BH068 - Bachelor of Engineering (Adv Manufacturing and Mechatronics) (Honours)

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Plan: BH068 - Bachelor of Engineering (Adv Manufacturing and Mechatronics) (Honours)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Classes are taught in a combination of lecture, seminar, tutorial, workshop, practical and laboratory sessions and site visits. Several courses in the program are delivered online, rather than on-campus, and you are likely to find that other courses transition to online delivery as you progress through the program. As an engaged student, you are expected to be responsible for the completion of all out of class learning activities which may require extra reading of both library and online materials.

Assessment is ongoing throughout the semester and may include class tests, essays, reports, oral presentations, group projects, research projects, laboratory projects, practical assignments (for example design and build) and end of semester examinations. Components of the assessment for each course may be found in the respective Course Guide.

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for credit.

Please note that if you have a disability, long-term medical condition and/ or mental health condition ELS can support you to create reasonable adjustments to ensure you can participate in your studies. You can contact the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) unit if you would like to find out more. Information about ELS can be found at:

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Work integrated learning

RMIT is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with workplace experience.  Work Integrated Learning will be undertaken in many courses in your program. As a student enrolled in this RMIT program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and  demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities and receive feedback through assessment tasks; and
  • complete these activities in real or simulated work contexts or situations.

The following two 12 CP core course include WIL activities where 50% or more of the assessment involves assessors from a WIL partner organisation:

  • OENG1166 Introduction to Professional Engineering Practice where you will participate in an "Engineers Without Borders (EWB)" project which is focussed on sustainable development as identified by EWB and community organisations. 
  • OENG1168 Engineering Capstone Project Part B where you will work under the guidance of a professional engineer who may be from industry or be an academic or research staff member. You will apply your technical knowledge, research, design and professional engineering skills to either discipline specific, or cross disciplinary engineering problems, through robust research and established engineering design processes. 

In addition to these courses you are strongly recommended to undertake at least 10 weeks of engineering work experience supervised by a professional engineer. If your work experience meets the requirements it may be assessed concurrently with your work experience as part of University Elective courses such as 

  • OENG1165 Professional Engineering Experience

You can enrol in OENG1165 while you are undertaking engineering work experience at any time during your program as a University elective course or you can enrol in it as a technical option course in your final years.

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Program Structure

For students who commence their study in this program from 1 January 2016 onwards, please note that some courses listed in this structure will have their course marks count toward your program's weighted average mark. Your weighted average mark will determine the honours level of your award once you have completed the program. If a course counts toward your weighted average mark, that fact will be stated in its course guide. In Enrolment Online, after you completed your course enrolment, you will be notified which of the enrolled courses will count toward the weighted average mark.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Eight (8) courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Professional Engineering Practice 12 OENG1166 City Campus
Digital Fundamentals 12 OENG1206 City Campus
Engineering Science 12 OENG1208 City Campus
Creative Engineering CAD 12 OENG1204 City Campus
Engineering Mathematics 12 MATH2393 City Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics: What We Make and How We Make It 12 MANU2488 City Campus
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering 12 EEET2249 City Campus
Introduction to Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 12 MIET2514 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Seven (7) courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Engineering Dynamics 12 MIET2134 City Campus
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers 12 MATH2414 City Campus
Mechanics and Materials 2 12 MIET2115 City Campus
Electronics 12 EEET2255 City Campus
Mechanical Design 1 12 MIET2136 City Campus
Introduction to Embedded Systems 12 EEET2256 City Campus
Engineering Computing 1 12 EEET2246 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) course from any:
University Elective

