MC220 - Master of Teaching Practice (Secondary Education)

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Plan: MC220P19 - Master of Teaching Practice (Secondary Education)
Campus: City Campus

Learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes Statement

The program has been designed to prepare you to work with young people in schools and other educational settings. The program learning outcomes have been aligned with recognized Australian standards for preparing pre- service teachers to obtain national professional registration.

As a graduate of this program you will be able to:

  • Critically analyse and apply educational research to your professional practice, demonstrating inclusive, learner-focused, evidence-based teaching.
  • Consolidate and synthesise expert content and pedagogical knowledge and judgement to develop highly effective and innovative teaching skills in an area of specialisation.
  • Demonstrate a capacity for critically reflective practice including social, environmental and cultural professional awareness in both local and global contexts.
  • Communicate and engage professionally and ethically with students, colleagues, parents, carers and education stakeholders from diverse backgrounds.
  • Show commitment to ongoing professional learning, particularly in relation to meeting the Australian Graduate Standards for Teachers.
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