BP229 - Bachelor of Science

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Plan: BP229APCH - Bachelor of Science (Applied Chemistry)
Campus: City Campus

Learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes Statement

The Bachelor of Science Chemistry plan will provide opportunities for you to graduate with the following Program Learning Outcomes:


Program learning outcome


Understanding the Culture of Chemistry


You will be able to understand the ways of scientific thinking by recognising the creative endeavour involved in acquiring knowledge and the testable and contestable nature of the principles of chemistry


You will be able to recognise that chemistry plays an essential role in society and underpins many industrial, technological and medical advances.


You will understand and be able to articulate aspects of the place and importance of chemistry in the local and global community.


You will have demonstrated an understanding of the significance of their research project to your field of specialization and to society.


Scientific knowledge


You will have exhibited depth and breadth of chemistry knowledge by demonstrating a knowledge of, and applying the principles and concepts of chemistry


You have also demonstrated depth of chemistry knowledge by recognising chemistry is abroad discipline that impacts on, and is influenced by, other scientific fields.


You will have demonstrated knowledge of research principles and methodology appropriate to their discipline.


Inquiry , Problem Solving and Critical Thinking


You will be able to investigate and solve qualitative and quantitative problems in the chemical sciences, both individually and in teams, by synthesising and evaluating information from a range of sources, including traditional and emerging information technologies and methods


You will be able to formualte hypotheses, proposals and predictions and design and undertake experiments and projects in a safe and responsible manner


You will be able to apply recognised methods and appropriate practical techniques and tools to  investigations, and be able to adapt these techniques when necessary


You will be able to implement correct methods of collecting, recording and interpreting data when carrying out experiments and incorporate qualitative and quantitative evidence into scientifically defensible arguments


You will possess an ability to accurately record, analyse, interpret and critically evaluate your research findings.




You will be able to communicate chemical knowledge by presenting information, articualte argumants and conclusions, in a variety of modes, to diverse audiences, and for a range of purposes


You will be able to communicate the solution to a problem or the results of a scientific investigation using appropriate terminology for the intended audience.


Personal and professional responsibility


You will be able to take personal, professional and social responsibility by demonstrating a capacity for self-directed learning will demonstrate accountability for your own learning and professional conduct.


You will be able to take personal, professional and social responsibility by demonstrating a capacity for working responsibly and safely


You will be able to recognise the relevant and required ethical conduct and behavior within which chemistry is practiced.


You will have will develop an ability to work collaboratively.

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