FS022 - Foundation Studies

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Plan: FS022VIADA - Foundation Studies: Art, Design and Architecture
Campus: RMIT University Vietnam

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure

Approach to learning and assessment

This program includes a blend of didactic, active, and collaborative learning activities designed to meet the needs of international students. The program encourages the process of inquiry, application and reflection through student centred learning and teaching activities including practical work in studio environments and laboratories. In doing so, there will be a focus on the development of critical and analytical thinking skills that promote problem solving, independent research skills and group work.  Students will develop their technology skills through engagement in formative and summative assessments. The program will maximise the use of the learning management system by incorporating flipped and blended methodologies. This may be complemented by guest lectures, excursions and speakers with discipline specific work life expertise to further connect content to the professional world and generate opportunities for reflective practice.

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Work integrated learning

The Foundation Studies program develops your understanding of the world of work in order for you to make more informed decisions about career choices.  The program will also raise your awareness of employability skills and intercultural competencies required in the workplace. Authentic learning activities help students identify how course knowledge and skills is valued and applied in the workplace.

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Program Structure

To complete the program you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Semester One: Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Exploring Narratives 12 LANG1383 RMIT University Vietnam
Fundamentals of Visual Communication 12 GRAP2990 RMIT University Vietnam
Materials and Design 12 GRAP2993 RMIT University Vietnam
Drawing and Studio Practice 12 VART3736 RMIT University Vietnam
Semester Two: Complete the following Two (2) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Comparative Texts 12 LANG1377 RMIT University Vietnam
Studio Investigation 12 OART1100 RMIT University Vietnam
Select and Complete Two (2) of the following Courses (Note: the courses which will be offered will be decided prior to program commencement):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Multimedia 12 COMM2883 RMIT University Vietnam
Media: Power and Persuasion 12 COMM2886 RMIT University Vietnam
Creative Narratives 12 LANG1380 RMIT University Vietnam
Marketing and Communication 12 MKTG1492 RMIT University Vietnam

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