Course Title: Fine Art Project 2

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Fine Art Project 2

Credit Points: 12

Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


340H Art


Sem 1 2006,
Sem 1 2007,
Sem 2 2007,
Sem 1 2008,
Sem 2 2008

Course Coordinator: Associate Professor Kevin White

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 2517

Course Coordinator

Course Coordinator Location: Bld 2.B.9

Course Coordinator Availability: Via Appoinment

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

For year two & three students only

Course Description

In Fine Art Project courses students are given the opportunity to extend upon aspects of previous studio courses. Students negotiate a workload with their lecturer focused around achieving specific material and conceptual objectives within one of the Fine Art discipline areas. A student’s course of study is structured around developmental supervision on a one to one basis with their lecturer as well as undergoing constructive and critical analysis in a forum context with other staff and students. Whilst students are able to develop material skills, reflexive and research facilities in specialised aspects of a their practice, Fine Art Project also facilitates students’ transition to self-supervised art practice and/or post graduate research.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

During their course of study in Fine Art Project students will develop the ability to:
• Developed specialist skills in a chosen studio area.
• Plan and Develop projects relevant to their area of interest.
• Identify and develop meaningful conceptual frameworks and cultural reference points for their studio practice.
• Analyse the development of their project(s) to refine strategies and techniques.
• Apply the outcomes of their research to develop expansive and critical studio methodologies.

Overview of Learning Activities

In consultation with their supervising lecturer students formulate a project proposal within the first 3 weeks of semester. From this proposal key technical and conceptual milestones are identified and placed within a timeline for the project’s successful completion and a plan is developed to facilitate these objectives. Students are instructed in skills as dictated by the parameters of the Project, directed to appropriate resources and encouraged to undertake independent research in the area suggested by the focus of their project. All aspects of the Project are reviewed and may be refined over the course of the semester.

Overview of Learning Resources

Requirements will vary depending on the specific nature of the project undertaken and students will be directed to appropriate resources by their supervising lecturer .

Overview of Assessment

Students will be expected to submit a completed project at the end of semester and give a detailed account of their methodology and it’s conceptual and thematic underpinning. The project is reviewed throughout the course of the semester; taking in all phases of the projects proposal, development, execution, and completion. Assessment weighting given to the various aspects and phases of a project will vary and students will be infomed of such by their supervising lecturer .