C5420 - Diploma of Logistics

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Plan: C5420 - Diploma of Logistics
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

Successful completion of this program requires you to demonstrate that you are competent in 15 units of competency as outlined in the program structure (2 core units and 13 elective units).

You will be required to study for approximately 33 hours per week and this includes face-to-face classes, online activities, as well self-directed study such as preparation for classes, research, online collaboration and assessment completion.

Delivery and Learning

The main form of delivery will be in the classroom with some supervised self-directed learning. Learning will ensure that units are contextualised to industry applications wherever possible, and that demonstrations and practical sessions and/or workplace sessions be incorporated wherever appropriate in the delivery strategy. You will experience a variety of approaches to learning and teaching. Classes are interactive and give you many opportunities to discuss ideas and practice new skills. You will participate in learning activities such as: analysis of case studies and scenarios, group discussions and group work. In addition to developing skills and knowledge for a particular job, this program also aims to help you to develop broad work skills, known as foundation skills.

You are expected to undertake self-directed learning in addition to those activities provided in class. This self-directed learning will often be based upon research, and reading of relevant knowledge elements of the course. Where you have the opportunity to do so, you are encouraged to apply skill elements in your actual workplace.

For learning and assessment purposes some units of competency have been grouped into clusters as listed below:

Cluster Name Units
Supply chain and Suppliers

TLIX0014X Manage customer focussed supply chain

TLIR5014 Manage suppliers

Outsourced operations and supply chain

BSBPRC504 Manage a supply chain

TLIX0016X Managed outsourced supply chain operations

Safety and Compliance

TLIF0014 Monitor the safety of transport activities (chain of responsibility)

BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area


Freight transfer and logistics

TLIA5035 Manage international freight transfer

TLIX4028 Apply knowledge of logistics

Transport Management Systems & procedures

TLIL5057 Maintain, monitor and improve transport operations systems

TLIL5020 Develop and maintatin operational procedures for transport and logistics enterprises

Ethical practices and improving sustainability

TLIX0020X Monitor ethical supply chain practices

MSS014015 Improve sustainability through readily implementable change


Assessment tasks are designed to simulate the workplace and require you to demonstrate the practical application of your knowledge.  If you have already developed competency through prior experience, you may apply for Credit Transfer/RPL before the program commences or at any time during the program.  Please refer to https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/enrolment/apply-for-credit


All assessment tools ensure that there are processes in place to authenticate the evidence provided.  These processes include questioning and third party endorsement for RPL applicants, questioning/interviews/self-reflections for group assignments and questioning and the use of Turnitin for e-submissions.  Many units have a component of group work which requires you to work collaboratively in simulated work situations.  Assessment tasks will provide simulated scenarios and tasks which are equivalent to future job roles relevant to the program.


Methods of assessment of individual or clustered competencies will be dependent on individual requirements as stated in the training package. These will generally include:

  •     observations of presentations
  •     use of case studies and scenarios, including fact situations
  •     work simulated projects
  •     various forms of tests
  •     group work
  •     practical demonstrations of skills

You will be provided with an assessment guide at the start of semester that includes instructions for each unit/cluster in the program.

Learner Support

In order to identify any learning support that individual learners may need to successfully complete the program, a customised online Language, Literacy (including digital) and Numeracy (LLN) assessment is conducted for all students prior to commencement of training. The test has been mapped to the Australian Core Skills Framework and is designed to highlight specific areas of assistance that may be required. Individualised learning support plans are then provided to students outlining the kind of support services that are available and how to access these. In addition, where cohorts of students are identified as having core skill gaps, teachers incorporate additional Language, Literacy and/or Numeracy learning activities into the delivery of the program.

If you require assistance with study skills you can access the RMIT Study Support: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-services/study-support

RMIT Study Support offers practical advice on assignment writing and discipline-specific language and learning skills.  It can also assist with specific skills you may need to succeed in this program, including any language, literacy or numeracy problems.

If you have a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition you can access support from the Equitable Learning Services (ELS).  In consultation with you, the ELS determines Reasonable Adjustments (RAs) and Equitable Assessment Arrangements (EAAs). This support provides equal opportunity in their studies in accordance with the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The ELS also provides staff and students with information and assistance in relation to disability related matters.

If you require assistance you can access the Equitable Learning Services (ELS):


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners can gain support and encouragement from the Ngarara William Centre.

Ngarara Willim means ‘gathering place’ in the language of the Wurundjeri, the traditional custodians of the land where RMIT stands.  Staff can assist learners to engage and re-engage with education. They offer ongoing guidance with study, living and cultural needs.

If you require assistance with your study and other matter you can access Ngarara Willim Centre:






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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with workplace experience. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate vocational competency.  You will be required to learn and apply the technical, business and interpersonal skills needed by today's workforce.  


In the Diploma of Logistics, students work with an industry client/s on authentic industry projects and there are also other industry simulated learning experiences. 

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Program Structure

This qualification requires completion of the following:

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C5420 Core Courses

Complete all Two (2) Courses:

Course Title

Nominal Hours

Course Code


Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) (TLIF0014) 40 BUSM8878C City Campus
Develop and maintain operational procedures for transport and logistics enterprises (TLIL5020) 30 OMGT5040C City Campus

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C5420 Elective Course List

Complete all Thirteen (13) Courses:

Course Title

Nominal Hours

Course Code


Ensure a safe workplace for a work area (BSBWHS521) 60 OHTH6002C City Campus
Manage a supply chain (BSBPRC504) 60 BUSM8879C City Campus
Apply knowledge of logistics (TLIX4028) 20 OMGT5038C City Campus
Manage international freight transfer (TLIA5035) 60 OMGT5060C City Campus
Maintain, monitor and improve transport operations systems (TLIL5057) 60 OMGT5042C City Campus
Manage facility and inventory requirements (TLIA5058) 140 OMGT5061C City Campus
Manage suppliers (TLIR5014) 60 BUSM8002C City Campus
Establish blockchain in supply chains (TLIX0011X) 80 OMGT5052C City Campus
Manage customer focussed supply chain (TLIX0014X) 40 OMGT5057C City Campus
Manage outsourced supply chain operations (TLIX0016X) 60 OMGT5058C City Campus
Manage team effectiveness (BSBTWK502) 60 BUSM6526C City Campus
Monitor ethical supply chain practices (TLIX0020X) 60 OMGT5059C City Campus
Improve sustainability through readily implementable change (MSS014015) 50 EMPL9813C City Campus

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