BP334 - Bachelor of Business (Blockchain Enabled Business)

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Plan: BP334 - Bachelor of Business (Blockchain Enabled Business)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Over the duration of the program you will experience a variety of approaches to learning and teaching. The approaches used in each course will be appropriate to the core curriculum areas and graduate capabilities it is designed to develop, and to assist you in developing skills as an independent and lifelong learner. The major styles of teaching and learning you will experience throughout your program will include:

Classroom teaching: utilises a range of teaching and learning techniques including lectures, guest lectures, class presentations, group discussion and student-led discussion. This style of learning is designed to maximise your understanding of the curriculum content and skills. It is designed to provide an environment where you can ask questions and seek feedback as well as contribute to class discussion.

Problem-based learning: you may be in a small practice group or team, or work individually to apply knowledge to solve problems and examine case studies. This technique is designed to simulate the experiences you will encounter working in the diverse range of fields of application for blockchain specifically and disruptive technologies more generally.

Assignments and projects: these may be either research or problem based and may be undertaken in teams or individually. They will provide you with experience at undertaking research and to write effectively and to present your findings and advice to a range of audiences; and may also require you to provide oral presentations. Assignments and projects are also designed to provide a way to receive feedback on your skills development and be able to utilise this feedback to improve your skills and further develop your capabilities in the relevant area.

Flexible delivery: The program will incorporate extensive use of online teaching resources in the provision of support resources to you, and for accessing research sites of relevance to the course content. The University’s learning management system (LMS) will be used for:

  • Learning resources: such as lecture notes and presentation slides which can be used as either preparation or revision materials
  • Assessment and Feedback Tools: A range of assessment tools will be provided online to assist with course content and to produce immediate feedback. Discussion boards will be used as a forum to discuss and analyse readings, theories, events etc. Quizzes will be used for formative assessment and self-tests, incorporating a range of designs and feedback options.

Assessment: Assessment is designed to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate the extent to which you have developed your capabilities and achieved specified learning outcomes in a given area. Methods of assessment will vary between courses, as it is appropriate to the objectives, learning outcomes and capabilities to be developed in each course.

Assessment may take the form of:

  • Formal examinations: which provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding and application of fundamental principles to either practical or theoretical issues;
  • Assignments: case studies, projects and journals that may be completed individually or completed in teams, as required by each respective course. They will provide you opportunities to develop your abilities in communications, research and reasoning, and problem solving.
  • Research projects; which assess your ability to fixate, assimilate, analyse and critically reflect on information;
  • In-class tests: provide you with feedback on your early understanding within a course and allow feedback to assist you in further developing your skills and abilities;
  • Presentations: which provide you opportunities to develop your research, reasoning and oral communication skills.

For more information on assessment, refer to the RMIT Assessment Processes policy.

Please note that if you have a long-term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) unit if you would like to find out more. Information about ELS can be found via the following link: www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-services/equitable-learning.

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Work integrated learning

As a student enrolled at RMIT University, you will be provided with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. The designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) courses in this program are INTE2554 Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts (12 credit points) and ECON1561 Blockchain Application Projects (12 credit points).

These courses will provide you with opportunities to apply your academic skills to a work-based context. In particular you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and
  • be provided with work based contextual feedback to assist your learning. 

These learning opportunities will be in the form of industry-linked projects, simulations or placements.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester.

Students in this program have the option of completing a second major using 96 credit points from the business minor and electives options. The second majors available are:

Digital Business
Financial Planning
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
International Business
Logistics and Supply Chain Management


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Year One of Program - Semester One

Complete the following Four (4) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Prices and Markets 12 ECON1020 City Campus
Introduction to Management 12 BUSM4176 City Campus
Marketing Principles 12 MKTG1025 City Campus
Accounting in Organisations and Society 12 ACCT1046 City Campus

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Year One of Program - Semester Two

Complete the following Four (4) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Macroeconomics 1 12 ECON1010 City Campus
Business Information Systems 12 ISYS2056 City Campus
Business Statistics 1 12 ECON1030 City Campus
Blockchain for Business 12 ISYS3408 City Campus

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Year Two of Program - Semester One

Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


The Blockchain Economy 12 ECON1349 City Campus
Financial Instruments and Technologies 12 BAFI3254 City Campus
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from any Business Discipline Minor.
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from a Second Business Discipline Major.

