BP032 - Bachelor of Nursing

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Plan: BP032P04 - Bachelor of Nursing
Campus: Bundoora Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

RMIT Discipline of Nursing offers a rich and diverse learning experience for the student across the three years of the Bachelor of Nursing Program.  The learning milieu is an adult learning model based on the Boyer model of scholarship and learning. You are provided with face to face, on campus instruction in large groups and small group laboratory learning experiences and simulation activities. Tutorials are offered across the year level to draw together diverse concepts using a patient focused approach. Clinical Skill acquisition is undertaken in a simulated laboratory learning environment and this is further reinforced in supervised work integrated learning experiences across five of the six semesters. Learning opportunities are supported by web based learning activities.  OHTH2163 Law and Ethics for Health Professionals is delivered online, rather than on-campus, and you are likely to find that other courses transition to online delivery as you progress through the program.

RMIT have state of the art simulated learning facilities for student learning and practice. You will participate in simulated practice within these facilities in preparation for placement. As a part of participation you may be filmed for learning, teaching, reflection and assessment and this is considered an inherent part of our learning and teaching program. Recordings will be maintained in accordance with our assessment, document retention and privacy policies.

Assessment activities vary across the 24 courses offered. Assessment is undertaken across the semester and includes written assignments, on line discussion, examination and clinical skill assessments.

If you have a long term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) http://www.rmit.edu.au/students/enrolment/credit/he

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and
  • these interactions and the work context provide a distinctive source of feedback to you to assist your learning.

This program provides a range of opportunities to deliver nursing care in a wide variety of settings including clinical and community settings.

  • You will undertake "rehearsal" for your clinical practice experience in the Simulated Laboratory Learning environment across the three years of the program.  
  • Work with your professional nursing colleagues in the clinical health care setting providing supervised delivery of care to patients during all five of the Professional Experience Practice (PEP) courses (NURS2092 PEP 1, NURS1150 PEP 2, NURS1151 PEP 3, NURS1152 PEP 4 and NURS1153 PEP 5).  You will receive feedback from your supervisor and others during this time. These placements will provide you with experience in a range of practice settings necessary to equip you to practise in the workforce following completion of the program.  You are required to undertake your PEP course enrolment in order (PEP 1 to 5).
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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Eight (8) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Nursing Studies 12 NURS2193 Bundoora Campus
Principles and Practice of Nursing 1 12 NURS1125 Bundoora Campus
Therapeutics for Nursing 1 (Nursing Concepts) 12 ONPS2649 Bundoora Campus
Introduction to Human Biosciences 12 BIOL2480 Bundoora Campus
Principles and Practice of Nursing 2 12 NURS1127 Bundoora Campus
Essentials of Health Care Practice 12 PHAR1017 Bundoora Campus
Systems Physiology 12 BIOL2483 Bundoora Campus
Professional Experience Practice 1 12 NURS2092 Bundoora Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Eight (8) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Medical and Surgical Nursing 1 12 NURS2100 Bundoora Campus
Therapeutics for Nursing 2 (Systems Pharmacology) 12 ONPS2648 Bundoora Campus
Mental Health Nursing and Human Development 12 NURS2097 Bundoora Campus
Professional Experience Practice 2 12 NURS1150 Bundoora Campus
Complex Mental Health, Trauma and Recovery 12 NURS2098 Bundoora Campus
Medical and Surgical Nursing 2 12 NURS2096 Bundoora Campus
Indigenous Health 12 PUBH1402 Bundoora Campus
Professional Experience Practice 3 12 NURS1151 Bundoora Campus

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Year Three of Program

Complete the following Seven (7) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Professional Experience Practice 4 12 NURS1152 Bundoora Campus
Preparation for Practice and Leadership 12 NURS2155 Bundoora Campus
Complex Nursing Care 12 NURS1131 Bundoora Campus
Law and Ethics for Health Professionals 12 OHTH2163 Bundoora Campus
Health Care Informatics and Research Critique 12 NURS1102 Bundoora Campus
Transcultural, Primary and Community Health 12 NURS1140 Bundoora Campus
Professional Experience Practice 5 12 NURS1153 Bundoora Campus
Select and Complete One (1) of the following Option Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Paediatric Nursing 12 NURS2099 Bundoora Campus
Dual Diagnosis Co-morbidity and Society 12 NURS2172 Bundoora Campus
Palliative Care 12 NURS1137 Bundoora Campus
Health and Physical Assessment 12 NURS2112 Bundoora Campus
Introduction to Speciality Nursing 12 NURS2164 Bundoora Campus

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Program transition plan

Transition Statement from Semester 1 2024

BP032P04 Bachelor of Nursing has been discontinued and will no longer accept new students after Semester 1, 2023. The program will be taught out to current students until semester 2, 2025. If you are unable to complete your program by the end of 2025, you will be transferred to the following new plan and retain full credit for all courses that you have completed to date:  

BP032P24 Bachelor of Nursing 

If you intend to take a Leave of Absence or fail an affected course, it is strongly recommended that you meet with the Program Manager to map the remainder of your studies. Please contact your program manager, Lin Zhao (lin.zhao@rmit.edu.au), for more information and advice on your enrolment.

