BH126 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

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Plan: BH126 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

Several courses in the program are delivered online, rather than on-campus, and you are likely to find that other courses transition to online delivery as you progress through the program.

The following learning and teaching approaches form the basis of your learning experiences:

  • In classes, including lectures, you will be encouraged to actively participate in activities such as discussions, asking and answering questions, and problem-solving exercises.
  • Projects will require you to effectively communicate outcomes across all communication modes (speaking, listening, writing, drawing and presenting) to a range of audiences.
  • You will undertake team learning activities and projects that require you to work in mixed teams and critically engage with aspects of team development and conflict resolution.
  • You will engage in learning activities and projects that require you to identify, plan, design, construct and manage solutions to engineering problems.
  • Learning activities will focus on practical application of technical skills and you will be assessed on technical competence both in theory and practice.
  • Projects will require you to access a variety of knowledge sources including professional journals, discussion lists and online resources.
  • You will be required to solve complex, real-world problems.
  • You will be given problems that require you to consider the business context and market potential of products that you design.


Course assessment is designed to enable you to demonstrate your technical, design, research, and communication abilities. The forms of assessment will vary with each course, depending on the specific learning outcomes and capability development objectives.

Assessments may take the following forms:

  • Examinations: an individual form of assessment where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to explain fundamental principles and solve problems.
  • Assignments and Projects: these may be done individually or in groups allowing you to demonstrate your ability to work alone or as a member of a team.
  • Reflective Journals: where you pause to consider what you have learnt, along with the easy and challenging issues associated with that learning.
  • Assessed Tutorials: a form of in-class test, which may be done individually or as a team.
  • Laboratory Reports: which provide an exercise in experimentation, report writing and critical analysis of data.
  • Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment: for assessment activities such as seminars you will assess yourself or your own group, or assess the work of other groups. This is part of equipping you to become more independent in your own learning and assessing your own and others' performance.

With the exception of exams, most of the assessment tasks that you complete will enable your lecturer to provide you with feedback on your progress. This will enable you to improve your performance in the future. Further information can be found in the Assessment Policy.

Please note that if you have a disability, long-term medical condition and/ or mental health condition ELS can support you to create reasonable adjustments to ensure you can participate in your studies. You can contact the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) unit if you would like to find out more. Information about ELS can be found at:

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for credit.

For further information relating to Assessments, please refer to the Assessment and Assessment Flexibility Policy.

For further information on support available for your studies, please refer here:

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Work integrated learning

RMIT is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with workplace experience. Work Integrated Learning will be undertaken in many courses in your program. As a student enrolled in this RMIT program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities and receive feedback through assessment tasks; and
  • complete these activities in real or simulated work contexts or situations.

The following 12 CP core course includes WIL activities where 50% or more of the assessment involves assessors from a WIL partner organisation:

  • OENG1166 Introduction to Professional Engineering Practice where you will participate in an "Engineers Without Borders (EWB)" project which is focused on sustainable development as identified by EWB and community organisations.

Once you move into your chosen specialised engineering degree you will also undertake the following 12 CP core course, which includes WIL activities where 50% or more of the assessment involves assessors from a WIL partner organisation:

  • OENG1168 Engineering Capstone Project Part B where you will work under the guidance of a professional engineer who may be from industry or be an academic or research staff member. You will apply your technical knowledge, research, design and professional engineering skills to either discipline specific, or cross disciplinary engineering problems, through robust research and established engineering design processes.

Engineering Professional Practice Module

If you are a student commencing a higher education engineering coursework degree from Semester 1 2024, completing the Engineering Professional Practice (EPP) module will be a requirement for graduation. This applies to all students in all locations. Students commencing before Semester 1 2024 may opt into the module. The EPP module will help you to prepare for a career as a fully accredited professional engineer. Completing the module will showcase your sound proficiencies in engineering knowledge, applications of engineering processes, professional skills and values that align with the competencies expected from a professional engineer in the workplace. This will be through a whole-of-program embedded e-portfolio that captures artefacts and reflection on learning for the purpose of professional accreditation, career development learning and employability.

The EPP module is ongoing throughout your degree, providing continuous development and requires you to complete a minimum number of hours of engineering-related activities. 420 hours are required for bachelor students. Articulating and masters students will complete a number of hours in proportion to the number of years of study in their offer letter. The total hours can comprise a combination of work, volunteering, roles in clubs, organisations and events, and professional development activities.

RMIT will support you in completing your EPP module by providing opportunities to participate in engineering-related activities. You will receive an annual summary statement documenting your achievements and verifying your continual professional development throughout your degree. The summary statement can be used as supporting material for job applications.

For further details on EPP, please contact RMIT Student Connect.

In addition to this course you are strongly recommended to undertake at least 10 weeks of engineering work experience supervised by a professional engineer. If your work experience meets the requirements it may be assessed concurrently with your work experience as part of courses such as:

  • OENG1065 Professional Engineering Experience.

You can enrol in OENG1065 while you are undertaking engineering work experience at any time during your program as a University elective course or you can enrol in it as a technical option course in some programs in your final year.

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Program Structure

For students who commence their study in this program from 1 January 2016 onwards, please note that some courses listed in this structure will have their course marks count toward your program's weighted average mark. Your weighted average mark will determine the honours level of your award once you have completed the program. If a course counts toward your weighted average mark, that fact will be stated in its course guide. In Enrolment Online, after you completed your course enrolment, you will be notified which of the enrolled courses will count toward the weighted average mark.

For more information about the weighted average mark, please click here

To graduate you must complete the following:

All courses listed may not be available each semester. 


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Year One of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Professional Engineering Practice 12 OENG1166 City Campus
Digital Fundamentals 12 OENG1206 City Campus
Engineering Science 12 OENG1208 City Campus
Introduction to Engineering Design 12 OENG1250 City Campus
Engineering Mathematics 12 MATH2393 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) of the following Courses: If you have not completed VCE Maths Methods or VCE Specialist Maths or equivalent, you must complete Introduction to Engineering Mathematics.

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Engineering Mathematics 12 MATH2395 City Campus
Introduction to Environmental and Sustainable Systems Engineering 12 CIVE1186 City Campus
If you are required to complete Introduction to Engineering Mathematics, complete only One (1) of the option courses below. If you are not required to complete Introduction to Engineering Mathematics, complete Two (2) of the option courses below:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 12 AERO2687 City Campus
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 12 OENG1108 City Campus
Introduction to Chemical Engineering 12 PROC2128 City Campus
Introduction to Civil & Infrastructure Engineering 12 CIVE1265 City Campus
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering 12 EEET2249 City Campus
Introduction to Environmental and Sustainable Systems Engineering 12 CIVE1186 City Campus
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 12 MIET2528 City Campus
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics: What We Make and How We Make It 12 MANU2488 City Campus
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence for STEM 12 COSC2960 City Campus

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Year Two

Enrolment program structures for year two and beyond will be dependent on the choice of engineering specialisation made at the end of year one.

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