BP257 - Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

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Plan: BP257 - Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Studio-based learning is a distinguishing feature of the program. In studios, learning emerges through making - an investigative and creative process driven by research, exploration and experimentation, and critique and reflection.

Alongside studios, the program uses a variety of learning and teaching approaches which may include lectures, tutorials, workshops, seminars, case studies, problem-based learning, reflective techniques e.g. blogs, online and face-to-face presentations, group-based learning, online and face-to-face discussions, and negotiated learning for the major project. Elements of this program may be delivered face-to-face, online or a mix of both.

Workshopping — feedback on your writing by your peers and by the lecturer — is a key learning activity in this course.  You are responsible for contributing to reflect of your own work and that of others.  Peer feedback is integral to the learning environment and subsequently for professional practice within the creative industries.

The overall approach to assessment in the program combines research assignments, portfolio production, essays, presentations, and peer or industry review and feedback.  Research projects and presentations are directly related to industry specific needs and may culminate in public readings, screenings or broadcasts, for example.

Scaffolding underpins our approach to skills development and to situating practice within theoretical frameworks.  ‘’Scaffolding’ means that learning activities and assessments are of increasing complexity.  You will build upon your knowledge and skills of both theory and practice throughout the program.

During the three years of the program you will be assessed in each course in a variety of ways. The assessment will test your abilities to be creative, reflective, analytical and professional. You will receive feedback on your work in both written and verbal forms and based on that feedback you will be able to develop and improve your work. In the third year you have the opportunity to write a major project and to reflect on the making of the work in a companion work. This project will bring together all the skills you have developed over the course of the program. It gives you the opportunity to produce an original project of a high standard to reflect your abilities and creative talent.

RMIT Advice
If you have a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition or are the primary carer of individuals with a disability it is possible to have adjustments arranged and negotiated to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Program Manager or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/enrolment/apply-for-credit

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations;

and in addition:

  • these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning.

In this program, you will be doing specific courses that focus on work integrated learning (WIL). You will be assessed on professional or vocational work in a work place setting (real or simulated) and receive feedback from those involved in your industry. Activities may include: industry and peer critique of scripts within a writing studio model; presenting a ‘pitch’ to a potential publisher or producer; web-based writing; industry and event management; writers' festivals; performance and public readings of work; or collaborating with international or intercultural partners towards events and publications. Or it may involve working on the editorial and marketing team for the student anthology of creative writing. Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be simulated in a workplace environment.

The nominated WIL courses in this program are:

  • COMM2650 Creative Writing Studio: Collaborations (24cp) and 
  • COMM2651 Creative Writing Studio: Horizons (24cp) 

In Creative Writing Collaborations you will work on a negotiated project with other students and staff to model industry practice, providing you with an opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team.

Creative Writing Horizons is designed to extend and hone your creative writing practice and develop your individual writing voice.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Creative Writing Studio: Foundations 24 COMM2646 City Campus
Creative Writing Studio: Craft 24 COMM2648 City Campus
Complete Two (2) Courses from the Minor Streams. The list of Minor Streams can be found after the Year Three course list.
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the School Options list that you have not taken or passed already. Please refer to the list of School Option courses at the end of this program structure document.

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Creative Writing Studio: Specialisation 24 COMM2649 City Campus
Creative Writing Studio: Collaborations 24 COMM2650 City Campus
Complete One (1) Course from the Minor Streams. If you are completing a single Minor Stream, this course must be from the same Minor Stream taken in Year One. The list of Minor Streams can be found after the Year Three course list.
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the School Options list that you have not taken or passed already. Please refer to the list of School Option courses at the end of this program structure document.
Select and Complete One (1) Course from:
University Elective

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Year Three of Program

Complete the following Four (4) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Creative Writing Studio: Horizons 24 COMM2651 City Campus
Creative Writing: Approaches to Theories and Ideas 12 COMM2645 City Campus
Essay Project 12 COMM2647 City Campus
Creative Writing Studio: Project 24 COMM2652 City Campus
Complete One (1) Course from the Minor Streams. If you are completing a single Minor Stream, you must select the capstone course from the same Minor Stream taken in Years One & Two. The list of Minor Streams can be found after the Year Three course list.
Select and Complete One (1) Course from:
University Elective

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Minor: Approaches to Popular Culture

Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Pop Culture in Everyday Life 12 COMM2633 City Campus
TV and Screen Cultures 12 COMM1073 City Campus
Music in Popular Culture 12 COMM1081 City Campus
Speculative Futures 12 COMM2874 City Campus
Popular Culture Now 12 COMM2631 City Campus

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Minor: Asian Media & Culture

Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Contemporary Asian Modernities 12 COMM2878 City Campus
Asian Media and Communication 12 COMM2871 City Campus
Asian Mobilities: Practices, Experiences and Impacts 12 COMM2873 City Campus
Exploring Asian Popular Culture 12 COMM2345 City Campus
Sex, Politics & Social Change in Asia 12 COMM2253 City Campus

