BP094 - Bachelor of Computer Science

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Plan: BP094P23 - Bachelor of Computer Science
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

The teaching approach in this program is designed to foster your development as an independent learner so you will be able to extend your capabilities once you graduate. The teaching method includes lectorial, seminar, tutorial, workshop, practical and laboratory sessions, and provision of online materials. You will be expected to complete all prescribed out-of-class learning activities in preparation for scheduled face-to-face and online classes, and encouraged to extend your learning by completing recommended additional readings and online activities. Of particular importance is the time spent in practicals, the laboratory based and work integrated learning activities that will focus on developing your employability skills and capabilities. Career Development Learning (CDL) experiences are embedded within the program and provide you with the knowledge, skills and attributes to manage your career and development throughout your life.

Several courses in the program are delivered online, rather than on-campus, and you are likely to find that other courses transition to online delivery as you progress through the program. All courses use Canvas for electronic provision of course material, tutorial problems and/or other relevant documents. 

Assessment is designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your capabilities. Various forms of assessment will be used throughout the program since the assessment you undertake will be appropriate to the objectives and student learning outcomes for each course.  Assessment may include class tests, quizzes, essays/reports, oral class presentations, group projects, industry-based projects, lab-based assessments, practical assignments and timed assessment.   

Inherent requirements
The following information on inherent requirements outlines the tasks you will be required to undertake during professional placement and on-campus learning activities. The non-academic abilities listed are provided for information only and are not entry requirements.

If there are any activities outlined which may be difficult for you to undertake, there are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate these abilities. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service to discuss any adjustments you may require.

Please read the full list of the Bachelor of Computer Science 

By understanding the types of activities you’ll participate in, you can:

  • understand more about the program
  • determine if you may need support during your studies
  • make an informed decision about whether the program is suitable for you

If you are living with a disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies.

To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Service : www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-services/equitable-learning

The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in on-campus learning and professional experience settings. 

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - refer to: www.rmit.edu.au/students/enrolment/credit/he.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this program you will:  

  • Undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice  
  • Interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities  
  • Complete these activities in real work contexts or situations.  

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be in a simulated workplace environment.   

In this program you will be doing specific courses that focus on work integrated learning (WIL). You will be assessed on professional or vocational work in a workplace setting (real or simulated) and receive feedback from those involved in your industry.   

Work integrated learning (WIL) designated courses for this program are:  

  • COSC2803 – Java Programming Studio

In this WIL course, you will: interact with organisations (industry, government and community) through discipline relevant projects and activities. These interactions and the work context provide a distinctive source of feedback to you to assist your learning. Java Programming Studio is a studio-based simulated WIL-activity based course that focusses on the further acquisition and development of technical and professional skills for developing software applications. The studio-based approach provides an authentic problem setting. Theory and practice are blended in the application of learning centred on e.g., development of a web applications. In this course you will complete a competitor analysis, front-end and back-end design of the application, conduct a usability testing survey, full implementation of the application, and finally demonstrate to an industry expert panel the project deliverables. In the projects we have chosen for this course, we endeavour to explore Computing for Good, that is, using our skills to achieve positive impacts with our communities and beyond.

  • COSC2408 – Programming Project 1

This capstone project course is designed to provide you with hands-on practical experience developing software in a workplace environment. Your project team of 4 – 6 students will complete industry projects from inception to implementation. The emphasis is on understanding and working within a corporate environment, using formal project and software delivery methodologies and integrating all the skills and knowledge that you have acquired in the program.

Some courses in the program also include guest lecturers, government or the community and activities relating to industry as part of the learning experience.

On successful completion of the first two years of this program at a GPA of 3.0, you also become eligible to apply for transfer with advanced standing to the BP347 Bachelor of Computer Science (Professional). The Bachelor of Computer Science (Professional) allows you to extend your work-related studies by an additional year where you will complete an industry placement. The industry placement (internship) provides a unique opportunity to develop your professional and technical skills while creating and extending your professional network.

Please note: students may be required to undertake additional screening/compliance checks as advised by Government, Industry or RMIT University as the need arises. If applicable, further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed. 

International Students will need to check their Visa requirements and any work regulations/limitations before they can commence any WIL Activity. Further information can be found under the Visa Requirements for International Students section. 

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following: Note: All courses listed may not be available each semester

You must complete a total of 288 credit points (i.e.: Twenty 12 credit point courses and Two 24 credit point courses) as follows:

Two (2) STEM Future Technology Skills Courses (24 credit points); and
Eleven (11) Core courses including two 24 credit point courses and nine (9) 12 credit point courses (totalling 156 credit points); and
One (1) Capstone course (12 credit points); and
96 credit points (e.g. eight 12 credit point Computer Science Option courses) from one of the following possible Combinations:

Combination 1: Complete Eight (8) courses from one of the Computer Science Majors listed below; or
Combination 2: Complete Four (4) courses from two Minors in the minor lists below (one minor must be from the Computer Science Minors list); or
Combination 3: Complete Four (4) courses from one of the Computer Science Minors AND complete Four (4) Computer Science Option Courses; or
Combination 4: Complete Four (4) courses from one of the Computer Science Minors AND up to 48 credit points of University Electives.
Combination 5: Complete Four (4) Computer Science option courses AND up to 48 credit points of University Electives.

