Course Title: Write non-fiction

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2016

Course Code: COMM7306

Course Title: Write non-fiction

School: 345T Media and Communication

Campus: City Campus

Program: C5314 - Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing

Course Contact : Program Administration

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925-4815

Course Contact

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Michelle Deans

Kaye Blum


Nominal Hours: 50

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This course is designed to develop the skills and knowledge required to write non-fiction copy for different audiences in a range of contexts, including popular media. You will learn about the process of copywriting from generating concepts through to planning and refining your writing. 

This is the designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) course for C5314 Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing. This course includes a WIL experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/or community is integral to your experience.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

VU20276 Write non-fiction


1. Develop a concept suitable for a work of non-fiction

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Concept is explored with regard to purpose, desired outcome and understanding of the market
1.2 Possible constraints are identified and examined to determine feasibility of concept
1.3 Audience is determined and potential markets are researched
1.4 Discussion of concept is inititated with industry colleagues and specialists in the field, and feedback is sought 
1.5 Proposal for development of non-ficiont work is developed


2. Clarify project requirements

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Research requirements for the work of non-fiction are identified
2.2 Developmental stages for the work are formulated
2.3 A timeline for the completion of the work is agreed with commissioning agents or editors if applicable
2.4 Social, ethical and environmental impacts of the approaches/concepts are considered
2.5 Potential copyright issues are considered and explored
2.5 Resource requirements to complete project are identified


3. Plan writing

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Format of work is decided on after research and experimentation and in consultation with relevant personnel
3.1 Structure of work is determined
3.2 Outline of the work is developed
3.3 Style and tone appropriate to the audience are considered


4. Develop draft

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Non-fiction narrative is developed with consideration given to the nature and format of the project
4.2 Concept is re-evaluated and refined as necessary 
4.3 Draft is reviewed and evaluated against purpose and desired outcome
4.4 Additional requirements or modifications are made in consultation with relevant personnel
4.5 Amendments are made to writings are required
4.6 Draft is checked using appropriate editing techniques

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to develop works of non-fiction in different formats from concept to written draft.

Details of Learning Activities

In this course you learn through the following:

1. In-class activities:
• lectorials
• exercises and activities
• group discussion
• writing workshops
• industry speakers
2. Out-of-class activities:
• independent study 
• online and other research
• independent tasks writing to a brief

Teaching Schedule

 Week       Class Content                                                                                                 Assessment    Due                                   

The who-what-where of copywriting
Introduction to course and assessment tasks
What is copywriting?
Current trends in copywriting


Audience and the art of persuasion
Understanding your audience
Identifying features and benefits
Finding the USP (unique selling point/proposition)


Structuring copy and writing headlines
Models of structuring copy: the 4 Ps, AIDA
How to write a great headline


The language of copywriting
Choosing words that appeal
Getting the tone right




Writing advertising
Writing ads for press, radio, TV, internet
Low-budget advertising

Assessment 1 Structured copywriting exercise due


Flyers, postcards and brochures
Print copy formats in PR and advertising
Structuring and writing a brochure
**No class for Monday class, due to Labour Day holiday: homework activities instead**


Direct mail letters and email marketing
Techniques to draw readers to action


Mid-semester break
Friday 25 March to Friday 1 April inclusive

 8 Newsletters
The role of newsletters in internal and external communications
Interviewing for and writing profiles
The inverted pyramid and the news story
Assessment 2 Swipe file due

Writing short copy
Identifying your own personal brand (USP)
Writings bios, taglines and mission statements



Polishing your folio
Copywriting checklists
Workshopping your writing


Next steps
Getting experience/setting up your own business
Guest speaker
**No class Monday 25 April due to Anzac Day. Monday’s Week 11 class will be shifted to Week 12.**

Assessment 3 Folio due

Monday class: Next steps and guest speaker
Tuesday class: Assessment week– no class


Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts

Any prescribed reading material is provided in class


You are advised to look at the course Blackboard site for ongoing updated information.

Other Resources

You require access to a computer and the internet for this course. Other materials will be provided in class. 

Overview of Assessment

Assessment is on-going throughout the course. Assessment will incorporate a range of methods to assess performance and the application of knowledge and skills and will include:

  • analysis of media format and context
  • presentation of concepts and draft copy
  • examples of final concepts and copy

Assessment Tasks

To demonstrate competency in this course you will need to complete all of  the following pieces of assessment to a satisfactory standard. You will receive written feedback on all assessment (refer to Blackboard for assessment criteria).
Assessment 1 – Structured copywriting excerise (Due Week 5, 7/8 March)
Through a series of class-based activities, you will explore the fundamentals of writing persuasive copy to a brief for a specific audience and action.

Assessment 2 –  Resource bank (Due Week 8, 4/5 April)
Collect a minimum of 10 pieces of diverse copy for a resource bank, or swipe file. Explain how they may be useful to you in your practice.

Assessment 3 – Copywriting folio (Due Week 11, 26 April)
Submit a folio of at least 3 drafted pieces of diverse copy.

Once you have demonstrated competency, your final assessment will be graded (refer to Blackboard for grading rubric).

Assessment Matrix

The assessment matrix demonstrates alignment of assessment tasks with the relevant Unit of Competency. These are available through the course contact in Program administration.

Other Information

<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Other Information <o:p></o:p></font></font><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>

<font face="Cambria" size="3">Please refer to the RMIT student page for extensive information about study support, assessment, extensions, appeals and a range of other matters: </font><font face="Cambria" size="3" color="#0000ff"></font><o:p></o:p>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Cover Sheet for Submissions: <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">You must complete and sign a submission cover sheet for every piece of submitted work, including online submissions. <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Attendance:<o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Your learning experience will involve class-based teaching, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">It is strongly advised that you attend all timetabled sessions. This will allow you to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring you the maximum opportunity to complete this course successfully.<o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Assessment Feedback:  <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">You will receive spoken and written feedback on all your work.  Where relevant, this feedback will also include suggestions on how you can proceed to the next stage of developing your projects.<o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Student Progress: <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Monitoring academic progress is an important enabling and proactive strategy designed to assist you in achieving your learning potential. <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Adjustments to Assessment <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">If you are unable to complete any piece of assessment satisfactorily by the due date, you can choose to apply for an adjustment to your assessment. RMIT University offers a range of adjustments designed to support you in your studies, including an extension of time to complete the assessment.<o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.<o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification).<o:p></o:p></font></font>

<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>

<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences. <o:p></o:p></font></font><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><o:p>

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<font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) RCC applies only if you have previously successfully demonstrated competence in a unit of competency, and now require to be reassessed to ensure that the competence is being maintained. <o:p></o:p></font></font>

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<o:p></o:p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><o:p></o:p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><font face="Cambria"><font size="3">Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss applying for Credit Transfer, RPL, or RCC for the unit(s) of competency addressed in this course.<o:p></o:p></font></font>

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Course Overview: Access Course Overview