GD204 - Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education

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Plan: GD204 - Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Campus: Bundoora Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

The program integrates a variety of innovative learning and teaching approaches that will prepare you to work with infants, toddlers and young children who are born into a changing and complex post-digital, and post-anthropocene world. Learning is delivered in face to face, online and/or virtual PoPLab spaces that respond to student preferences, particularly those who live offshore or in rural areas. Courses use a variety of learning and teaching approaches that include seminars, workshops, studios, pod-casts and tutorials using methods such as collaborative group work, negotiated learning, peer  review, presentation, industry pitches, workshops, yarning dialogues, self-review evaluation of practice and edu-portfolio - all of which encourage deep reflection, critical thinking and pedagogical engagement.

You will work in the RMIT PoPLab to explore teaching and learning possibilities and engage with challenges and issues facing the early childhood education sector. You will work with early childhood education partners to solve these problems, using a range of visual methodologies e.g. video, virtual reality, augmented reality, cross-disciplinary approaches, curriculum engagement and philosophical inquiry. 

Key to your learning will be your engagement with the early childhood education sector. You will spend 60 days throughout the course in contexts catering for the learning needs of infants, toddlers and young children where you will have multiple opportunities to constructively critique your own practice. You will work with a mentor teacher with whom you will observe and discuss quality practice.

Assessment involves ‘learning by doing’ and will include a range of activities such as an industry pitch, written reflections, research projects, child study, narratives and self-review. Your pedagogy will be assessed in-centre, virtually and using video which will enable you to respond to learners effectively This approach will enable you to improve your performance during the program, and you will continue to refine capabilities for your future professional practice as an early childhood teacher.  

If you have a long-term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more. 

Inherent Requirements

The following information on inherent requirements outlines the tasks you will be required to undertake during professional placement and on-campus learning activities. The non-academic abilities listed are provided for information only and are not entry requirements. If there are any activities outlined which may be difficult for you to undertake, there are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate these abilities. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service to discuss any adjustments you may require.

Please read the full list of the Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education inherent requirements

By understanding the types of activities you’ll participate in, you can:

  • understand more about the program
  • determine if you may need support during your studies
  • make an informed decision about whether the program is suitable for you

If you are living with disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies.

To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Services
The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in on-campus learning and professional experience settings.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and in addition, these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be in a simulated workplace environment.

The program has been designed to provide 60 days supervised professional experience. The 60 days professional practice is managed in three placements in early childhood workplace settings. Education studies and professional learning courses link content and assessment with professional experience and provide opportunities for Work Integrated Learning.

The designated WIL courses in this program are:

- TCHE2684 Belonging in the early years: Praxis (25 day placement) 

- TCHE2686 Becoming in the early years: Child in Community (10 day placement) 

- TCHE2687 Becoming an early years professional (25 day placement)  

This program provides work related projects in the learning activities and assessment. You will be learning as you do professional work, jobs and tasks while in employment. The feedback you get from your supervisor and others on work integrated learning activities and assessment will be vital for your learning. The program prepares and supports you for these experiences.

Please note that to undertake the WIL (Professional Experience) courses in the program, you must provide a satisfactory working with children check. If you are not able to provide this, you will be unable to complete the program. Some centres may require proof of current immunisation to undertake placement. 

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Belonging Early Years: Introduction 12 TCHE2683 Bundoora Campus
Belonging in the Early Years: Praxis 24 TCHE2684 Bundoora Campus
Being in the Early Years 24 TCHE2685 Bundoora Campus
Becoming in the Early Years: Child in Community 12 TCHE2686 Bundoora Campus
Becoming an Early Years Professional 24 TCHE2687 Bundoora Campus

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Program transition plan

From Semester 1, 2025, GD204/GD204 Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education will be discontinued. The last intake into this program was Semester 2, 2024.

If you are a current student, you will remain in the Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education and will have until the end of Semester 1, 2027 to complete your program. You will be given detailed enrolment advice to support completing the program in the teach-out period. Please note that any Leave of Absence requests whilst enrolled in your current program plan may not be approved whilst your program plan is in teach-out.

If you do not complete the program requirements under this plan by the end of the teach out period, you will be transitioned into the new GD204/GD204P25 plan from Semester 2, 2027. Students who are transitioned will be provided with academic advice, support, and an enrolment plan. All approved courses in this plan will contribute to your degree, but you may be required to do more courses and incur fees for these. 

If you deferred your studies in 2024 you will be transferred to GD204P25 Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education for Semester 1, 2025.

Where to get help

If you have questions or concerns regarding this advice, including what to do if you are unable to complete by the end of the teach out period, please do not hesitate to contact your program manager, Elise Waghorn via email to

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