Transition Mapping

If you are unable to complete your degree by the end of 2025, you will be transferred to the new plan BP032P24 with the following transition mapping:

Current program structure (BP032P04)  Equivalent/Replacement course in new program structure (BP032P24)
Year 1   Change
NURS2193 Introduction to Nursing Studies 12 OHTH4252 Communication and Professional Practice  12 Equivalent course
NURS1125 Principles and Practice of Nursing 1 12 NURS2204 Principle and Practice of Nursing A 12 Equivalent course
ONPS2649 Therapeutics for Nursing 1 (Nursing Concepts) 12 ONPS2749 STEM for Sustainable Development 12 Replacement course
BIOL2480 Introduction to Human Biosciences 12 BIOL2529 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1  12 Equivalent course
NURS1127 Principles and Practice of Nursing 2 12 NURS2205 Principle and Practice of Nursing B 12 Equivalent course
PHAR1017 Essentials of Health Care Practice 12 BIOL2566 Foundations in Digital Health 12 Replacement course
BIOL2483 Systems Physiology 12 BIOL2530 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2  12 Equivalent course
NURS2092 Professional Experience Practice 1 12 NURS2207 Professional Practice 1 12 Equivalent course
Year 2  
NURS2100 Medical and Surgical Nursing 1 12 NURS2208 Medical Surgical Nursing A 12 Equivalent course
ONPS2648 Therapeutics for Nursing 2 (Systems Pharmacology) 12 NURS2209 Pharmacology for Nursing Practice 12 Equivalent course
NURS2097 Mental Health Nursing and Human Development 12 NURS2206 Mental Health and Human Development 12 Equivalent course
NURS1150 Professional Experience Practice 2 12 NURS2211 Professional Practice 2 12 Equivalent course
NURS2098 Complex Mental Health, Trauma and Recovery 12 NURS2221 Complex Mental Health and recovery 12 Equivalent course
NURS2096 Medical and Surgical Nursing 2 12 NURS2212 Medical Surgical Nursing B 12 Equivalent course
PUBH1402 Indigenous Health 12 PUBH1425 Indigenous Health & Diversity 12 Equivalent course
NURS1151 Professional Experience Practice 3 12 NURS2213 Professional Practice 3 12 Equivalent course
Year 3  
NURS1152 Professional Experience Practice 4 12 NURS2216 Professional Practice 4 12 Equivalent course
NURS2155 Preparation for Practice and Leadership 12 NURS2219 Transition to Nursing Practice 12 Replacement course
NURS1131 Complex Nursing Care 12 NURS2214 Complex Nursing 12 Equivalent course
OHTH2163 Law and Ethics for Health Professionals 12 NURS2210 Standards and ethics for Nursing 12 Equivalent course
NURS1102 Health Care Informatics and Research Critique 12 NURS2217 Digital health and nursing research 12 Equivalent course
NURS1140 Transcultural, Primary and Community Health 12 NURS2218 Primary Health Care in Nursing 12 Equivalent course
NURS1153 Professional Experience Practice 5 12 NURS2220 Professional Practice 5 12 Equivalent course
  Option course 12 NURS2215 Nursing Specific Populations 12 Replacement course


Transition Plan from Semester 1, 2020

Effective from Semester 1, 2020, an amended program for the BP032 Bachelor of Nursing will commence.  The amendments are listed below and will affect students who commenced the Program from 2019 onwards:

  • NURS2098 Complex Mental Health, Trauma & Recovery will move from Year 3, to Year 2 of the program.
  • NURS1101 Law and Ethics will be removed from Year 2.
  • OHTH2163 Law and Ethics for Health Professionals will in Year 3.

Information for students who commenced prior to 2019:

If you are currently enrolled in second year of the existing BP032 Bachelor of Nursing program, you will remain in and graduate from the current structure. There is no need to take any action.

If you fail NURS1101 Law and Ethics in 2019 you will need to complete OHTH2163 Law and Ethics for Health Professsionals in Semester 1 2020 and NURS2098 Complex Mental Health, Trauma and Recovery in Semester 2 2020. If you failed more than one course in 2019 please see Dr Lin Zhao (lin.zhao@rmit.edu.au) for mapping.

If you fail NURS2098 Complex Mental Health, Trauma and Recovery in 2019 please note that it will be offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2 in the transition phase in 2020 only.  Please see Dr Zhao for mapping.

However, if you are considering taking Leave of Absence at any stage in your program or have not satisfactorily completed Ethics and Law, you should consult the BP032 Bachelor of Nursing Program Coordinator (karen.livesay@rmit.edu.au) for advice or Dr Zhao for mapping the remainder of your program to ensure you are eligible for graduation.