Computer Science Option courses mean all courses listed within each Computer Science Major and Computer Science Minor.

University Electives can include any Computer Science Option course, or any other course on the University Electives website.

Rules on completion of Majors/Minors:
A major is typically 96 credit points, and a minor is typically 48 credit points.
A maximum of Two (2) Minors can be completed in this program.
Please note, a course can only be counted once in your program:

Any course completed as part of the core courses in the program, including where you are given a choice of core option courses, cannot count towards the completion of a major or minor.

If you use a course toward the completion of one minor, you cannot use that same course again to count toward another minor.

The Computer Science Major and Minor courses and cross-disciplinary Minor courses can be found at the end of the program structure. The courses in each Major and Minor need to be completed in the sequence listed.


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Year One of Program

Complete the following Six (6) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Java Programming Bootcamp 12 COSC2801 City Campus
Java Programming Studio 24 COSC2803 City Campus
Introduction to Mathematics for Computing 12 MATH2466 City Campus
C++ Programming Bootcamp 12 COSC2802 City Campus
C++ Programming Studio 24 COSC2804 City Campus
Mathematics for Computing 1 12 MATH2411 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Cyber Security 12 INTE2625 City Campus
Essentials of Computing 12 COSC3045 City Campus
Software Engineering Fundamentals 12 ISYS1118 City Campus
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence for STEM 12 COSC2960 City Campus
Algorithms and Analysis 12 COSC2123 City Campus
Complete Thirty-six (36) credit points from your Selected Combination:

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Year Three of Program

Complete the following Two (2) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Programming Project 1 12 COSC2408 City Campus
Innovation Ecosystem and the Future of Work 12 OENG1235 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) of the following Courses: (Note: Please review your selected combination, as the following selected course cannot count as part of a major or minor)

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Software Engineering: Process and Tools 12 COSC2299 City Campus
Artificial Intelligence 12 COSC1127 City Campus
Machine Learning 12 COSC2673 City Campus
Complete Sixty (60) credit points from your Selected Combination:

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Major: Advanced Computer Science

Complete 96 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Computing Theory 12 COSC1107 City Campus
Operating Systems Principles 12 COSC1114 City Campus
Artificial Intelligence 12 COSC1127 City Campus
Cloud Computing 12 COSC2626 City Campus
Database Systems 12 COSC2406 City Campus
Machine Learning 12 COSC2673 City Campus
Social Media and Networks Analytics 12 COSC3047 City Campus
Managing Semi-structured and Unstructured Data 12 ISYS1079 City Campus

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Major: Cyber Security

Complete 96 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Data Communication and Net-Centric Computing 12 COSC1111 City Campus
Security in Computing and Information Technology 12 COSC2536 City Campus
Security Testing 12 INTE2547 City Campus
Introduction to Cybersecurity Governance 12 INTE2584 City Campus
Cyber Security Attack Analysis and Incidence Response 12 INTE2626 City Campus
Secure Electronic Commerce 12 INTE1071 City Campus
Cloud Security 12 INTE2402 City Campus
Blockchain Technology Fundamentals 12 INTE2627 City Campus
Computer and Internet Forensics 12 COSC2301 City Campus

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Major: Enterprise Systems Development

Complete 96 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Further Programming 12 COSC2391 City Campus
Algorithms and Analysis 12 COSC2123 City Campus
Full Stack Development 12 COSC2758 City Campus
Software Testing 12 ISYS1087 City Campus
Database Applications 12 ISYS1102 City Campus
Web Development Technologies 12 COSC2276 City Campus
iPhone Software Engineering 12 COSC2471 City Campus
Rapid Application Development 12 COSC2675 City Campus
Software Engineering: Process and Tools 12 COSC2299 City Campus
Programming Internet of Things 12 COSC2674 City Campus
Enterprise Application Development 1 12 COSC3091 City Campus
Mobile Application Development 12 COSC2309 City Campus

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Minor: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Complete 48 credit points from the following (that have not already been completed as Core Courses):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Artificial Intelligence 12 COSC1127 City Campus
Games and Artificial Intelligence Techniques 12 COSC2527 City Campus
Machine Learning 12 COSC2673 City Campus
Deep Learning 12 COSC2972 City Campus
Programming Autonomous Robots 12 COSC2814 City Campus

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Minor: Blockchain Technologies