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Minor: Cinema Studies

Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Introduction to Cinema Studies 12 COMM1031 City Campus
Film Criticism: From Early Cinema to the Digital Age 12 COMM2880 City Campus
Cinema and Nation 12 COMM2876 City Campus
Beyond the Frame: Technologies, Industries and Audiences 12 COMM2875 City Campus
Uses of Film Theory 12 COMM1036 City Campus

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Minor: Literary Studies

Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Literature and Decolonisation 12 LANG1375 City Campus
Reading Space and Place 12 COMM2635 City Campus
Literary Environments 12 LANG1374 City Campus
Narrating the Self 12 COMM2638 City Campus
Literature's Ethics 12 COMM2630 City Campus

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Minor: Contemporary Politics & Communication

Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Rhetorics & Politics of the Contemporary World 12 COMM2402 City Campus
Politics and Communication 12 COMM2409 City Campus
Changing Economies and Communication 12 COMM2408 City Campus
Screening Politics and Technologies 12 COMM2636 City Campus
Work, Politics and Technology 12 COMM2407 City Campus

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School Options

School Options:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Advertising Media 12 GRAP2369 City Campus
Asian Media and Communication 12 COMM2871 City Campus
Asian Mobilities: Practices, Experiences and Impacts 12 COMM2873 City Campus
Exploring Asian Popular Culture 12 COMM2345 City Campus
Beyond the Frame: Technologies, Industries and Audiences 12 COMM2875 City Campus
Creating a Communication Business 12 COMM2337 City Campus
Changing Economies and Communication 12 COMM2408 City Campus
Cinema and Nation 12 COMM2876 City Campus
Client Management 12 COMM2333 City Campus
Communicating Brand Narrative 12 COMM2684 City Campus
Communicating the Environment 12 COMM2877 City Campus
Writers on Writing 12 COMM2392 City Campus
Contemporary Asian Modernities 12 COMM2878 City Campus
Creative Advertising 12 GRAP2311 City Campus
DJs, Digital Rhythms and Dance Cultures 12 PERF2061 City Campus
Fact Checking and Verification 12 COMM2803 City Campus
Feminist and Queer Perspectives 12 COMM2879 City Campus
Film Criticism: From Early Cinema to the Digital Age 12 COMM2880 City Campus
Film Genre 12 COMM2881 City Campus
Foundations of Public Relations 12 COMM1161 City Campus
General News Reporting 12 COMM2148 City Campus
Interdisciplinary Communication Project 12 COMM2324 City Campus
Introduction to Advertising 12 MKTG1208 City Campus
Introduction to Cinema Studies 12 COMM1031 City Campus
Literary Environments 12 LANG1374 City Campus
Literature and Decolonisation 12 LANG1375 City Campus
Live Media 12 COMM2220 City Campus
Media and Communication Internship 12 COMM2639 City Campus
Music in Popular Culture 12 COMM1081 City Campus
Narrating the Self 12 COMM2638 City Campus
Networked Media 12 COMM2219 City Campus
People and Data 12 COMM2868 City Campus
Persuasive Communication 12 COMM2112 City Campus
Photojournalism 12 COMM2640 City Campus
Playful Media and Everyday Creativities 12 COMM2869 City Campus
Podcasting 12 COMM2870 City Campus
Politics and Communication 12 COMM2409 City Campus
Pop Culture in Everyday Life 12 COMM2633 City Campus
Professional Writing 12 COMM2147 City Campus
Reading Space and Place 12 COMM2635 City Campus
Rhetorics & Politics of the Contemporary World 12 COMM2402 City Campus
Screening Politics and Technologies 12 COMM2636 City Campus
Social Media Communication 12 COMM2872 City Campus
Speculative Futures 12 COMM2874 City Campus
Understanding Sports Media 12 COMM2325 City Campus
Storytelling 12 GRAP2317 City Campus
The Spectacle of Music Video: From MTV to YouTube 12 PERF2062 City Campus
TV and Screen Cultures 12 COMM1073 City Campus
Wicked problems: innovative solutions 12 SOCU2276 City Campus

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Program transition plan

The program structure of BP257 Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing) has been amended and the following changes applied in Semester 1, 2025: 

List of Minors 

  • Minor: Approaches to Popular Culture, Minor: Asian Media and Culture, Minor: Cinema Studies, Minor: Literary Studies Minor: Contemporary Politics and Communication - The structure of these minors has been updated. The final course in the minor is no longer a core capstone course. Students will be able to choose any course in the minor list.   

School Options: 

  • Course title change from COMM2392 Contemporary Australian Writing to Writers on Writing 

Current students who have completed courses under the previous name will not be required to repeat the course as a result of the title change.  

If you commenced the program prior to these changes, you will not be disadvantaged, and all approved courses undertaken previously will contribute toward your qualification. You will not be required to complete extra credit points or incur any extra costs because of these changes.  