Effective from 2019, an amended program for the BP032 Bachelor of Nursing will commence.

The Transition Scheme at the end outlines how different intake years are affected by this program amendment.  If you intend to take a Leave of Absence or fail an affected course, it is strongly recommended that you meet with the Discipline Leader to map the remainder of your studies in the amended program. Please note that you will retain full credit for all courses that you have completed to date.

The following table details which courses are affected and shows the equivalent new course, new course title or relocation.

Year/Sem Current course Year/Sem New/amended course
Y1/S1 NURS1125 Foundations of Nursing Practice Y1/S1 NURS1125 Principles and Practices of Nursing 1
Y1/S1 NURS2149 Nursing Practice and Lifespan Development Y1/S1 ONPS2649 Therapeutics for Nursing 1 (Nursing Concepts)
Y1/S1 BIOL2062 Biomedical and Physical Sciences 1 Y1/S1 BIOL2480 Introduction to Human Biosciences
Y1/S2 NURS1127 Altered States of Health Y1/S2 NURS1127 Principles and Practices of Nursing 2
Y1/S2 BIOL1215 Biomedical and Physical Sciences 2 Y1/S2 BIOL2483 Systems Physiology
Y2/S1 NURS2100 Acute Care 1 Y2/S1 NURS2100 Medical and Surgical Nursing 1
Y2/S1 ONPS2414 Therapeutics for Nursing Practice Y2/S1 ONPS2648 Therapeutics for Nursing 2 (Systems Pharmacology)
Y2/S1 NURS2097 Mental Health Nursing Y2/S1 NURS2097 Mental Health Nursing and Human Development
Y2/S2 NURS2096 Acute Care Nursing 2 Y2/S2 NURS2096 Medical and Surgical Nursing 2
Y3/S1 NURS2098 Complex Mental Health and Recovery Y3/S1 NURS2098 Complex Mental Health, Trauma and Recovery
Y3/S2 NURS1102 Using Research in Nursing Y3/S2 NURS1102 Health Care Informatics and Research Critique
Y3/S2 NURS1140 Primary and Community Health Y3/S2 NURS1140 Transcultural, Primary and Community Health

A Program Transition scheme follows identifying how the different intake years are affected.

2017 February intake Courses 2018 February intake Courses 2019 February intake Courses
Year 1 Semester 1


NURS2193 Introduction to Nursing Studies

NURS1125 Foundations of Nursing

BIOL2062 Biomedical and Physical Sciences 1

NURS2149 Nursing Practice and Lifespan Development 

Year 1 Semester 1


NURS2193 Introduction to Nursing Studies

NURS1125 Foundations of Nursing

BIOL2062 Biomedical and Physical Sciences 1

NURS2149 Nursing Practice and Lifespan Development

Year 1 Semester 1


NURS2193 Introduction to Nursing Studies

NURS1125 Principles and Practices of Nursing 1

BIOL2480 Introduction to Human Biosciences

ONPS2649 Therapeutics for Nursing 1 (Nursing Concepts)

Year 1 Semester 2


NURS127 Altered States of Health

PHAR1017 Essentials of Health Care Practice

BIOL1215 Biomedical and Physical Sciences 2

NURS2092 Professional Experience Practice 1

Year 1 Semester 2


NURS127 Altered States of Health

PHAR1017 Essentials of Health Care Practice

BIOL1215 Biomedical and Physical Sciences 2

NURS2092 Professional Experience Practice 1

Year 1 Semester 2


NURS1127 Principles and Practices of Nursing 2

PHAR1017 Essentials of Health Care Practice

BIOL2483 Systems Physiology

NURS2092 Professional Experience Practice 1

Year 2 Semester 1   Year 2 Semester 1


NURS211 Acute Care Nursing 1

NURS2097 Mental Health Nursing

NURS1159 Professional Experience Practice 2

ONPS2414 Therapeutics for Nursing Practice 

Year 2 Semester 1


NURS211 Acute Care 1

NURS2097 Mental Health Nursing

NURS1159 Professional Experience Practice 2

ONPS2414 Therapeutics for Nursing Practice 

Year 2 Semester 2   Year 2 Semester 2


NURS1101 Law and Ethics

NURS2096 Acute Care 2

PUBH1402 Indigenous Health

NURS1151 Professional Experience Practice 3

Year 2 Semester 2


NURS1101 Law and Ethics

NURS2096 Acute Care 2

PUBH1402 Indigenous Health

NURS1151 Professional Experience Practice 3

Year 3 Semester 1   Year 3 Semester 1   Year 3 Semester 1


NURS1131 Complex Nursing Care

NURS2098 Complex MH and Recovery

NURS2155 Preparation for Practice and Leadership

NURS1152 Professional Experience Practice 4

Year 3 Semester 2   Year 3 Semester 2   Year 3 Semester 2


NURS1102 Using Research in Nursing

NURS1104 Primary and Community Health

NURS1153 Professional Experience Practice 5


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