C5413 - Diploma of Screen and Media (Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects)

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Plan: C5413 - Diploma of Screen and Media (Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects)
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

The approach to learning and assessment for this program includes both structured and unstructured forms of training delivery. 

Structured training
Structured training involves teacher directed learning and assessment activities. These activities can be either supervised  or unsupervised: 

Structured supervised activities include:

  • Simulated workplace activities directly supervised by an RMIT trainer or assessor
  • Structured online learning activities where there is real time access to your teachers e.g. online lectures, teacher led discussions and online activities.
  • Face-to-face learning e.g. tutorials, lectures, scheduled classes.
  • Assessment where there is an RMIT assessor present.

Structured unsupervised activities include:
Teacher directed hours that contribute to achieving unit of competency/ course outcomes but that are not directly supervised by an RMIT trainer or assessor. E.g. Set preparation for class, assignment work, online exercises, set reading, mandatory work experience, field placement.

Unstructured training
Unstructured training involves learner directed activities such as research, reading, investigation, online collaboration, practice tests or preparing for assessments. It can also include practice of technical skills, industry familiarisation and work experience (not directly linked to an assessment of course competencies). 

Successful completion of this program requires that you demonstrate that you are competent in 15 units of competency. For learning and assessment purposes some of these units have been grouped together. The table below indicates which of the 15 units are delivered together.

Unit Code and Title


Cluster 1 - 2D 1


CUAANM513 Design specifications for animation and digital visual effects


CUAPPR411 Realise a creative project


Cluster 2 - Design 1


CUADES412 Interpret and respond to a design brief


CUAIND512 Enhance professional practice using creative arts industry knowledge


Cluster 3 - Interactive 2


CUADIG517 Design digital simulations


CUADES511 Implement design solutions


Learning is conducted in the following types of environments:

  • computer labs – practical classes held in labs that contain industry-standard Apple Mac computers and a range of software.
  • auditoriums – industry speakers and graduates are invited to share their experiences and provide students with valuable insider information.
  • studio – group projects are undertaken in computer labs, reflecting a professional studio production experience.

In addition to computer labs, you have access to cutting-edge production equipment including HD video, professional audio, and imaging equipment.

Your learning experience will involve:

In-class activities:

  • teacher-guided instruction
  • peer teaching and class presentations
  • group discussion
  • independent project-based work
  • workshopping of students’ own projects
  • screenings
  • guest lectures

Out-of-class activities will include:

  • online activities
  • project work
  • independent investigation
  • independent study

You will have access to online resources through the myRMIT student portal.

Assessment is ongoing throughout the program and you will be assessed by folio submission as well as skills demonstration. Some assessments will be group-based but many projects will be individually conducted and assessed. Your assessment tasks may also include presentations, reports, assignments, and projects. Assessment tasks and the form of assessment will be identified in your course guides. Your course guides will also indicate whether grading is applied to an assessment task after competency is established. To access these, please go to the Program Structure section of this Program Guide, select which course you would like to look at and then select which term you would like to view.

General Information

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and credit transfer are ways that RMIT recognises applicants’ skills and knowledge gained through formal and informal education and training, work experience, and/or life experience (including volunteer work; committee responsibilities; family duties; hobbies). If you have already developed competency through prior experience, you may wish to apply for RPL before the program commences or at any time during the program.

Students with disabilities and/or long term medical conditions
If you have a long-term medical condition, disability, and/or other forms of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations;

and in addition:

  • these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be simulated

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with workplace experience. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate vocational competency. If you are working, particularly in a job which is related to your studies you will also be learning while at work and may have the opportunity to be assessed in your workplace for some or all of your courses. Feedback from work supervisors and others in the workplace can be used as evidence of competency, and an RMIT University assessor can visit your workplace to observe your work practice.

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Program Structure

This qualification requires completion of the following : Students must complete 15 units = 4 core units plus 11 elective units.

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C5413 Core Courses:

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Nominal Hours

Course Code


Provide freelance services (CUAIND412) 40 PERF5101C City Campus
Enhance professional practice using creative arts industry knowledge (CUAIND512) 60 EMPL5994C City Campus
Realise a creative project (CUAPPR411) 90 VART6492C City Campus
Establish and maintain safe creative practice (CUAPPR515) 40 PUBH5211C City Campus

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C5413 Elective Courses

Complete the following Eleven (11) Courses:

Course Title

Nominal Hours

Course Code


Design digital applications (CUADIG512) 60 ISYS5695C City Campus
Design specifications for animation and digital visual effects (CUAANM513) 90 VART6493C City Campus
Create 3D digital environments (CUAANM512) 60 VART6494C City Campus
Create 3D digital animations (CUAANM302) 75 VART6446C City Campus
Create digital visual effects (CUAANM412) 80 VART6495C City Campus
Design digital simulations (CUADIG517) 50 COSC6247C City Campus
Produce sound recordings (CUASOU504) 100 VART6417C City Campus
Implement design solutions (CUADES511) 70 GRAP5400C City Campus
Edit digital content for fast turnaround (CUAPOS411) 30 COMM5471C City Campus
Interpret and respond to a design brief (CUADES412) 30 GRAP5401C City Campus
Produce typographic design solutions (CUAGRD503) 60 GRAP6366C City Campus

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