BP332 - Bachelor of International Studies

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Plan: BP332LAN - Bachelor of International Studies (Languages)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

The Bachelor of International Studies program pursues a student-centred and practice-orientated approach to learning, directed towards helping you to achieve the program's learning outcomes, construct your knowledge of the world, and acquire essential cross-cultural and language skills. Large and small classes, tutorials, intensives and fully online classes are used extensively in the program to communicate knowledge and ideas about language, culture, technology and globalisation in historical and contemporary contexts. You are given opportunities to work through issues and ideas, and participate in a variety of tasks ranging from project planning to group self-evaluation where you will receive formative feedback on your progress. These exercises help you, particularly in your first year, to link your learning with the world of international professional employment. You will come into direct contact with professionals in the workplace and through lectures and learning and assessment tasks. 

International work practice courses in early years of the program prepare you for your international internship and research project and provides you with an opportunity to debrief, reflect and bring together theory and practice in international studies. Work integrated learning experiences in third year enable you to begin to perceive the relevance of your class-based curriculum in an international workplace setting. This approach will help you to quickly assimilate knowledge to new and challenging situations and to acquire a stronger sense of yourself as a future professional with valuable knowledge and skills. 

Courses with elements of industry engagement and reflection on international workplace settings include: 

  • SOCU1031 Working and Managing in Global Careers, which will introduce you to situations and issues encountered in intemationalises and intercultural workplaces. 
  • SOCU1042 Global Research Project, which will involve a project linked to your internship experience or conducted in conjunction with an external organisation. 

Assessment in this program is designed to complement your learning experience and provides you with the opportunity to gauge your acquisition of the program learning outcomes. A wide range of assessment tasks are used, including essay writing, report and project writing, class presentations, group work, on line discussion and other on-line activities, case studies, problem solving and analysis, industry-based assessment, and examinations. 

If you have a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition or are the primary carer of individuals with a disability it is possible to have adjustments arranged and negotiated to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Program Manager or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more. 

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) http:// www.rmit.edu.au/students/enrolment/credit/he

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will: 

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice; 
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities; 
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and in addition: 
  • these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning. 

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be simulated in a workplace environment. 

In the Bachelor of International Studies (Languages), the value of work integrated learning for you is to be able to use the skills and knowledge you acquire in typical professional situations where language competence and multilingualism are significant. This helps you to practice your skills and integrates the range of knowledge developed during the program, so that you will have the confidence and ability to apply your academic and work-place capabilities to professional situations. 

In this program, you will be doing a specific course that focus on work integrated learning in the languages field. The specific work integrated learning course in this program is: 

  • HUSO2314 Global Internship (24 credit points) 

The internship is a situated learning activity that provides you with the opportunity to apply and further develop your learning about globalisation, language, cultural diversity and change. The integration of work based learning and academic learning will allow you to solve authentic industry problems or address real issues faced in organizations. You will be assessed on professional or vocational work in a work place setting appropriate to your Language major and receive feedback from those involved in your industry. 

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. Please note, all courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Globalisation and our Global Futures 12 SOCU1011 City Campus
Introduction to Language 12 LANG1323 City Campus
Moving People, Changing Places: Migration, Mobility and Displacement 12 SOCU1027 City Campus
Intercultural Communication 12 SOCU1025 City Campus
Global Political Economy 12 SOCU2112 City Campus
Select and Complete Two (2) Language Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure.
Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
University Elective

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Year Two - Core Courses

Complete the following Three (3) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Global Careers 12 SOCU1031 City Campus
Politics of Global Languages 12 SOCU1046 City Campus
Foundations of Social Research 12 HUSO2166 City Campus

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Year Two - Option Courses

Select and Complete Two (2) Language Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the list of Program Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure
Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
University Elective
Select and Complete Three (3) Language Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure
Select and Complete One (1) Course from the list of Program Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure
Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
University Elective
Select and Complete Four (4) Language Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure
Select and Complete One (1) Course from any:
University Elective

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Year Three - Core Courses

Complete the following Three (3) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Global Research Project 12 SOCU1042 City Campus
Global Internship 24 HUSO2314 City Campus
Global Challenges 12 SOCU2315 City Campus

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Year Three - Option Courses

Select and Complete Two (2) Language Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the list of Program Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure.
Select and Complete Three (3) Language Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure
Select and Complete one (1) Course from the list of Program Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure.
Select and Complete Four (4) Language Courses from the list of Language Option Courses at the end of the Program Structure.