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Year Two of Program - Semester Two

Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts 12 INTE2554 City Campus
Business Law 12 LAW2442 City Campus
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from any Business Discipline Minor.
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from a Second Business Discipline Major.

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Year Three of Program - Semester One

Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Civil and Criminal Issues in the Digital World 12 LAW2556 City Campus
Cryptofinance & Cryptocurrency 12 BAFI3236 City Campus
Option 1: Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from a Second Business Discipline Major.
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from a Second Business Discipline Minor or Other Discipline Minor.
Option 2: Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from any:
University Elective

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Year Three of Program - Semester Two

Complete the following Two (2) Core Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Accounting and Taxation in the Digital Economy 12 ACCT2326 City Campus
Blockchain Application Projects 12 ECON1561 City Campus
Option 1: Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from a Second Business Discipline Major.
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from a Second Business Discipline Minor or Other Discipline Minor.
Option 2: Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from any:
University Elective

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Program transition plan

2025 Transition Arrangements

If you have not completed ECON1030 Business Statistics 1 by Semester 1 2025, you must complete BUSM2567 Business Decision Making.

2024 Transition Arrangements

From Semester 2 2024 please note the following replacement courses:

Common core course Replacement course
BUSM4176 Introduction to Management BUSM2572 Business in Society
ECON1010 Macroeconomics 1 BUSM2562 Understanding the Business Environment
ECON1020 Prices and Markets BUSM2562 Understanding the Business Environment
ECON1010 Macroeconomics and ECON1020 Prices and Markets

BUSM2562 Understanding the Business Environment and one of ECON1086 Business in the Globalised Economy, ECON1259 Development Economics, ECON1349 The Blockchain Economy or ECON1590 Survey and Experiments

Semester 1, 2022 is the final intake for BP334 Bachelor of Business (Blockchain Enabled Business). 

The BP334 Bachelor of Business (Blockchain Enabled Business) program will be formally discontinued from Semester 2, 2022, and the final intake for admission into the BP334 Bachelor of Business (Blockchain Enabled Business) program will be Semester 1, 2022. The program will be taught out to current students until Semester 2, 2030. If you anticipate that you will successfully complete this program by the end of 2021, these changes do not apply to you. 

Current students who will not finish the program by the end of 2021 have the option to either:

Option 1 - Remain in your current program

Recommended for students in the second or third year of your current program. 

If you remain in your current program, you must complete the program by the end of Semester 2, 2030.

Please refer to the course teach-out schedule for your current program which will be provided to your RMIT student email to help you plan your enrolment.  

If you commenced the program before Semester 2 2021, please refer to the following transition rules: 

  • If you have completed LAW2442 Commercial Law, you do not need to complete LAW2442 Business Law, as this is a course title change only. 
  • If you have completed ACCT2326 Accounting and Taxation in the Digital World, you do not need to complete ACCT2326 Accounting and Taxation in the Digital Economy, as this is a course title change only. 

Option 2 - Transfer to the BP343 Bachelor of Business or any other available RMIT program

Recommended for students in the first year of your current program. 

The equivalent major in the new program to your existing degree is Blockchain Enabled Business.    

Note: entry will be subject to maintaining satisfactory academic progress.  

To transfer into the BP343 Bachelor of Business, please refer to the following steps: 

Domestic Students 

1. Log into myRMIT  
2. Under 'Launch Applications', select 'Apply for a Program' 

Please also note, in line with government changes, all RMIT program and course fees have increased from 1 January 2021. For a detailed explanation about these changes, please visit the RMIT Fees for Commonwealth supported students page. You are welcome to contact RMIT Student Connect if you have any further queries regarding this change as the fee increase will apply to you if you decide to transfer into the new program. 

International Students 

Apply to change your program via the online application system. More information on how to apply.   

If you are eligible for a transfer, a new offer letter will be issued to you, and you will be required to accept your new offer to finalise your transfer and receive a new CoE for your student visa.  

If you have been awarded sponsorship or scholarship, you will be required to obtain a new letter of approval (i.e. Financial Guarantee) from your sponsor before you are eligible to be accepted into the new program, receive a new CoE or enrol. 

All Students 

Credit will be assessed on an individual basis and where possible, credit will be granted with grades (including fail grades). Note: you will not be required to submit any supporting documentation in your application (i.e., transcripts, qualifications). 

If you have any queries or concerns about your enrolment, please do not hesitate to contact Business Connect who will be able to assist you in planning your studies. 

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