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Year Three of Program

Complete the following Seven (7) courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Materials Engineering 12 MANU1169 Bundoora Campus
Advanced Manufacturing Processes 12 MANU1170 Bundoora Campus
Design for Assembly and Automation 12 MANU1175 Bundoora Campus
MANU2167 City Campus
Automatic Control Systems 12 MANU1174 Bundoora Campus
Research Methods for Engineers 12 EEET2449 City Campus
EEET2572 Bundoora Campus
EEET2606 Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
Engineering and Enterprise 12 MIET2116 Bundoora Campus
MIET2534 City Campus
Mechatronic Design 12 MIET2362 Bundoora Campus
Select and complete One (1) of the following courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Aeronautics Innovation Laboratory 12 AERO2464 Bundoora Campus
Biomaterials 12 MIET2460 City Campus
MIET2498 Bundoora Campus
Humanitarian Experiential Learning Project 12 OENG1164 City Campus
Manufacturing Systems Modelling 12 MANU1420 Bundoora Campus
MANU2550 City Campus
Automated System Design 12 MANU2230 Bundoora Campus
MANU2548 City Campus
Advanced Robotics 12 MANU1417 Bundoora Campus
Computer Integrated Manufacturing 12 MANU1418 Bundoora Campus
MANU2551 City Campus
Quality Management 12 MANU1419 Bundoora Campus
Advanced Materials 12 MIET1200 Bundoora Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Design 12 MANU2455 City Campus
MANU2549 Bundoora Campus
Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering 12 MANU2234 City Campus
MANU2459 Bundoora Campus
MicroNanoSystems, MEMS, and NEMS 12 EEET2379 City Campus
Composite Materials and Structures 12 AERO2289 Bundoora Campus
Professional Engineering Experience 12 OENG1165 City Campus

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Year Four of Program

Complete the following Four (4) courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Engineering Capstone Project Part A 12 OENG1167 City Campus
OENG1180 Bundoora Campus
OENG1224 Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
Engineering Capstone Project Part B 12 OENG1168 City Campus
OENG1179 Bundoora Campus
OENG1231 Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
Advanced Manufacturing and Design 12 MANU2455 City Campus
MANU2549 Bundoora Campus
Autonomous Systems 12 MANU2206 Bundoora Campus
Select and Complete Three (3) of the following courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


MicroNanoSystems, MEMS, and NEMS 12 EEET2379 City Campus
Composite Materials and Structures 12 AERO2289 Bundoora Campus
Professional Engineering Experience 12 OENG1165 City Campus
Humanitarian Experiential Learning Project 12 OENG1164 City Campus
Manufacturing Systems Modelling 12 MANU1420 Bundoora Campus
MANU2550 City Campus
Biomaterials 12 MIET2460 City Campus
MIET2498 Bundoora Campus
Automated System Design 12 MANU2230 Bundoora Campus
MANU2548 City Campus
Advanced Robotics 12 MANU1417 Bundoora Campus
Computer Integrated Manufacturing 12 MANU1418 Bundoora Campus
MANU2551 City Campus
Quality Management 12 MANU1419 Bundoora Campus
Advanced Materials 12 MIET1200 Bundoora Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Design 12 MANU2455 City Campus
MANU2549 Bundoora Campus
Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering 12 MANU2234 City Campus
MANU2459 Bundoora Campus
Select and Complete One (1) course from any:
University Elective

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Program transition plan

Very Important: This plan is being phased out.
BH068 - Bachelor of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics) (Honours) plan has been discontinued and will no longer accept new students after Semester 2 2022. The plan will be taught out to current students until semester 2, 2027. If you are unable to complete your program by the end of 2027, you may consider applying to other programs within RMIT subject to entrance requirements. You may also consider applying to the new plan:

BH068P23 Bachelor of Engineering (Adv Manufacturing and Mechatronics) (Honours)
For more information and advice on your enrolment, please contact your program manager, Alex Kootsookos or Ben Cheng ( or

Transition Plan 2021

The following tables shows courses that will be replaced from Semester 1 2021, for program transition purposes only and not necessarily course equivalencies. If you have successfully completed any of the old courses before the commencement of Semester 1 2021 they will continue to count as courses and contribute towards the successful completion of your program.

Year Prior to 2021 CP Year  Replacement course CP
1 CIVE1265 Introduction to Civil and Infrastructure Engineeering 12 1 MIET2514 Introduction to Mechanical and Automative Engineering 12
2 MATH2185 Mathematics and Statistics for Manufacturing Engineers  12 2 MATH2414 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers 12
2 MIET2420 Mechanical Design 1  24 2

MIET2136 Mechanical Design 1 

EEET2256 Introduction to Embedded Systems

2 x  12
3 MANU2206 Autonomous Systems (Moved from year 3 core to year 4 core) 12 3 MIET2116 Engineering and Enterprise (Moved from year 4 to year 3 core) 12
4 MIET2116 Engineering and Enterprise (Moved from year 3 to year 4 core) 12 4 MANU2206 Autonomous Systems (Moved from year 3 core to year 4 core) 12
4 Technical Option Course 12 4 MANU2455 Advanced Manufacturing and Design (Moved from Technical Option to core) 12

Students who require enrolment advice should contact their program manager.
Transition Plan 2020

The following table shows courses that will be replaced/ amended from Semester 1 2020 as part of a program transition. If you have successfully completed any of the old courses before the commencement of Semester 1 2020 it will continue to count as a core course in your program and contribute towards the successful completion of your program.