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Option Courses Lists

Program Option Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Applied Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples 12 HUSO2301 City Campus
Humanitarian Interventions and Peace Transitions 12 SOCU2237 City Campus
Contemporary Europe: Unity, Diversity, Ideology 12 HUSO2318 City Campus
Contemporary Foreign Policy and the Asia Pacific 12 HUSO2328 City Campus
Culture and Politics in Latin America 12 SOCU2225 City Campus
Asia Pacific Futures 12 SOCU1016 City Campus
Digital Disruption: Meeting the Challenges of our Digital Age 12 HUSO2363 City Campus
Feeding the World: Contemporary Issues in the Global Production and Consumption of Food 12 HUSO2315 City Campus
Gender, Development and Globalisation 12 HUSO2092 City Campus
Global Crime 12 SOCU2235 City Campus
Global Feminisms 12 HUSO2388 City Campus
Global History 12 SOCU1026 City Campus
Global Leadership for Social Change 12 SOCU2108 City Campus
Globalising Societies 12 HUSO2329 City Campus
Learning on Country: Indigenous Communities in a Global Context 12 HUSO2215 City Campus
Building Responsible Relationships with First Peoples and Country 12 ENVI1048 City Campus
Indigenous Studies 12 HUSO1296 City Campus
International Development, Themes, Debates and Practice 12 HUSO2036 City Campus
Crisis Live: Critical Global Analysis in Real Time 12 SOCU2080 City Campus
Intercultural Conflict Resolution 12 SOCU2085 City Campus
International Perspective on Community Development 12 HUSO1301 City Campus
Technology and Global Risk 12 POLI1110 City Campus
Language in the Global Workplace 12 SOCU1049 City Campus
Negotiating Transnational Agreements 12 SOCU1047 City Campus
Peace-Building and Conflict Resolution 12 SOCU2241 City Campus
Postcolonial Cultural Studies 12 HUSO2340 City Campus
Global Governance and International Law 12 SOCU1036 City Campus
Global Conflict, War and Violence 12 HUSO2316 City Campus
Sustainable Futures 12 ENVI1153 City Campus
Terrorism and Society 12 POLI1062 City Campus
The Lurujarri Dreaming Trail 12 ARCH1153 City Campus
Language and Society 12 LANG1325 City Campus
Language and the Law Forensic Linguistics 12 LANG1326 City Campus
Language and Culture In-Country 12 LANG1335 City Campus
Discourse Studies for Translators and Interpreters 12 LANG1329 City Campus
Theoretical Bases of Translating and Interpreting 12 LANG1333 City Campus
Politics and Communication 12 COMM2409 City Campus
Sport, Equity and Social Change 12 SOCU2316 City Campus
Many Ways of Knowing: Studies in Epistemological Diversity 12 SOCU2314 City Campus
Language Option Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Chinese 1 12 LANG1068 City Campus
Chinese 2 12 LANG1069 City Campus
Chinese 3 12 LANG1070 City Campus
Chinese 4 12 LANG1071 City Campus
Chinese 5 12 LANG1072 City Campus
Chinese 6 12 LANG1073 City Campus
Chinese Language and Society 12 LANG1245 City Campus
Chinese Language in Context 12 LANG1247 City Campus
French 1 12 LANG1167 City Campus
French 2 12 LANG1182 City Campus
French 3 12 LANG1186 City Campus
French 4 12 LANG1196 City Campus
French 5 12 LANG1249 City Campus
French 6 12 LANG1251 City Campus
French Language and Society 12 LANG1272 City Campus
French Language in Context 12 LANG1273 City Campus
German 1 12 LANG1166 City Campus
German 2 12 LANG1180 City Campus
German 3 12 LANG1188 City Campus
German 4 12 LANG1198 City Campus
Italian 1 12 LANG1021 City Campus
Italian 2 12 LANG1022 City Campus
Japanese 1 12 LANG1093 City Campus
Japanese 2 12 LANG1094 City Campus
Japanese 3 12 LANG1146 City Campus
Japanese 4 12 LANG1095 City Campus
Japanese 5 12 LANG1097 City Campus
Japanese 6 12 LANG1098 City Campus
Japanese Language and Society 12 LANG1276 City Campus
Japanese Language in Context 12 LANG1277 City Campus
Spanish 1 12 LANG1168 City Campus
Spanish 2 12 LANG1178 City Campus
Spanish 3 12 LANG1184 City Campus
Spanish 4 12 LANG1200 City Campus
Spanish 5 12 LANG1207 City Campus
Spanish 6 12 LANG1209 City Campus
Spanish Language and Society 12 LANG1278 City Campus
Spanish Language in Context 12 LANG1279 City Campus
Chinese for Professional Communication 12 LANG1266 City Campus
Chinese through Drama 12 LANG1267 City Campus
Translating Practice and Principles 12 LANG1365 City Campus
Interpreting Practice and Principles 12 LANG1328 City Campus
Translation and Interpreting Consolidation Practice 12 LANG1364 City Campus

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Program transition plan

From Semester 1, 2025, BP332/BP332LAN Bachelor of International Studies will be discontinued. The last intake into this plan was Semester 2, 2024.

