C4405 - Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing

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Plan: C4405 - Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

This program is flexible and modular in design, catering for full- and part-time students. All courses are delivered in a blended learning mode. Every week you access instruction- and activity-rich content via Canvas, our learning management system, and attend a face-to-face or online class. These classes are held at RMIT’s city campus or on Collaborate Ultra in Canvas.

Learning activities include lectures, workshops, demonstrations, presentations, project work, practical exercises, and discussion in class and online forums. You benefit from regular feedback from your teacher and from peers in class workshopping. Industry speakers share their specialist knowledge and expertise, and in the WIL-designated course provide feedback on your work.

Your assessment tasks are closely linked to work performed by writers and editors:

  • preparing planning and review documents, reports, correspondence, timelines and budgets
  • presenting ideas, concepts and proposals
  • writing in publishable forms, such as short stories, flash fiction, articles, reviews, advertising copy, online content and more
  • providing feedback to writers on their work, and considering and implementing feedback on your own work provided by others
  • completing editing tasks using conventional tools, techniques and software
  • designing and producing templates, documents and publications using industry-standard software.

In this program, assessment is ongoing throughout the course. Assessment tasks are identified in your course guides, and detailed assessment briefs are available in Canvas. To access your course guides, go to the Program Structure section of this Program Guide, and select the course and term you would like to view.

If you have already developed competency through prior experience (for example, through study or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. The RMIT website explains about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

If you have a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition, aspects of the learning or assessment methods could be varied. RMIT provides support and equal opportunities through the Equitable Learning Services. For more information, contact this service or your program coordinator.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations.

In addition these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning.

WIL is integral to Write persuasive copy (BSBMKG555), where students will present sample copy to an industry practitioner.  

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Program Structure

This qualification requires the completion of 12 units - 6 core units and 6 elective units.

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C4405 Courses

Students must complete a series of compulsory onboarding modules during their first semester or study period. C4405 Core Units - Select ALL Six (6) Courses

Course Title

Nominal Hours

Course Code


Design and produce text documents (BSBITU303) 90 OFFC5340C City Campus
Work effectively in the creative arts industry (CUAIND311) 50 GEDU6190C City Campus
Implement copyright arrangements (CUACMP311) 20 BUSM8870C City Campus
Write fiction material (CUAWRT405) 70 COMM7370C City Campus
Write nonfiction material (CUAWRT406) 70 COMM7371C City Campus
Perform writing and editing tasks (CUAWRT404) 120 COMM7372C City Campus
C4405 Elective Units - Select Six (6) Courses

Course Title

Nominal Hours

Course Code


Develop content for publication (CUAWRT407) 70 COMM7373C City Campus
Write content for a range of media (CUAWRT301) 40 COMM7374C City Campus
Design and produce complex text documents (BSBTEC401) 100 OFFC5351C City Campus
Write simple stories (CUAWRT302) 30 COMM7347C City Campus
Write persuasive copy (BSBMKG555) 50 MKTG6122C City Campus
Produce creative work (CUAPPR301) 45 OMGT5063C City Campus

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