MC288 - Master of Commerce

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Plan: MC288 - Master of Commerce
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Throughout this program, you will experience a variety of teaching and learning approaches. The major styles of teaching, learning and assessment reflect RMITs Active, Authentic and Applied signature pedagogy. You will experience the following throughout your program:

Classroom teaching: The program may include class presentations, group discussions, student-led discussions etc. This style of learning is designed to maximise your understanding of the curriculum content and develop appropriate skills. It is designed to provide an environment where you can ask questions and seek feedback as well as contribute to class discussion and apply theory to practice. 

Flexible delivery: The program will incorporate use of online resources. These may include learning resources such as recordings and podcasts, industry-related resources  and assessment and feedback tools such as discussion boards. 

Problem-Based Learning: The program will incorporate problem-based learning, where it will engage in analytical thinking, research and provision of solutions. 

Cooperative learning: The program enables you to work in collaborative or team-based tasks. 

Assignments and projects: Assessment tasks in the program may be either research or problem based and may be undertaken in teams or individually. They will provide you with experience at undertaking research and writing effectively to present your findings and recommendations to a range of audiences.

E-portfolio: The industry e-portfolio captures your journey throughout the program, where your class activities and assessment tasks will provide you with a series of artefacts to help you compile and curate a compelling professional identity.


Depending on courses selected, student progress is assessed by a combination of group and individual assignments. The assessment you must complete is designed to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate the extent to which you have developed your capabilities and achieved specific learning outcomes in each area. Methods of assessment will also vary with the learning outcomes and core capabilities of the relevant course but may include case studies, research projects and reports. 

Inherent Requirements 
The following information on inherent requirements outlines the tasks you will be required to undertake during professional placement and on-campus learning activities. The non-academic abilities listed are provided for information only and are not entry requirements. 

If there are any activities outlined which may be difficult for you to undertake, there are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate these abilities. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service ( to discuss any adjustments you may require. 

The following information outlines examples of the fundamental tasks you will be required to carry out during on-campus and industry placement activities.These examples are provided for your information only and are not entry requirements.


  • Understand and respond to verbal communication.
  • Verbally communicate clear instructions and explanations.
  • Understand and use appropriate non-verbal communication such as: eye contact, gestures, facial expression, speaking volume, tone of voice, proximity and verbal turn-taking. 

Reading, writing and number skills

  • Read and understand a range of written material in differing forms from a variety of sources such as: on screen material, reference material and /or handwritten notes.
  • Produce coherent written communication appropriate to on-campus and industry placement settings.
  • Interpret and correctly apply numerical data, measurements and formulae in a time-efficient manner in on-campus learning and industry placement settings.

Concentration, memory and problem solving skills

  • Correctly use and apply knowledge of theory, research, and practice gained from on-campus learning activities to tasks in industry placement settings.

Mental wellness and behavioural stability

  • Engage with peers and teaching staff, to reflect on your work and respond appropriately to constructive feedback.
  • Manage multiple demands with engagement, focus and composure.
  • Undertake assessments where your performance may be recorded either in audio or video format in an enclosed sound proof booth room or a small classroom with specialised equipment.
  • Manage content with objectivity and accuracy.

There are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate to undertake these tasks. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service to discuss any adjustments you may require. 

Please be advised that the Master of Commerce includes an optional professional placement as part of your program. If you decide to complete a professional placement as part of your program, you will be required to source, apply and provide for approval your own placement (paid or unpaid). More information on how to enrol into a professional placement course is available via the course guides. If you require adjustments in order to complete a professional placement, it is recommended you meet with Equitable Learning Service to discuss the professional placement.
By understanding the types of inherent requirement activities you’ll participate in, you can: 

  • understand more about the program 
  • determine if you may need support during your studies 
  • make an informed decision about whether the program is suitable for you 

If you are living with a disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies. 
To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Service (
The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in on-campus learning and professional experience settings. 

Academic integrity 

The originality verification software Turnitin (see may be used on assessments in your program. 

You must complete the RMIT Assessment coversheet with your assessment submissions. 

Specifically, support resources for yourself as a student to ensure that your submitted assessment accurately represents your work are provided at:

For more information on assessment, refer to the RMIT Assessment and Assessment Flexibility policy

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Work integrated learning

As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will be provided with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. The designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) courses in this program are BUSM4448 Business Research Design and OMGT2386 Global Multidisciplinary Business Project. 

These courses will provide you with opportunities to apply your academic skills to a work-based context. 

You will: 

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice; and 

  • be involved in authentic engagement with partner organisations that includes industry feedback. 

These learning opportunities may be in the form of industry-based projects, simulations or placements. 

An optional professional placement is available in your program via the Professional Placement Optional Course List. If you decide to complete a professional placement as part of your program, you will be required to source, apply and provide for approval your own placement (paid or unpaid). More information on how to enrol into a professional placement course is available in the course guides and the College of Business and Law Work Integrated Learning page.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.

