MC159 - Master of Cyber Security

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Plan: MC159P25 - Master of Cyber Security
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

The teaching approach in this program is designed to foster your development as an independent learner so you will be able to extend your capabilities once you graduate. The teaching method includes lectorials, seminars, tutorials, workshops, practicals and laboratory sessions, and provision of online materials. You will be expected to complete all prescribed out-of-class learning activities in preparation of scheduled face-to-face and online classes, and encouraged to extend your learning through additional recommended readings and online activities. Of particular importance is the time spent in practice, laboratory based and work integrated learning and career development activities that will develop your employability skills and capabilities.

While most courses in the program are delivered at the City campus, others are via a combination of predominately online activities supported by some campus-based activities. All courses use Canvas for electronic provision of course material, tutorial problems and/or other relevant documents.

Assessment is designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your capabilities. Various forms of assessment will be used throughout the program since the assessment you undertake will be appropriate to the objectives and student learning outcomes for each course. Assessment may include class tests, quizzes, essays/reports, oral class presentations, group projects, research projects, laboratory projects, practical assignments, and timed assessments. For further information relating to Assessments, please refer to the Assessment and Assessment Flexibility Policy.

Please note that if you have a disability, long-term medical condition and/ or mental health condition ELS can support you to create reasonable adjustments to ensure you can participate in your studies. You can contact the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) unit if you would like to find out more. Information about ELS can be found at:

Inherent Requirements
The following information on inherent requirements outlines the tasks you will be required to undertake during professional placement and on-campus learning activities. The non-academic abilities listed are provided for information only and are not entry requirements.

If there are any activities outlined which may be difficult for you to undertake, there are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate these abilities. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service to discuss any adjustments you may require.

Please read the full list of the MC159P25 Master of Cyber Security inherent requirements at:

By understanding the types of inherent requirement activities you’ll participate in, you can:

  • understand more about the program
  • determine if you may need support during your studies
  • make an informed decision about whether the program is suitable for you

If you are living with a disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies.

To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Service

The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in on-campus learning and professional experience settings.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this program you will:   

  • Undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice   
  • Interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities   
  • Complete these activities in real work contexts or situations.   

Any or all of these aspects of a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) experience may be in a simulated workplace environment.    

In this program you will be doing specific courses that focus on WIL. You will be assessed on professional or vocational work in a workplace setting (real or simulated) and receive feedback from those involved in your industry.    

The WIL designated courses for this program are:  

  • INTE2667 – Secure Software Systems  
  • INTE2669 – Case Studies in Data Protection and Privacy  
  • INTE2671 – Cyber Security Postgraduate Project (24CP)  
  • INTE2681 – Blockchain Case Studies

In these WIL courses, you will interact with organisations (industry, government, and community) through discipline relevant projects and activities. These interactions and the work context provide a distinctive source of feedback to you to assist your learning.   

INTE2671 Cyber Security Postgraduate Project and COSC2179 Minor Thesis/Project, COSC2389 Minor Thesis/Project Part A, COSC2390 Minor Thesis/Project Part B are capstone courses designed to provide you with hands-on practical experience. All your learning activities in these courses are based on applying your Cyber Security knowledge in a process of planning and executing a substantial research-based project or industry-sponsored capstone project experience. The emphasis is on understanding and working within a corporate environment and integrating all the skills and knowledge that you have acquired from your previous courses into a solid base to progress from into your professional life. These courses include a Work Integrated Learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/ or community is integral to your experience.  

Please note: students may be required to undertake additional screening/compliance checks as advised by Government, Industry or RMIT University as the need arises. If applicable, further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed. 

International Students will need to check their Visa requirements and any work regulations/limitations before they can commence any WIL Activity. Further information can be found under the Visa Requirements for International Students section

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following: Note All courses listed may not be available each semester

To graduate from the Master of Cyber Security you must complete the following:  

Note: All Courses listed may not be available each semester 

  • Ten (10) Core Courses 
  • Seventy-Two (72) credit points from one of the following combinations:  
    • Combination 1: Twenty-Four (24) credit points from the Project Combination and Forty-Eight (48) credit points from one of the Cyber Security Option Lists or; 
    • Combination 2: Thirty-Six (36) credit points from the Research Combination and Thirty-Six (36) credit points from one of the Cyber Security Option Lists. 

The Cyber Security Options Courses Lists can be found at the end of the Program Structure. The Courses in each Option need to be completed in the sequence listed.


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Year One of Program

Complete the following Eight (8) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Cyber Security 12 INTE2665 City Campus
Programming Fundamentals 12 COSC2531 City Campus
Data Communication and Net-Centric Computing 12 COSC3113 City Campus
Practical Data Science with Python 12 COSC2670 City Campus
Security in Computing and Information Technology 12 COSC3146 City Campus
Secure Software Systems 12 INTE2667 City Campus
Digital Risk Management and Information Security 12 INTE1002 City Campus
Ethical Hacking and Security Testing 12 INTE2580 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Two (2) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Computing Research and Project Preparation 12 COSC3130 City Campus
Case Studies in Data Protection and Privacy 12 INTE2669 City Campus

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Project Combination:

Complete the following One (1) Course:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Cyber Security Postgraduate Project 24 INTE2671 City Campus
Select and Complete Forty-eight (48) credit points from your chosen Cyber Security Options listed at the end of this program structure:

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Research Combination:

Select and Complete Thirty-six (36) credit points from the following Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Minor Thesis/Project 36 COSC2179 City Campus
Minor Thesis/Project Part A 24 COSC2389 City Campus
Minor Thesis/Project Part B 12 COSC2390 City Campus
Select and Complete Thirty-six (36) credit points from your chosen Cyber Security Options listed at the end of this program structure:

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Cyber Security Options:

List of Cyber Security Options:

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Threat Analysis Option:

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Cyber Attack Analysis and Incident Response 12 INTE2673 City Campus
Computer and Internet Forensics 12 COSC3135 City Campus
Cloud Security 12 INTE2691 City Campus
Human-Centered Security 12 INTE2675 City Campus

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Cryptanalysis Option:

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Discrete Mathematics 12 MATH2415 City Campus
Cryptography for Cyber Security 12 INTE2655 City Campus
Coding for Cyber Communication 12 INTE2656 City Campus
Frontiers of Applied Cryptography 12 INTE1127 City Campus

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Security Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance Option:

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Fundamentals of Cyber Security 12 ISYS3442 City Campus
Governance and Change in Digital Business 12 INTE2412 City Campus
Cyber Security Governance Risk and Compliance Management 12 ISYS3439 City Campus
Cyber Security Resilience and Incident Management 12 ISYS3440 City Campus

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Blockchain Option:

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Blockchain Fundamentals 12 INTE2677 City Campus
Blockchain Applications 12 INTE2679 City Campus
Blockchain Case Studies 12 INTE2681 City Campus
Blockchain/Web3 Platforms and Strategies 12 INTE2572 City Campus

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