If you are a current student, you will remain in the Bachelor of International Studies and will have until the end of Semester 1, 2028 to complete your program. You will be provided with detailed enrolment advice to support completion of the program in the teach out period. Please note that any Leave of Absence or reduced study load requests whilst enrolled in your current program plan may not be approved whilst your program plan is in teach-out.

If you do not complete the program requirements under this plan by the end of the teach out period, you will be transitioned into the new BP332/BP332P25 Bachelor of International Studies plan from Semester 2, 2028. Students who are transitioned will be provided with academic advice, support, and an enrolment plan. All approved courses undertaken in this plan will contribute toward your degree, however you may be required to do additional courses and incur fees for these.

If you deferred your studies in 2024 or took leave of absence without completing any courses you will be transferred to BP332/BP332P25 Bachelor of International Studies for Semester 1, 2025.

In addition to the above discontinuation, the program structure for BP332/BP332LAN Bachelor of International Studies has been amended and the following changes applied in Semester 1, 2025:

Year 1 and Program Option list

  • Course title changes as follows:

Course code

Previous course title

Course title from 2025

Year 1




Globalisation and our Global Futures

Globalisation and our Global Futures


Global Mobility

Moving People, Changing Places: Migration, Mobility and Displacement

Program option list




Global History and Security

Global History


Culture and Business Practice in Asia

Asia Pacific Futures


Global Language

Politics of Global Languages


International Development: Themes, Debates and Practice

International Development: Themes, Debates and Practice


Global Diplomacy

Crisis Live: Critical Global Analysis in Real Time


Global Learning

Global Leadership for Social Change


Indigenous Fieldwork

Learning on Country: Indigenous Communities in a Global Context


Global Conflict and Humanitarian Intervention

Humanitarian Interventions and Peace Transitions


Rethinking Global Security

Global Conflict, War and Violence


Contemporary Foreign Policy

Contemporary Foreign Policy and the Asia Pacific


Digital Technology and Globalisation

Digital Disruption: Meeting the Challenges of our Digital Age


Introduction to Global Security

Technology and Global Risk


Global Learning: Education, Globalisation and Social Change

Global Leadership for Social Change


Language Management in Global Organisations

Language in the Global Workplace


Program option list

  • Removal of HUSO2389 Statistical and Numerical Literacy for Global Citizens
  • Removal of HUSO1182 Race and Racism
  • Removal of HUSO2185 Culture, Conflict and Globalisation
  • Removal of SOCU2067 Teaching English in Global Context

Year 3

  • Replacement of SOCU1038 Global Professional Practice with SOCU2315 Global Challenges

Current students who have completed courses under the previous name will not be required to repeat the course as a result of the title change.

Current students who have completed SOCU1038 Global Professional Practice will not be required to complete SOCU2315 Global Challenges.


Where to get help

If you have questions or concerns regarding this advice, including what to do if you are unable to complete by the end of the teach out period, please do not hesitate to contact your program manager, Kaye Quek via email to kaye.quek@rmit.edu.au.



The program structure of BP332LAN Bachelor of International Studies (Languages) has been amended and the following change applied in Semester 1, 2024:

  • Course title change from ENVI1048 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment to ENVI1048 Building Responsible Relationships with First Peoples and Country

Current students who have completed the course under the previous name will not be required to repeat the course as a result of the title change.
If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies, you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure.

In semester 1, 2022 the program structure was amended for BP332LAN Bachelor of International Studies (Languages), and the following changes were applied;

  • Addition of SOCU1036 Global Governance and International Law
  • Addition a Language Elective LANG1239 Discourse Studies for Translators and Interpreters
  • Addition a Language Elective LANG1333 Theoretical Bases of Translating and Interpreting

If you have commenced the BP332LAN Bachelor of International Studies (Languages) program prior to 2022, you will not be disadvantaged by these changes and all approved courses undertaken prior to 2022 will contribute toward your degree. You will not incur any extra costs or be required to complete extra credit points because of these changes. Academic advice will be made available, and an enrolment plan provided to you on request.

If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure.

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