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Blockchain Technology Fundamentals 12 INTE2627 City Campus
Developing Blockchain Applications 12 INTE2628 City Campus
The Blockchain Economy 12 ECON1349 City Campus
Blockchain Innovations and Case Studies 12 INTE2629 City Campus

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Minor: Cloud Computing

Complete 48 credit points from the following (that have not been completed as Core Courses):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Cloud Foundations 12 COSC2757 City Campus
Cloud Developing 12 COSC2821 City Campus
Cloud Operations 12 COSC2824 City Campus
Cloud Architecting 12 COSC2829 City Campus
Cloud Security 12 INTE2402 City Campus

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Minor: Creative Computing

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Games Studio 1 12 COSC2348 City Campus
Mixed Reality 12 COSC2476 City Campus
Interactive 3D Graphics and Animation 12 COSC1187 City Campus
Games and Artificial Intelligence Techniques 12 COSC2527 City Campus

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Minor: Cyber Assurance

Complete 48 credit points from the following (that have not already been completed as Core Courses):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Data Communication and Net-Centric Computing 12 COSC1111 City Campus
Security in Computing and Information Technology 12 COSC2536 City Campus
Security Testing 12 INTE2547 City Campus
Cyber Security Attack Analysis and Incidence Response 12 INTE2626 City Campus
Cloud Security 12 INTE2402 City Campus
Computer and Internet Forensics 12 COSC2301 City Campus

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Minor: Data Science

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Practical Data Science 12 COSC2738 City Campus
Advanced Programming for Data Science 12 COSC2815 City Campus
Data Visualisation with R 12 MATH2237 City Campus
The Data Science Professional 12 COSC2818 City Campus

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Minor: Enterprise Systems Development

Complete 12 credit points from the following. (Note: students who do not complete 'Full Stack Development' as a Core Course in their program must complete it to successfully complete this minor.)

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Further Programming 12 COSC2391 City Campus
Complete 36 credit points from the following (that have not already been completed as Core Courses):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Full Stack Development 12 COSC2758 City Campus
Software Testing 12 ISYS1087 City Campus
Database Applications 12 ISYS1102 City Campus
Web Development Technologies 12 COSC2276 City Campus
iPhone Software Engineering 12 COSC2471 City Campus
Rapid Application Development 12 COSC2675 City Campus
Software Engineering: Process and Tools 12 COSC2299 City Campus
Programming Internet of Things 12 COSC2674 City Campus
Algorithms and Analysis 12 COSC2123 City Campus
Enterprise Application Development 1 12 COSC3091 City Campus
Mobile Application Development 12 COSC2309 City Campus

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Cross-disciplinary Minors:

List of Minors:

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Minor: Bioinformatics

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Cell Biology and Biochemistry 12 BIOL2146 City Campus
Genetics and Molecular Biology 12 BIOL2262 City Campus
Computational Biology 12 BIOL2526 City Campus
Systems Biology 12 BIOL2512 City Campus

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Minor: Data Analysis

Complete 36 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Linear Models and Experimental Design 12 MATH2203 City Campus
Multivariate Analysis 12 MATH2142 City Campus
Optimisation for Decision Making 12 MATH2055 City Campus
Complete 12 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Applied Bayesian Statistics 12 MATH2305 City Campus
Analysis of Categorical Data 12 MATH2300 City Campus
Time Series and Forecasting 12 MATH2204 City Campus

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Program transition plan

Semester 2, 2025 Transition Plan 

A minor amendment has been made to your program as detailed in the table below. If you have already completed the course replaced, credit from the course will count towards your completion and you will not be required to enrol in the replacement course. 

Changes to Minor: Bioinformatics:  

Course Removed  

Course Added  

BIOL2527 Genomics & Gene Technologies 

BIOL2512 Systems Biology 


Transition Plan 2025
The following table shows courses that will have a course title amendment from Semester 1 2025. If you have successfully completed any of the courses before the commencement of Semester 1 2025, they will continue to count as a course in your program and contribute towards the successful completion of your program.

Year Amended Credit Points Course Title Prior to 2025 Course Title From 2025
1 COSC2801 12 Programming Bootcamp 1 Java Programming Bootcamp
COSC2802 12 Programming Bootcamp 2 C++ Programming Bootcamp
COSC2803 24 Programming Studio 1 Java Programming Studio
COSC2804 24 Programming Studio 2 C++ Programming Studio

If you require enrolment advice, please contact your Program Manager, Son Hoang Dau (sonhoang.dau@rmit.edu.au).

Semester 2, 2024 Transition Plan
A minor amendment has been made to your program effective Semester 2, 2024. The amendments are listed below:

Old Course Replacement Course
BIOL2527 Genomics & Gene Technologies (City) BIOL2577 Genomics & Gene Technologies (Bundoora)




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