You must complete a total of sixteen courses (192 credit points) as follows:

Four (4) core courses (48 credit points); and
One (1) capstone course (12 credit points); and
Three (3) courses (36 credit points) from any major/minor, professional placement optional course list or University Postgrad Elective; and
Eight (8) courses (96 credit points) from one of the below options:

Option 1: One (1) major; or
Option 2: Two (2) minors; or
Option 3: One (1) minor and any four (4) courses from the majors/minors.

University Postgrad Electives:

University Postgrad Electives can be found on the RMIT Electives site and may include study tours, and research courses.
A maximum of 36 credit points can be taken as University Postgrad Electives.

Program and course advice:

The capstone course should be taken in the final semester of your program.
If you use a course toward the completion of a major or minor, you cannot use that same course again to count toward another major or minor.
The courses in each major and minor need to be completed in the sequence listed. Please ensure you check course requisites prior to enrolling.
Most courses are 12 credit points each, but please note some courses are 24 or more credit points.


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Year One of Program

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Information Systems for Business Value 12 ISYS3465 City Campus
Future of Work 12 BUSM2664 City Campus
Social Impact and Responsible Business 12 BUSM2669 City Campus
Business Research Design 12 BUSM4448 City Campus
Option 1: Complete 48 credit points from One (1) Major at the end of the program structure.
Option 2: Complete 48 credit points from One (1) Minor at the end of the program structure.
Option 3: Complete 48 credit points from a Minor at the end of the program structure.

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Year Two of Program

Complete 12 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Global Multidisciplinary Business Project 12 OMGT2386 City Campus
Complete 36 credit points from any:
University Postgrad Elective
Complete 36 credit points from the listed Majors, Minors and/or professional placement optional course list at the end of this program structure.
Option 1: Complete the remaining 48 credit points from your chosen Major at the end of the program structure.
Option 2: Complete 48 credit points from a second Minor at the end of the program structure.
Option 3: Complete 48 credit points from a Major or Minor at the end of the program structure.

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Major: Business Analytics

Complete 96 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Modern Business Intelligence 12 INTE2689 City Campus
Database Design and Development 12 ISYS2038 City Campus
Intelligent Enterprise Systems 12 ISYS2396 City Campus
Business Analytics 12 ISYS3374 City Campus
Digital Strategy 12 INTE1030 City Campus
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Business Transformation 12 ISYS3467 City Campus
Data-Driven Decision Making: Machine Learning for Business Professionals 12 ISYS3466 City Campus
Visualising and Communicating Insights in Business 12 ISYS3438 City Campus

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Major: Digital Economy

Complete 96 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 12 ECON1314 City Campus
Cryptofinance 12 BAFI3255 City Campus
Blockchain/Web3 Platforms and Strategies 12 INTE2572 City Campus
The Digital Economy 12 ECON1616 City Campus
Regulation and Governance in the Digital Economy 12 ECON1562 City Campus
Blockchain Solutions and Smart Contracts 12 ISYS3427 City Campus
Digital Economy Futures 12 ECON1617 City Campus
Digital Economy in Practice 12 ECON1564 City Campus

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Major: International Business

Complete 96 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Global Business Environment 12 BUSM2665 City Campus
Managing Cross-border e-Commerce in the Digital Era 12 BUSM2667 City Campus
Managing Multinational Enterprises 12 BUSM2668 City Campus
Managing Across Cultures 12 BUSM3127 City Campus
Global Entrepreneurship 12 BUSM2666 City Campus
International Logistics 12 OMGT2088 City Campus
International Strategy and Innovation 12 BUSM4357 City Campus
Sustainable International Business Futures 12 BUSM4388 City Campus

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Minor: Accounting for Commerce

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Accounting for Management Decisions 12 ACCT2127 City Campus
Accounting for Sustainable Management 12 ACCT2229 City Campus
Emerging Issues in Accounting Technology 12 ACCT2329 City Campus
Corporate Financial Management 12 BAFI3257 City Campus

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Minor: Business Analytics

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Business Analytics 12 ISYS3374 City Campus
Database Design and Development 12 ISYS2038 City Campus
Intelligent Enterprise Systems 12 ISYS2396 City Campus
Modern Business Intelligence 12 INTE2689 City Campus

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Minor: Business Finance

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Financial Statement Analysis 12 BAFI1070 City Campus
Managerial Finance 12 BAFI3258 City Campus
Quantitative Financial Methods and Modelling 12 BAFI3288 City Campus
Global Financial Markets and Institutions 12 BAFI3261 City Campus

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Minor: Business & Technology

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Business Project Management 12 BUSM4610 City Campus
Business Analytics 12 ISYS3374 City Campus
Digital Risk Management and Information Security 12 INTE1002 City Campus
Business Systems Analysis and Design 12 ISYS2395 City Campus

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Minor: Digital Economy

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 12 ECON1314 City Campus
Cryptofinance 12 BAFI3255 City Campus
Blockchain/Web3 Platforms and Strategies 12 INTE2572 City Campus
The Digital Economy 12 ECON1616 City Campus

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Minor: Contemporary Supply Chain & Logistics

