BP309 - Bachelor of Design (Digital Media)

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Plan: BP309 - Bachelor of Design (Digital Media)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

The program uses a variety of learning and teaching approaches. The focus is on studio-based practice, but may also include lectures, tutorials, workshops, seminars,problem-based learning, and reflection. You may participate in: online and face-to-face activities, presentations, group-based learning, and discussions. You will engage in negotiated learning for the major project or internship.

Workshopping and peer review are key learning activities in this program. This is the feedback you receive on your digital outcomes from your peers and lecturer. You are expected to engage in feedback on your own work and that of others. This approach is integral to the learning environment and for your future creative practice.

The assessment consists of specific assignments, portfolio production, presentations, and peer or industry review. Projects and presentations relate to industry-specific outcomes. These may be public showings or online outcomes.

You will build upon your knowledge and skills of digital media theory and practice throughout the program. You will undertake either Digital Media Major Project (COMM2585) or Digital Media Internship (COMM2583) in your final semester. This will be a capstone experience designed as the culmination of your learning throughout the program.

RMIT advice
If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Program Manager or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Credit at RMIT.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations.

These interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be simulated. The WIL nominated courses for this program are:

  • COMM2585 Digital Media Major Project, 24 credit points
    In this course you will engage in a self-directed digital media production in which you will develop a major creative work.


  • COMM2583 Digital Media Internship, 24 credit points
    This internship* provides you with the opportunity to apply and further develop your digital media knowledge and skills, and gain an understanding of industry dynamics and the client-designer relationship.

Industry Placement/Internship Requirements
*A WIL agreement including schedule and relevant insurance documentation is required to be completed before commencing each placement/internship (local and international). International placements/internships must be registered and processed through RMIT Global Experience. In the case where a placement ends early, please refer to 6. Early Termination of Placements in the Work Integrated Learning Procedure.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Six (6) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Digital Media Studio 1: Production 24 COMM2749 City Campus
Digital Video 12 COMM2755 City Campus
Media Cultures 1 12 COMM2301 City Campus
Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration 24 GRAP2588 City Campus
Sound Design for Digital Media 12 COMM2598 City Campus
Emerging Digital Cultures 12 COMM2745 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Six (6) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Digital Media Studio 3: Experimentation 24 COMM2747 City Campus
Interactive Media 1 12 OART1013 City Campus
Digital Media Specialisation 1 12 COMM2753 City Campus
Digital Media Studio 4: Client Solutions 24 COMM2591 City Campus
Digital Narrative Theory and Practice 12 COMM2595 City Campus
Digital Media Specialisation 2 12 COMM2751 City Campus

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Year Three of Program

Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Digital Media Studio 5: Specialisation Project 24 COMM2589 City Campus
Digital Media Professional Practice 12 COMM2587 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) of the following Course:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Digital Media Major Project 24 COMM2585 City Campus
Digital Media Internship 24 COMM2583 City Campus
Select and Complete Three (3) Courses from any:
University Elective

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Program transition plan

In 2017, BP309 Bachelor of Design (Digital Media) renewed its program structure. The new structure applies to all students from Semester 1, 2017, however all courses you have successfully completed prior to 2017 will be credited towards your award.

You will receive academic advice to assist you when enrolling in the new structure, and will be provided with a study plan and a transition map of the same or replacement courses based on the table below.

Your study plan will outline:

  • Courses you have already completed in BP309 Bachelor of Design (Digital Media)
  • Courses you are currently enrolled in (results pending) in BP309 Bachelor of Design (Digital Media)
  • Courses, if any, that you will need to complete in the amended program structure in order to graduate with the award of BP309 Bachelor of Design (Digital Media).

If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure.

You will not incur any extra costs or be required to complete extra credit points as a result of this change in program structure.

BP309 Transition Map
Year Current Courses Credit
New courses offered from Semester 1, 2017  Credit
1 GRAP2586 Design for Digital Media 1 24 COMM2749 Digital Media Studio 1: Production (new course) 24
1 COSC2178 2D Design 12 COMM2598 Sound Design for Digital Media
(previously in Year 2)
1 COMM2301 Media Cultures 1 12 No change 12
1 GRAP2588 Design for Digital Media 2 24 GRAP2588 Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration (title change) 24
1 COMM2600 Visual Literacy for Digital Media 12 COMM2745 Emerging Digital Cultures (new course) 12
1 COMM2593 Digital Media Technologies 12 COMM2755 Digital Video (new course) 12
2 COSC1012 Content Design Project 12 COMM2747 Digital Media Studio 3: Experimentation (new course) 24
2 COMM2598 Sound Design for Digital Media 12
2 OART1013 Interactive Media 1 12 No change 12
2 COMM2595 Digital Narrative Theory and Practice 12 No change 12
2 COMM2591 Digital Media Studio 24 COMM2591 Digital Media Studio 4: Client Solutions (title change) 24
2 OART1014 Interactive Media 2 12 COMM2753 Digital Media Specialisation 1 (new course) 12
2 University Student Elective 12 COMM2751 Digital Media Specialisation 2
(new course)
3 COMM2589 Digital Media Specialisation Project 24 COMM2589 Digital Media Studio 5: Specialisation Project (title change) 24
3 COMM2587 Digital Media Professional Practice 12 No change 12
3 Select One (1) from: 
COMM2585 Digital Media Major Project
COMM2583 Digital Media Internship
24 No change 24
3 Select Two (2) Program Options from:
COSC2192 Time Based Media
OART1015 Visual Effects
COSC2194 Advanced Web Authoring
GRAP2584 Advanced Interaction Design
GRAP2590 Experimental Design Project
VART2988 3D Animation
VART2990 3D Animation Practice
2 X 12 Complete One (1) School Option 12
University Student Elective 12
3 University Student Elective 12 No change 12

Students who have failed two 12cp courses that have been mapped into a new 24cp course will be required to enrol in the new 24cp course from Semester 1, 2017. 

Students who have failed a course that is no longer running or failed one of the 12cp courses that have been mapped into a 24cp course will be required to enrol in replacement course/s as indicated in the table below.
Academic advice will be provided. 

BP309 Transition Map – Replacement for Failed Courses

Old course no longer offered Credit
Replacement course Credit
GRAP2586 Design for Digital Media 1 24 COMM2749 Digital Media Studio 1: Production (new course) 24
COSC2178 2D Design 12 COMM2598 Sound Design for Digital Media 12
COMM2600 Visual Literacy for Digital Media 12 COMM2745 Emerging Digital Cultures (new course) 12
COMM2593 Digital Media Technologies 12 COMM2755 Digital Video 
(new course)
COSC1012 Content Design Project 12 COMM2753 Digital Media Specialisation 1
(new course)
A School Option course
OART1014 Interactive Media 2 12 COMM2753 Digital Media Specialisation 1
(new course)
Program Options:
COSC2192 Time Based Media
OART1015 Visual Effects
COSC2194 Advanced Web Authoring
GRAP2584 Advanced Interaction Design
GRAP2590 Experimental Design Project
VART2988 3D Animation
VART2990 3D Animation Practice
12 COMM2751 Digital Media Specialisation 2
(new course) 
A School Option course.




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