C5418 - Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management

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Plan: C5418 - Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

You will experience a range of different learning activities in this program, including classroom teaching, laboratory experience, group and project work and field work. A number of these will require you to spend additional time outside the timetabled hours to achieve all of your learning objectives for example doing online research and taking part in field trips and excursions. All of these activities are designed to allow you to reach all of the objectives outlined above. All of the teaching materials used will be available to you on RMIT's online learning system.

In the first year of your program, you will be expected to attend a four day camp, to carry out a small mammal and plant survey at Wonthaggi. 

This is designed to allow you to apply and further develop knowledge and skills that you have gained  as well as meeting a number of new learning objectives.

In second year students will participate in two camps camp exploring aboriginal cultural heritage, primary producers and ecosystem management. 
Assessment for this program will include tests, assignments, group projects, reports and class presentations. All of your courses will be graded according to the RMIT TAFE grading table for competency based assessment with grading

If you have a long term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Equitable Learning Service if you would like to find out more.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on real work contexts or activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate vocational skills and knowledge, and
  • interact with industry and community groups

This course includes the oportunity to be involved in significant field work components where students are learning in a workplace, often working alongside industry professionals from organisations such as Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water, local councils and various Friends’ groups. The sites allow student to undertake Work Integrated Learning activities and in accordance with the RMIT WIL Policy.

The program co-ordinator has timetabled a series of talks by key industry representatives to discuss volunteering opportunities with the conservation & land management industry. All students are strongly advised to participate in as many of these volunteer projects as possible.

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Program Structure

This qualification requires completion of the following:

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C5418 Elective Courses:

Complete all Ten (10) courses

Course Title

Nominal Hours

Course Code


Conduct field research into natural and cultural resources (AHCOCM501) 200 HUSO5239C City Campus
Collect and manage data (AHCWRK506) 120 MATH7097C City Campus
Define the pest problem (AHCPMG413) 100 AERS6989C City Campus
Manage implementation of ecological restoration programs (AHCECR504) 200 ENVI5113C City Campus
Develop a management plan for a designated area (AHCLPW506) 200 ENVI5114C City Campus
Manage fauna populations (AHCFAU501) 150 ENVI5115C City Campus
Develop a coastal rehabilitation strategy (AHCNRM509) 180 ENVI5116C City Campus
Conduct biological surveys (AHCECR502) 200 MATH5356C City Campus
Develop a water quality monitoring program (AHCNRM510) 120 ENVI5117C City Campus
Collect and classify plants (AHCPCM510) 120 BIOL5258C City Campus

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