MC197 - Master of Marketing

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Plan: MC197EXE15 - Master of Marketing
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Over the duration of your program you will experience a variety of teaching and learning approaches. The approaches used in each course will be appropriate to the learning outcomes they are designed to develop.The major styles of teaching, learning and assessment you will experience throughout your program will include:

Classroom teaching: May include lectures, class presentations, group discussions, student-led discussions etc. This style of learning is designed to maximise your understanding of the curriculum content and develop appropriate skills. It is designed to provide an environment where you can ask questions and seek feedback as well as contribute to class discussion and apply theory to practice.

Flexible delivery: The program will incorporate use of online resources. These may include learning resources such as lecture notes, and assessment and feedback tools such as discussion boards.

Problem-Based Learning: Problem-based learning engages you in analytical thinking, research and provision of solutions.

Cooperative learning: Enables you to work in collaborative or team-based tasks.

Assignments and projects: These may be either research or problem based, and may be undertaken in teams or individually. They will provide you with experience at undertaking research and writing effectively to present your findings and recommendations to a range of audiences.

Formal examinations: Will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding and application of principles to either practical or theoretical issues.

Depending on courses selected, student progress is assessed by a combination of group and individual assignments and examination. The assessment you must complete is designed to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate the extent to which you have  achieved specific learning outcomes in a given area. Methods of assessment will also vary with the learning outcomes of the relevant course but may include case studies, research projects, reports and formal examinations.

Please note that if you have a long-term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies. To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Service

The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in on-campus/online learning and professional experience settings.

Academic integrity:

You must complete the RMIT Assessment coversheet with your assessment submissions.

For more information on assessment, refer to the RMIT Assessment and Assessment Flexibility policy.

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Work integrated learning

As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will be provided with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. The designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) courses in this program are MKTG1100 Marketing Management (12 credit points) and MKTG1215 Strategic Marketing (12 credit points). These courses will provide you with opportunities to apply your academic skills to a work-based context.

In particular you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice; and
  • be involved in authentic engagement with partner organisations that includes industry feedback.

This learning opportunity may be in the form of industry-based projects, simulations or placements.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Marketing Management 12 MKTG1100 City Campus
Consumer Behaviour 12 MKTG1101 City Campus
Marketing Communication Strategy 12 MKTG1103 City Campus
Marketing Research 12 MKTG1104 City Campus
Select and Complete Four (4) of the following Option Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Product Innovation 12 MKTG1311 City Campus
Interactive Marketing 12 MKTG1105 City Campus
Services Marketing 12 MKTG1112 City Campus
Brand Strategy 12 MKTG1126 City Campus
Sustainable Marketing 12 MKTG1127 City Campus
Business and Network Marketing 12 MKTG1209 City Campus
Customer Experience Design 12 MKTG1373 City Campus
Marketing Analytics 12 MKTG1474 City Campus
Advanced Digital Marketing 12 MKTG1472 City Campus
Marketing Technologies 12 MKTG1518 City Campus
International Marketing 12 BUSM1588 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Select and Complete Five (5) of the following Option Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Product Innovation 12 MKTG1311 City Campus
Interactive Marketing 12 MKTG1105 City Campus
Services Marketing 12 MKTG1112 City Campus
Brand Strategy 12 MKTG1126 City Campus
Sustainable Marketing 12 MKTG1127 City Campus
Business and Network Marketing 12 MKTG1209 City Campus
Customer Experience Design 12 MKTG1373 City Campus
Marketing Analytics 12 MKTG1474 City Campus
Advanced Digital Marketing 12 MKTG1472 City Campus
Marketing Technologies 12 MKTG1518 City Campus
International Marketing 12 BUSM1588 City Campus
Complete the following One (1) Capstone Course:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Strategic Marketing 12 MKTG1215 City Campus
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from any:
University Postgrad Elective

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Program transition plan

Semester 2 2022 Program changes

The four (4) Business Enabling courses listed below that form Stage A / Semester 1, Year 1 of your current program structure will be removed from the program from Semester 2, 2022.  

  • BUSM1162 Management 1 - Managing People 
  • BUSM3886 Business and Government in the Global Context 
  • ISYS1028 Global Business and Social Technology: A Case Study Approach 
  • ACCT2127 Accounting for Management Decisions 

The Business Enabling courses will be replaced with four (4) additional courses from the current options list. Please refer to your program structure for the options course list.

1. If you have received exemptions for the four (4) Business Enabling courses, prior to Semester 2 2022: 

The courses will be recognised as part of your program, and no further action is required. You may continue your program enrolment as planned. 

2. If you have successfully completed or received exemptions for up to three of the four (4) Business Enabling courses, prior to Semester 2 2022, you will need to complete additional courses as detailed below:

  • If you have completed one Business Enabling course, you must complete an additional 36 credit points from the options list.
  • If you have completed two Business Enabling courses, you must complete an additional 24 credit points from the options list.
  • If you have completed three Business Enabling courses, you must complete an additional 12 credit points from the options list.

Please also note the following changes: 

  • If you have completed MKTG1341 The Strategic Value of Design, this will continue to be counted as an optional elective (12 credit points). This course is no longer offered as an optional elective from semester 2 2022. 

  • MKTG1127 Social Marketing has been renamed MKTG1127 Sustainable Marketing, effective Semester 1 2023.

GD094 Graduate Diploma in Marketing transition arrangements:

Graduate Diploma students will need to complete an additional course from the option course list in lieu of MKTG1215 Strategic Marketing.

Semester 1 2020 Program changes

All current students will be transitioned to the new program structure, and all course credits that have already been obtained will be recognised in the new structure.

The amendment to the program involves the following changes:

1. The course BUSM4448 Business Research Design will no longer be a core course in the program structure. 

a. If you have COMPLETED BUSM4448 Business Research Design before semester 1 2020, you will need to complete a minimum of four courses from the marketing Option courses.
b. If you have NOT COMPLETED BUSM4448 Business Research Design before semester 1 2020, you will need to complete a minimum of five courses from the marketing Option courses. 

2. The capstone course MKTG1215 Strategic Marketing will move from Stage B to Stage C (the last stage) of the program structure

3. The introduction of two optional/elective Marketing courses: MKTG1474 Marketing Analytics and MKTG1472 Advanced Digital Marketing

Please see below the full list of Marketing options/elective courses
MKTG1105 Interactive Marketing
MKTG1311 Product Innovation 
(will not be taught in Semester 1 2020)
MKTG1209 Business and Networking Marketing
MKTG1112 Services Marketing
MKTG1127 Social Marketing
MKTG1126 Brand Strategy
MKTG1474 Marketing Analytics
MKTG1472 Advanced Digital Marketing
BUSM1588 International Marketing
MKTG1341 The Strategic Value of Design 
(will not be taught in Semester 1 2020)
MKTG1373 Customer Experience Design (will not be taught in Semester 1 2020) 

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