BP321 - Bachelor of Medical Radiation

Plan: BP321NM - Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations)
Campus: Bundoora Campus

Program details
Award title: Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations)
Award abbreviation: BAppSc(MedRad)
Total credit points: 384
Career: UGRD
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters) full-time (delivered in a condensed mode in 3.5 years)
Location: Onshore, Bundoora campus
Owning school: Health and Biomedical Sciences (173H)
Owning school URL: www.rmit.edu.au/about/schools-colleges/health-and-biomedical-sciences
ASCED code: 061501
CRICOS code: 098574G

Purpose of the Program
Medical Radiations – Nuclear Medicine is the field of clinical practice, education and research that deals with the use of ionising and non-ionising radiation for the purpose of investigation, diagnosis and treatment of illness. As a Nuclear Medicine Technologist you will combine your knowledge of the biomedical sciences with technical expertise and patient care to examine the physiology of organs and bodily systems. As a Nuclear Medicine Technologist you will gain information via laboratory studies as well as acquiring medical images using gamma camera technology, positron emission tomography (PET) or single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The images and data acquired facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury.
On completion of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations) program you will be eligible to attain registration as a Medical Radiation Practitioner. The program is focused on developing your knowledge and skills relevant to the professional discipline area of Nuclear Medicine with an emphasis on developing your knowledge in anatomy, pathology, physiology, physics, technology, patient care and clinical research. You will gain knowledge and skills from a range of learning activities and will be the guided in the application and refinement of your clinical skills through supervised laboratory sessions and through the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) program, which you will undertake in range of nuclear medicine clinical departments across Australia.
During the final year of the program you will undertake the following capstone experiences which will integrate your clinical and academic skills: RADI1216 Nuclear Medicine Supervised Clinical Practice and RADI1213 Transitioning to Nuclear Medicine Clinical Practice.
Note that this program requires you to attend classes on campus and participate in placement activities.

Articulation and pathways
No formal articulation agreements exist for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations).
If you are entering the program with previous bachelor degree studies, or you have completed a Medical Radiations program outside of Australia, credit transfer may be available for your prior study.
As a successful graduate of this program you may be eligible to enrol into the BH058 Bachelor of Health and Biomedical Sciences (Honours), MR228 Master of Science (Medical Radiations Science). On completion of either of these programs, you may apply for DR228 PhD (Medical Radiations Science).

Entrance requirements
Very Important: BP321NM - Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations) will be discontinued and will no longer accept new students after Semester 1, 2024.
Program entry requirements
Successful completion of an Australian Year 12 senior secondary certificate of education or equivalent.
For information on international qualifications and corresponding entry requirements that are equivalent to Australian academic entry requirements, see the Country equivalents webpage - https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/international-students/apply-to-rmit-international-students/entry-requirements/country-equivalency.
Prerequisites: Victorian Certificate of Education: Units 1 and 2: satisfactory completion in one of Biology or Chemistry or Units 3 and 4: one of Biology or Chemistry; and Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL; and Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 20 in one of Maths: Mathematical Methods or Maths: Specialist Mathematics.
English language requirements
A minimum IELTS (Academic module) overall score of 7.0, with no band below 7.0; or equivalent. For equivalents to English entry requirements, see the English equivalents web page - https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/international-students/apply-to-rmit-international-students/entry-requirements/english-requirements/recognised-qualifications.
Pre-Clinical Requirements:
Police Check: Students must complete a National Police Records Check before undertaking clinical placements.
Working with Children Check: Students must hold a Working with Children Check before undertaking clinical placements.
Immunisation Policy: Students must be adequately vaccinated before undertaking clinical placements.
Failure to hold satisfactory checks or meet the immunisation policy may result in students being unable to complete the program.
Note that this program requires you to attend classes on campus and participate in placement activities.
Medical Radiation practitioners and students are both accountable and responsible for ensuring professional behaviour in all contexts. This includes, but is not limited to: compliance with industry standards and protocols relating to safety, competence, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent, as well as behaviour, dress code and attendance.

External accreditation and industry links
The Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiations) program is accredited by the Medical Radiation Practice Accreditation Committee (MRPAC). From 2023, graduates of the program are eligible to apply for general registration as a medical radiation practitioner with the Medical Radiations Practice Board of Australia (MRPBA). Further information on requirements for registration to practice are available from the MRPBA website.
The program has formal links through the Medical Radiations Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) as well as to the broader organisation and industry links eg: the School's broader industry engagement strategy.

Student expenses and charges in addition to fees
Once you are enrolled as a student in this program you will need to allow for expenses other than university tuition fees. Additional expenses may relate to the purchase of lecture notes, textbooks, stationery, consumables such as printer paper, fees levied by commercial internet service providers for internet access outside of the university campus, and other relevant costs.

Library, IT and specialist resources
Library resources and services
As a student enrolled in a program at RMIT University you can access the extensive services, facilities and study space provided by the Library. You can access books, journals and other course related materials such as DVDs, past exams, newspapers and e-books. Through our document delivery service you can also request items from any library in the world.
Computers for study are available at every Library site, where you can access the Internet, myRMIT (www.rmit.edu.au/myrmit) or Library e-resources. If you have a laptop you can access the RMIT University wireless network in the Library.
Library staff can show you how to find information for your assignments or you can work through web-based tutorials or use our online Ask a Librarian service.
The Library is continually expanding our electronic collections to make it easier for you to get the information you need when you need it. All RMIT University students have unlimited access to quality electronic resources such as e-books, e-journals and newspapers.
You can find more information on Library resources and services at: www.rmit.edu.au/library
Online learning tools and content
You can access online learning tools and content for your program and associated courses at myRMIT (www.rmit.edu.au/myrmit).
Services available to you as a student at RMIT University
RMIT University provides a wide range of resources and opportunities to assist your learning and wellbeing so you can achieve your study and career goals.
Services are available face-to-face and online assisting with:
- transition to tertiary study and learning
- study skills, academic skills including literacy, mathematics and basic sciences if relevant
- enabling assistance if you have a disability, long-term medical condition or other form of disadvantage that may impact on your learning
- career development and employment
- living and wellbeing (including advice on health, housing and financial matters) opportunities for scholarships, leadership and study abroad
- opportunities for participating in arts, sport, recreation and fitness activities, as well as student activism and university governance
We also offer a friendly and supportive environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. You can find more information at: www.rmit.edu.au/students

[Next: Learning outcomes]