Old courses

Credit Points


Replacement / amended courses

Credit Points


EEET2246 Engineering Computing 1

MATH2117 Engineering Mathematics C

MIET2419 Mechanics and Materials 1

MATH2118 Further Engineering Mathematics C

MIET2093 Computer Aided Design

MANU2205 Introduction to Mechatronics

MANU2095 Manufacturing Systems

12 CP each


OENG1206 Digital Fundamentals

OENG1208 Engineering Science

OENG1204 Creative Engineering CAD

MATH2393 Engineering Mathematics

MANU2488 Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics: What We Make and How We Make It

EEET2249 Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

CIVE1265 Introduction to Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

12 CP each

Students who have not successfully completed 96CP or more before start of semester 1 2020 are required to contact the Program Manager for enrolment advice.

Transition Plan 2018

The following table shows courses that will be replaced/ amended from Semester 1 2018 as part of a program transition. If you have successfully completed any of the old courses before the commencement of Semester 1 2018 it will continue to count as a core course in your program and contribute towards the successful completion of your program.


Old course

Credit Points


Replacement / amended course/s

Credit Points


AERO2248 Engineering, Society & Sustainability



OENG1166 Introduction to Professional Engineering Practice



MANU1421 Management of Manufacturing Planning & Research



EEET2449 Research Methods for Engineers



Third Year University Elective^



Third Year Technical Option course



OENG1074 Professional Research Project 1*



OENG1167 Engineering Capstone Project Part A and core course MIET2116 Engineering and Enterprise



OENG1075 Professional Research Project 2



OENG1168 Engineering Capstone Project Part B and one 12 credit point fourth year option course from your Program structure



^Students who have successfully completed the first three years (288 CP) of their Program including two University Electives before Semester 1 2018 will continue to have the two University Electives contribute to their Program credit point total.

*Students who have successfully completed OENG1074 Professional Research Project 1 before semester 1 2018 will be able to complete OENG1075 Professional Research Project 2 in Semester 1 2018.

-Before 2018, OENG1075 Professional Research Project 2 (24cp) incorporated 12 credit points of compulsory WIL work experience.

From 2018, OENG1075 Professional Research Project 2 (24cp) will be replaced by OENG1168 Engineering Capstone Project Part B (12cp).

If you have not successfully completed OENG1075 Professional Research Project 2 (24cp) before the Commencement of Semester 1 2018, you will take OENG1168 Engineering Capstone Project Part B (12cp) and you may choose to take the Option course OENG1165 Professional Engineering Experience or any other option course in your fourth year program structure.

2016 Amendment

In 2016 this program underwent minor changes in structure. Specifically:

- the following final year core courses were changed to electives

  • MANU1420 Manufacturing Systems Modelling
  • MANU2230 Automated System Design
  • MANU1417 Advanced Robotics

- the following courses were added as final year electives

  • MANU2455 Advanced Manufacturing and Design
  • MIET1200 Advanced Materials

The new structure will be implemented from Semester 1 2016. All students must change over to the new program from Semester 1 2016. For students who enrolled in this program plan before 2016, all credits you gained will count towards the amended program plan BH068. If you need any transitional or enrolment advice, please contact your Program Manager.

2014 Amendment

This program underwent an amendment in 2014. The following Table advises students who have failed an old course(s) before 2014 what substitute course(s) they should complete. 

Year or Semester Former course/s no longer offered Credit Points New or amended course Credit Points
Year 1 MIET2097 Engineering Mechanics

AERO2247 Solid Mechanics and Materials 1



MIET2419 Mechanics and Materials 1 12
Year 3 MANU1179 Manufacturing Management


MANU1421 Management of Manufacturing Planning and Research


Year 3 MANU1183 Work Systems Design 12 elective from list in Year 4 12

Students that have failed either MIET2097 Engineering Mechanics or AERO2247 Solid Mechanics and Materials 1 should take the replacement course MIET2419 Mechanics and Materials 1. Students that have failed both MIET2097 and AERO2247 should consult the Program Manager to find a suitable course to cover the learning outcomes and make up the necessary credit points. 

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