BP000 - Bachelor of Environment and Society

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Plan: BP000P16 - Bachelor of Environment and Society
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

The first year of this program is designed to inform you about the wider cultural, political and institutional context in which you will work. Learning activities include lectures, reading, class discussion and essay writing. Second year is focused on developing the skills that environmental managers commonly use and includes hands-on activities such as policy analysis and development work, social science-based research activities, and analysis of case studies. Third year brings the knowledge and skills developed earlier together and provides opportunities for you to develop further as a self-directed learner, able to adapt to various situations and problems.

Learning activities across the program include essay writing, tutorials and group work. Many of the courses have online materials and activities to supplement work in classes and workshops.

Assessment tasks are  designed to give you the opportunity to learn from feedback as you progress and are undertaken during each course and are integral to the teaching and learning cycle,

Assessment in this program may include:

  • Fieldwork: observe or collect data that will be subsequently analysed and written up
  • Examinations: explain basic principles and to solve problems
  • Assignments and projects: these may be done individually or in groups
  • Reflective journals: pause to consider what you have learnt and how you have developed with that learning
  • Assessed tutorials or presentations: in-class test, which may be done individually or as a team:
  • Self-assessment and peer-assessment: assess yourself or your own group; or assess the work of other groups.  These skills will equip you to be more independent in your own learning and assessing your own and others’ performance.

You will receive feedback to support your learning and enhance your preparation for professional practice.

The learning and teaching approaches employed in this program recognise the diverse ways students learn, the need for students to be actively engaged in learning and the need to actively foster preparation for your future professional practice. Students in this program are recognised as individuals, with different abilities and aspirations, and are provided with regular opportunities to consult individually with teaching staff.

If you have a long term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate variations to aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Program Manager or the Equitable Learning Service Unit (https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/student-support/equitable-learning-services) if you would like to find out more. 

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and in addition;
  • these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be simulated.

The WIL activities in this program provide opportunities for you to network with a range of potential employers and explore areas of work that interest you, as well as practise the skills you have developed in the program in professional contexts. The specific WIL courses in this program will prepare you for for employment upon graduation.

The specific WIL courses in this program are:

  • ENVI1062 Client Based Research (Environment) (12 credit points)
  • ENVI1058 Environmental Work Practice (12 credit points)
  • ENVI1213 Environment Capstone Project (24 credit points)

ENVI1062 provides you with the opportunity to apply research and analysis skills to the kind of problems identified by environmental agencies. It emphasises the processes, methods and skills needed for research work and gives particular attention to the experiences of team work. You will work in a group throughout the course to produce a research report for a client who has identified a specific research project that they would like completed.

ENVI1058 provides key opportunities to make links between the theories covered in earlier courses, and how these are applied in practical situations. The work-placement of 20-25 days.

ENVI1213 Environment Capstone Project provides the opportunity for you to undertake a team based sustainability project, involving consultation with diverse community and industry partners. You will work in a cross disciplinary project team to develop a sustainability initiative for an organisation such as community group, business or government.

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    Program Structure

    To graduate you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester

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    Year One of Program

    Complete the following Seven (7) Courses:

    Course Title

    Credit Points

    Course Code


    Environmental Ideas and Action 12 ENVI1041 City Campus
    Sustainable Futures 12 ENVI1153 City Campus
    Environmental Processes and Change 12 ENVI1211 City Campus
    Ecological Foundations of Planning 12 ENVI1043 City Campus
    Power and Governance 12 POLI1025 City Campus
    The Urban Age 12 HUSO2341 City Campus
    Global Political Economy 12 SOCU2112 City Campus
    Select and Complete One (1) of the following courses:

    Course Title

    Credit Points

    Course Code


    Intercultural Communication 12 SOCU1025 City Campus
    Strategic Urban Planning 12 ARCH1204 City Campus
    Australian Society in a Global Context 12 HUSO1207 City Campus
    Critical Ideas in International, Social, and Political Thought 12 HUSO2266 City Campus
    Select and Complete One (1) Course from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of this program structure:

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    Year Two of Program

    Complete the following Seven (7) Courses:

    Course Title

    Credit Points

    Course Code


    Communicating Sustainability 12 ENVI1137 City Campus
    Environmental Economics 12 ENVI1051 City Campus
    Climate Change Responses 12 ENVI1212 City Campus
    Environmental Systems Analysis 12 ENVI1196 City Campus
    Policy in Practice 12 ENVI1050 City Campus
    Foundations of Social Research 12 HUSO2166 City Campus
    Building Responsible Relationships with First Peoples and Country 12 ENVI1048 City Campus
    Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
    University Elective
    Select and Complete One (1) Course from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of this program structure:

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    Year Three of Program

    Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

    Course Title

    Credit Points

    Course Code


    Planning and Environmental Regulation 12 ARCH1059 City Campus
    Environmental Management and Assessment 12 ENVI1049 City Campus
    Client Based Research (Environment) 12 ENVI1062 City Campus
    Environmental Work Practice 12 ENVI1058 City Campus
    Environment Capstone Project 24 ENVI1213 City Campus
    Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from any:
    University Elective
    Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of this program structure:

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    Language Option Courses

    List of Language Option Courses:

    Course Title

    Credit Points

    Course Code


    Chinese 1 12 LANG1068 City Campus
    Chinese 2 12 LANG1069 City Campus
    Chinese 3 12 LANG1070 City Campus
    Chinese 4 12 LANG1071 City Campus
    Chinese 5 12 LANG1072 City Campus
    Chinese 6 12 LANG1073 City Campus
    Chinese Language and Society 12 LANG1245 City Campus
    Chinese Language in Context 12 LANG1247 City Campus
    French 1 12 LANG1167 City Campus
    French 2 12 LANG1182 City Campus
    French 3 12 LANG1186 City Campus
    French 4 12 LANG1196 City Campus
    French 5 12 LANG1249 City Campus
    French 6 12 LANG1251 City Campus
    French Language and Society 12 LANG1272 City Campus
    French Language in Context 12 LANG1273 City Campus
    German 1 12 LANG1166 City Campus
    German 2 12 LANG1180 City Campus
    German 3 12 LANG1188 City Campus
    German 4 12 LANG1198 City Campus
    Italian 1 12 LANG1021 City Campus
    Italian 2 12 LANG1022 City Campus
    Japanese 1 12 LANG1093 City Campus
    Japanese 2 12 LANG1094 City Campus
    Japanese 3 12 LANG1146 City Campus
    Japanese 4 12 LANG1095 City Campus
    Japanese 5 12 LANG1097 City Campus
    Japanese 6 12 LANG1098 City Campus
    Japanese Language and Society 12 LANG1276 City Campus
    Japanese Language in Context 12 LANG1277 City Campus
    Spanish 1 12 LANG1168 City Campus
    Spanish 2 12 LANG1178 City Campus
    Spanish 3 12 LANG1184 City Campus
    Spanish 4 12 LANG1200 City Campus
    Spanish 5 12 LANG1207 City Campus
    Spanish 6 12 LANG1209 City Campus
    Spanish Language and Society 12 LANG1278 City Campus
    Spanish Language in Context 12 LANG1279 City Campus
    Chinese for Professional Communication 12 LANG1266 City Campus
    Chinese through Drama 12 LANG1267 City Campus
    Translating Practice and Principles 12 LANG1365 City Campus
    Interpreting Practice and Principles 12 LANG1328 City Campus
    Translation and Interpreting Consolidation Practice 12 LANG1364 City Campus

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    Program transition plan


    The program structure of BP000 Bachelor of Environment and Society has been amended and the following change applied in Semester 1, 2024:

    • Course title change from ENVI1048 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment to ENVI1048 Building Responsible Relationships with First Peoples and Country

    Current students who have completed the course under the previous name will not be required to repeat the course as a result of the title change.

    If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies, you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure.


    In 2021, BP000 Bachelor of Environment and Society will amend its program structure.  

    The new structure will apply to all students from Semester 1, 2021 however all courses completed prior to 2021 will be credited towards their award. You will receive academic advice to assist you when enrolling in the new structure. 

    The following transition mapping shows courses in the current version of the program structure and the equivalent courses that will be offered in the new version of the program structure. 

    Your study plan will outline: 

    • Courses you have already completed in BP000 Bachelor of Environment and Society 

    • Courses you are currently enrolled in (results pending) in BP000 Bachelor of Environment and Society 

    • Courses, if any, that you will need to complete in the amended program structure in order to graduate with the award of BP000 Bachelor of Environment and Society 

    If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure. 

    You will not incur any extra costs or be required to complete extra credit points as a result of this change in program structure. 

    BP000 Transition Map – Same or Equivalent courses 


    Current courses  

    Credit Points 


    New courses offered from Semester 1, 2019 

    Credit Points 

    ENVI1041 Environmental Ideas – Thought and Action  


    Name change (Environmental Ideas and Action) 


    ENVI1153 Sustainable Futures  


    No change 


    HUSO1207 Australian Society in a Global Context 


    Replaced with ENVI1211 Environmental Processes and Change (name change/semester change) 


    POLI1025 Power and Governance 


    No change 


    ENVI1211 Contemporary Environmental Issues 


    Program Elective (from list) 


    ENVI1043 Ecological Foundations of Planning 


    No change 


    HUSO2341The Urban Age 


    No change 


    SOCU2112 Global Political Economy 


    No change 


    ENVI1137 Global Environmental Representations 


    Name change (Communicating Sustainability) 


    ENVI1051 Environmental Economics 


    No change 


    ENVI1212 Climate Change Responses 


    No change 


    University Elective 


    No change 


    ENVI1196 Natural Resource Management 


    Name change (Environmental Systems Analysis) 


    ENVI1050 Policy Practice 


    Name change (Policy in Practice) 


    HUSO2166 Foundations of Social Research 


    No change 



    University Elective 12cp 


    Replaced with ENVI1048 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment 


    ARCH1059 Statutory Planning and Environmental Regulation 


    Name change (Planning and Environmental Regulation) 


    ENVI1049 Environmental Assessment, Monitoring and Systems 


    Name change (Environmental Management and Assessment) 


    ENVI1062 Client Based Research 


    No change 


    University Elective 12cp 


    No change 


    ENVI1058 Environmental Work Practice 


    No change 


    ENVI1213 Sustainability Strategies  


    Name change (Environment Capstone Project) 


    University Elective 12cp 


    No change 


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