Where to get help  
If you have questions or concerns regarding this advice, please do not hesitate to contact your program manager. 

Transition advice for students:


In 2022, the School of Media and Communication will convert the contextual stream courses in the undergraduate programs into Minors.  You must either complete 48 credit points in the same Minor including the Minor capstone course or undertake Four (4) courses (48cp) from across the Minors (no Capstone).

If you are an existing student, the courses you have completed as contextual courses will be credited to the Minors requirement. 

By completing four courses (48 credit points) including the Minor capstone* in a single Minor, that Minor will be recognised on your transcript.

*Minor Capstone courses have pre-requisites. 

To be eligible to undertake a third-year Minor capstone course you must have completed:

  • 36 credit points from the same Minor OR 
  • 36 credit points from the mapped Contextual Stream OR
  • a combination of 36 credit points from the same Minor and the mapped Contextual Stream 

School of Media and Communication Minors Transition Map - same or equivalent courses

Approaches to Popular Culture
Approaches to Popular Culture
offered from Semester 1 2022
COMM2633 Popular Culture in Everyday Life
COMM1073 Television Cultures
COMM2632 Popular Cinema
COMM1081 Music in Popular Culture
COMM2636 Screen Politics & Economies
COMM2345 Exploring Asian Pop. Culture
COMM2633 Popular Culture in Everyday Life
COMM1073 TV and Screen Cultures
COMM1081 Music in Popular Culture
COMM2874 Speculative Futures
Contextual Capstone Minor Capstone
COMM2631 New Perspectives in Contemporary Pop Culture* COMM2631 Popular Culture Now*                                      


Asian Media and Culture
Asian Media and Culture offered from Semester 1 2022
COMM2138 Modern Asia
COMM1086 Mass Media in Asia
COMM2336 New Media, New Asia
COMM2345 Exploring Asian Popular Culture
COMM1035 Asian Cinemas
COMM2878 Contemporary Asian Modernities 
COMM2871 Asian Media and Communication
COMM2873 Asian Mobilities: Practices, Experiences and Impacts
COMM2345 Exploring Asian Popular Culture
Contextual Capstone Minor Capstone
COMM2253 Sex, Politics & Social Changes in Asia* COMM2253 Sex, Politics & Social Changes in Asia*


Cinema Studies
Cinema Studies offered from Semester 1 2022
COMM1031 Introduction to Cinema Studies
COMM2632 Popular Cinema
COMM1034 True Lies: Doco Studies
COMM2637 Textual Crossings
COMM1033 Australian Cinema
COMM1035 Asian Cinemas
COMM1031 Introduction to Cinema Studies
COMM2880 Film Criticism: From Early Cinema to the Digital Age
COMM2876 Cinema and Nation
COMM2875 Beyond the Frame: Technologies, Industries
and Audiences
Contextual Capstone Minor Capstone
COMM1036 Histories of Film Theory*                              COMM1036 Uses of Film Theory*


Literary Studies
Literary Studies
offered from Semester 1 2022
COMM2637 Textual Crossings
COMM2635 Reading Space and Place
LANG1006 Literary Realism to Postmodernism
COMM2638 Narrating the Self
COMM2634 Reading Sex and Race
LANG1375 Literature and  Decolonisation
COMM2635 Reading Space and Place
LANG1374 Literary Environments
COMM2638 Narrating the Self
Contextual Capstone Minor Capstone
COMM2630 Literature's Ethics* COMM2630 Literature's Ethics*


Politics, Economies & Communication
Contemporary Politics and Communication offered
from Semester 1 2022
COMM2402 Rhetorics & Politics of the Contemporary World
COMM2409 Politics Communicated
COMM2408 Economies Communicated COMM2636 Screening Politics & Economies SOCU2112 Global Political Economy
COMM2402 Rhetorics & Politics of the Contemporary World
COMM2409 Politics & Communication
COMM2408 Changing Economies & Communication
COMM2636 Screening Politics
& Technologies                                                                                                                                             
Contextual Capstone Minor Capstone
COMM2407 Social Applications of Communication: A Political Economy of the Workplace* COMM2407 Work, Politics & Technology*


The school options courses have been updated for 2022.

It is strongly recommended that if you have successfully completed any of the courses listed below, do not select the replacement 2022 course due to crossover in content and approach. 

Pre 2022 offered from Semester 1 2022
COMM2138 Modern Asia (12cp) COMM2878 Contemporary Asian Modernities (12cp)
COMM1086 Mass Media in Asia (12cp) COMM2871 Asian Media and Communication (12cp)
COMM2637 Textual Crossings: Literary Adaptation (12cp) LANG1374 Literary Environments (12cp)
LANG1006 Literary Realism to Post-Modernism (12cp) LANG1375 Literature and Decolonisation (12cp)
COMM2634 Reading Sex and Race (12cp) COMM2879 Feminist and Queer Perspectives (12cp)
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