MC198 - Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management

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Plan: MC198P15 - Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Campus: City Campus

Learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes Statement

This program you will provide you with the knowledge and professional skills necessary to effectively manage logistics and supply chain operations. On the successful completion of this program you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a broad, critical and practical understanding of contemporary issues and practices in business.
  • Critically and methodically analyse contemporary logistics and supply chain issues to design efficient and effective operations processes.
  • Apply analytical logistics and supply chain skills to solve operationally complex problems.
  • Conduct logistics and supply chain practices in a socially responsible and ethical manner.
  • Demonstrate confidence and competence in negotiating contracts, resolving conflicts and rationalising business decisions in multicultural settings.
  • Utilize project and change management skills to develop solutions for dealing with dynamically complex business problems.
  • Apply and integrate professional theory with practice in authentic Work Integrated Learning (WIL) contexts, professional contexts and industry settings.
  • Apply research principles and methods to design innovative options and solutions for, and make reasoned judgements about, problem and issues in contemporary business practice.
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