MC200 - Master of Business Information Technology

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Plan: MC200EXE15 - Master of Business Information Technology
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Over the duration of your program you will experience a variety of teaching and learning approaches. The approaches used in each course will be appropriate to the learning outcomes and core capabilities they are designed to develop.

The major styles of teaching, learning and assessment you will experience throughout your program will include:

Classroom teaching: May include lectures, class presentations, group discussions, student-led discussions etc. This style of learning is designed to maximise your understanding of the curriculum content and develop appropriate skills. It is designed to provide an environment where you can ask questions and seek feedback as well as contribute to class discussion and apply theory to practice.

Flexible delivery: The program will incorporate use of online resources. These may include learning resources such as lecture notes, and assessment and feedback tools such as discussion boards.

Problem-Based Learning: Problem-based learning engages you in analytical thinking, research and provision of solutions.

Cooperative learning: Enables you to work in collaborative or team-based tasks.

Assignments and projects: These may be either research or problem based, and may be undertaken in teams or individually. They will provide you with experience at undertaking research and writing effectively to present your findings and recommendations to a range of audiences.

Formal examinations: Will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding and application of principles to either practical or theoretical issues.


Depending on courses selected, student progress is assessed by a combination of group and individual assignments and examination.The assessment you must complete is designed to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate the extent to which you have developed your capabilities and achieved specific learning outcomes in a given area. Methods of assessment will also vary with the learning outcomes and core capabilities of the relevant course but may include case studies, research projects and reports.

If you have a long term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more:

Academic integrity

You must complete the RMIT Assessment coversheet with your assessment submissions.

For more information on assessment, refer to the RMIT Assessment and Assessment Flexibility policy.

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Work integrated learning

As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will be provided with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. The designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) course in this program is:

  • INTE1002 Digital Risk Management and Information Security (12 credit points)

This course will provide you with opportunities to apply your academic skills to a work-based context.

In particular, you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice; and
  • be involved in authentic engagement with partner organisations that includes industry feedback.

These learning opportunities may be in the form of industry-based projects, simulations or placements.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Stage A:

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Business Project Management 12 BUSM4610 City Campus
Business Analytics 12 ISYS3374 City Campus
Database Design and Development 12 ISYS2038 City Campus
Business Systems Analysis and Design 12 ISYS2395 City Campus

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Stage B:

Complete the following Four (4) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Digital Risk Management and Information Security 12 INTE1002 City Campus
Business Ethics for a Digital Society 12 ISYS3300 City Campus
Knowledge Management 12 INTE2397 City Campus
Governance and Change in Digital Business 12 INTE2412 City Campus

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Stage C:

Complete the following Three (3) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Digital Strategy 12 INTE1030 City Campus
Business Research Design 12 BUSM4448 City Campus
Business Information Technology Project 12 ISYS3303 City Campus
Select and Complete One (1) Course from the Option Course List at the end of the program structure
Complete One (1) Course as approved by the Program Manager

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Stage D:

Select and Complete Four (4) Courses from the Option Course List at the end of the program structure.

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Option Course List

List of Option Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Digital Innovation 12 INTE1014 City Campus
Risk Analysis and Assessment 12 BUSM1734 City Campus
e Business Supply Chains 12 OMGT1236 City Campus
Supply Chain Modelling & Design 12 OMGT2087 City Campus
Intelligent Enterprise Systems 12 ISYS2396 City Campus
Programming Fundamentals 12 COSC2531 City Campus
Introduction to Statistical Computing 12 MATH1322 City Campus
Postgraduate Business Internship 12 BUSM4483 City Campus
Blockchain Solutions and Smart Contracts 12 ISYS3427 City Campus
Blockchain/Web3 Platforms and Strategies 12 INTE2572 City Campus
Blockchain and Cryptofinance 12 ECON1560 City Campus
Strategic Operations and Supply Chain Management 12 OMGT2191 City Campus
Strategic Management Control Systems 12 ACCT2279 City Campus
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Business Transformation 12 ISYS3467 City Campus
Data-Driven Decision Making: Machine Learning for Business Professionals 12 ISYS3466 City Campus
Visualising and Communicating Insights in Business 12 ISYS3438 City Campus
Modern Business Intelligence 12 INTE2689 City Campus
Business Transformation Planning and Management 12 BUSM2722 City Campus
Cloud Solutions for Enterprises 12 BUSM2723 City Campus
Cloud Design Best Practices 12 BUSM2724 City Campus
AI and Analytics for Business Applications 12 BUSM2725 City Campus

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Program transition plan

Semester 2 2022 Program changes

The four (4) Business Enabling courses listed below that form Stage A / Semester 1, Year 1 of your current program structure will be removed from the program from Semester 2, 2022.  

  • BUSM1162 Management 1 - Managing People 
  • BUSM3886 Business and Government in the Global Context 
  • ISYS1028 Global Business and Social Technology: A Case Study Approach 
  • ACCT2127 Accounting for Management Decisions 

The Business Enabling courses will be replaced with four (4) additional courses from the current options list. Please refer to your program structure for the options course list, which includes the following new optional courses:

  • ISYS3427 Blockchain Solutions and Smart Contracts  
  • INTE2572 Blockchain Strategy 
  • ECON1560 Blockchain and Cryptofinance 
  • OMGT2191 Strategic Operations and Supply Chain Management 
  • ACCT2279 Strategic Management Control Systems 

1. If you have received exemptions for the four (4) Business Enabling courses, prior to Semester 2 2022: 

  • The courses will be recognised as part of your program, and no further action is required. You may continue your program enrolment as planned. 

2. If you have successfully completed or received exemptions for up to three of the four (4) Business Enabling courses, prior to Semester 2 2022, you will need to complete additional courses as detailed below:

  • If you have completed one Business Enabling course, you must complete an additional 36 credit points from the options list.
  • If you have completed two Business Enabling courses, you must complete an additional 24 credit points from the options list.
  • If you have completed three Business Enabling courses, you must complete an additional 12 credit points from the options list.

Please also note the following changes: 

  • If you have completed ISYS2396 Enterprise Systems as an optional course, you do not need to complete ISYS2396 Intelligent Enterprise Systems as this is a course title change only (effective semester 1 2023).

  • If you have completed ISYS1015 Managing Digital Business, this will continue to be counted as an optional elective (12 credit points). This course is no longer offered as an optional elective from semester 2 2022. 

  • If you have completed INTE1040 Business Intelligence, this will continue to be counted as an optional elective (12 credit points). This course is no longer offered as an optional elective from semester 2 2022. 

  • If you have completed BUSM4119 Asian Management Issues, this will continue to be counted as an optional elective (12 credit points). This course is no longer offered as an optional elective from semester 2 2022. 

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