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Supply Chain Principles 12 OMGT1021 City Campus
Supply Chain Sustainability 12 OMGT2190 City Campus
e Business Supply Chains 12 OMGT1236 City Campus
International Logistics 12 OMGT2088 City Campus

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Minor: Financial Planning

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Financial Planning Regulatory Obligations 12 BAFI3244 City Campus
Professional Ethics 12 BAFI3242 City Campus
Behavioural Financial Advice 12 BAFI3245 City Campus
Business and Corporations Law 12 LAW2480 City Campus

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Minor: Managing People in Organisations

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Contemporary Issues in Strategic Human Resource Management 12 BUSM4495 City Campus
Key Concepts in Human Resource Management 12 BUSM4499 City Campus
Global Human Resource Management 12 BUSM4497 City Campus
Issues in Diversity 12 BUSM4500 City Campus

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Minor: Marketing

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Marketing Management 12 MKTG1100 City Campus
Consumer Behaviour 12 MKTG1101 City Campus
Marketing Communication Strategy 12 MKTG1103 City Campus
Marketing Research 12 MKTG1104 City Campus

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Minor: International Business

Complete 48 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Global Business Environment 12 BUSM2665 City Campus
Managing Cross-border e-Commerce in the Digital Era 12 BUSM2667 City Campus
Managing Multinational Enterprises 12 BUSM2668 City Campus
Sustainable International Business Futures 12 BUSM4388 City Campus

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Professional Placement Optional Course List

Complete 38 credit points from the following. Please note, these courses do not count towards a major or minor.

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Postgraduate Business Internship 12 BUSM4483 City Campus
Postgraduate Business Internship (24cp) 24 BUSM4609 City Campus

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Program transition plan

Changes from Semester 1 2025: 


Major and Minor: Business Analytics

Please note that the Business Analytics major and Business Analytics minor is replacing INTE1040 Business intelligence with the new course, INTE2689 Modern Business Intelligence.

If you have completed the Business Analytics major or minor in the Master of Commerce prior to Semester 1, 2025, the affected major will be recognised on your testamur. If you complete this program from Semester 1 2025 onwards, the affected major will be recognised on your testamur.

The following course has been removed:

INTE1040 Business Intelligence

The following course has been added:

INTE2689 Modern Business Intelligence

Major: Blockchain in Business

Please note that the Blockchain in Business major and Blockchain in Business minor title have been renamed to Digital Economy. 

If you have completed this program prior to Semester 1, 2025, the affected major will be recognised on your testamur as Blockchain in Business. If you complete this program from Semester 1 2025 onwards, the affected major will be recognised on your testamur as Digital Economy.

The following Three (3) courses have been removed:

ECON1565 Blockchain and the Cryptoeconomy

ECON1563 Blockchain for Trade

ACCT2329 Emerging Issues in Accounting Technology

The following Three (3) courses have been added:

ECON1314 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis

ECON1616 The Digital Economy

ECON1617 Digital Economy Futures

Course title amendments

INTE2572 Blockchain Strategy has been renamed to INTE2572 Blockchain/Web3 Platforms and Strategies

ECON1562 Regulation and Governance in the  Crypto-Economy has been renamed to ECON1562 Regulation and Governance in the Digital Economy

ECON1564 Innovation Project in Cyptobusiness has been renamed to ECON1564 Digital Economy in Practice

Transition plan:

If you have completed ECON1565 Blockchain and the Cryptoeconomy, ECON1563 Blockchain for Trade and ACCT2329 Emerging Issues in Accounting Technology prior to Semester 1 2025 they will be recognised as part of the major.

If you have completed ECON1565 Blockchain and the Cryptoeconomy, you are not required to complete ECON1616 The Digital Economy, which is a replacement course. 

If you have completed ECON1563 Blockchain for Trade, you are not required to complete ECON1617 Digital Economy Futures, which is a replacement course. 

If you have completed ACCT2329 Emerging Issues in Accounting Technology, you are not required to complete ECON1314 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis, which is a replacement course. 

Minor: Blockchain in Business

Please note that the Blockchain in Business minor title has been renamed to Digital Economy. 

The following Two (2) courses have been removed:

ECON1565 Blockchain and the Cryptoeconomy

ECON1562 Regulation and Governance in the Crypto-Economy

The following Two (2) courses have been added:

ECON1314 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis

ECON1611 The Digital Economy

Course title amendment

INTE2572 Blockchain Strategy has been renamed to INTE2572 Blockchain/Web3 Platforms and Strategies

Transition plan:
If you have completed ECON1565 Blockchain and the Cryptoeconomy and ECON1562 Regulation and Governance in the Crypto-Economy prior to Semester 1 2025 they will be recognised as part of your minor.

If you have completed ECON1565 Blockchain and the Cryptoeconomy, you are not required to complete ECON1616 The Digital Economy, which is a replacement course. 

If you have completed  ECON1562 Regulation and Governance in the Crypto-Economy, you are not required to complete INTE2572 Blockchain/Web3 Platforms and Strategies, which is a replacement course. 

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[Previous: Learning outcomes]