DR231 - PhD (Applied Biology & Biotechnology)

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Plan: DR231 - Doctor of Philosophy
Campus: Bundoora Campus

Program delivery and structure

Program structure

Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following:

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Coursework Courses

Complete the following One (1) course prior to your First milestone review (confirmation of candidature):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Doing Research for Sciences 12 BIOL2522 City Campus
Complete the following One (1) course prior to your Second milestone review:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Research for Impact in Sciences 12 BIOL2523 City Campus
Complete the following One (1) course prior to your Third milestone review:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Entrepreneurship in Research 12 OENG1160 City Campus
In consultation with your supervisory team, you may also elect to take up to One (1) of the following courses during your candidature:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Quantitative Research Techniques 12 MATH2256 City Campus
Qualitative Research Methods 12 HUSO2362 City Campus
Bioinformatics and Multi-Omics Data Analysis 12 BIOL2524 City Campus
Digital Technologies 12 INTE2624 City Campus
In consultation with your supervisory team, you may also opt to take up to 12 credit points of approved university research electives:

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Thesis Courses

The remaining allocation of credit points for each semester should be made up of the following Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


PhD Research (48cp) 48 BIOL2386 Bundoora Campus
PhD Research (36cp) 36 BIOL2387 Bundoora Campus
PhD Research (24cp) 24 BIOL2388 Bundoora Campus
PhD Research (12cp) 12 BIOL2389 Bundoora Campus

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