domains 12 BUSM4300 Project Management Domains 12 No change
BUIL1149 Property Economics 12   Minor course or University elective 12 Replacement course option
AND Select and complete 1 course from:    

Building Measurement and Estimating


University elective

12   Minor course or University elective 12 Replacement course option
Year 3    
BUSM4305 Professional Practice in Project Management 12 BUSM4305 Professional Practice in Project Management 12 No change
BUSM4303 Project Risk Management 12 BUSM4303 Project Risk Management 12 No change
BUSM4304 Leadership in Project Management 12 BUSM4304 Leadership in Project Management 12 No change
BUIL1249 Construction and Business Enterprise 12 BUIL1249 Construction and Business Enterprise 12 Moved to year 2 - option course
BUSM4302 Project Procurement Management 12 BUSM4302 Project Procurement Management 12 No change
BUSM4301 Project Planning and Communications 12 BUSM4301 Project Planning and Communications 12 No change
BUIL1305 Research Methods for the Built Environment 12 BUIL1305 Research Methods for the Built Environment 12 No change
AND Select and complete 1 from any:    
  University Elective 12   Minor course or University elective 12 No change
Year 4    
BUSM3134 Advanced Project Management 12 BUSM3134 Advanced Project Management 12 No change
BUSM4332 Managing Complex Projects 12 BUSM4332 Managing Complex Projects 12 No change
BUIL1306 Research Practice 1 12 BUIL1306 Research Practice 1 12 No change
BUSM4334 Program and Portfolio Management 12 BUSM4334 Program and Portfolio Management 12 No change
BUSM4817 Project Management Capstone 24 BUSM4817 Project Management Capstone 24 No change
BUIL1307 Research Practice 2 12 BUIL1307 Research Practice 2 12 No change
AND Select and complete 1 from any:    
  University Elective 12   Minor course or University elective 12 No change
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