BP201 - Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)

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Plan: BP201P16 - Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)
Campus: City Campus

Learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes Statement

As a graduate you will develop the following program learning outcomes:

  • Acquire knowledge of creative practice and theory and their applications to fine art 
  • Effectively communicate through artistic production across a range of media and studio methods with awareness of and sensitivity to local and global contexts 
  • Invent, design and construct a pro-active and critically reflective arts practice, to build a career in the cultural and creative industries
  • Critically examine global, social, cultural, environmental and historical knowledge and contexts to inform your art practice
  • Engage in continued learning and independent practice, in response to developments in technology, culture and artistic production 
  • Employ individual and collaborative modes of fine art practice and apply skills in teamwork, leadership and self-management 
  • Form, develop and implement a vision and philosophy of art in which to base your professional practice and/or future study.
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