MC205 - Master of Commerce

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Plan: MC205P15 - Master of Commerce
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

Over the duration of your program you will experience a variety of teaching and learning approaches.The major styles of teaching, learning and assessment you will experience throughout your program will include:

Classroom teaching: May include lectures, class presentations, group discussions, student-led discussions etc. This style of learning is designed to maximise your understanding of the curriculum content and develop appropriate skills. It is designed to provide an environment where you can ask questions and seek feedback as well as contribute to class discussion and apply theory to practice.

Flexible delivery: The program will incorporate use of online resources. These may include learning resources such as lecture notes, and assessment and feedback tools such as discussion boards.

Problem-Based Learning: Problem-based learning engages you in analytical thinking, research and provision of solutions.

Cooperative learning: Enables you to work in collaborative or team-based tasks.

Assignments and projects: These may be either research or problem based, and may be undertaken in teams or individually. They will provide you with experience at undertaking research and writing effectively to present your findings and recommendations to a range of audiences.

Formal examinations: Will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding and application of principles to either practical or theoretical issues.

Depending on courses selected, student progress is assessed by a combination of group and individual assignments and examination.The assessment you must complete is designed to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate the extent to which you have developed your capabilities and achieved specific learning outcomes in a given area. Methods of assessment will also vary with the learning outcomes and core capabilities of the relevant course but may include case studies, research projects and reports.

If you have a long-term medical condition, disability and/or other form of disadvantage it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) unit if you would like to find out more. Information about ELS can be found via the following link:

Academic integrity

The originality verification software Turnitin (see, may be used on assessments in your program.

You must complete the RMIT Assessment coversheet with your assessment submissions.

Specifically, support resources for yourself as a student to ensure that your submitted assessment accurately represents your work are provided at:

For more information on assessment, refer to the RMIT Assessment and Assessment Flexibility policy.

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Work integrated learning

As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will be provided with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. The designated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) courses in this program are BUSM4448 Business Research Design (12 credit points).

This course will provide you with opportunities to apply your academic skills to a work-based context. 

In particular you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice; and
  • be involved in authentic engagement with partner organisations that includes industry feedback.

These learning opportunities may be in the form of industry-based projects, simulations or placements.

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following: All courses listed may not be available each semester

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Stage A:

Complete Two (2) Courses from One (1) Specialised 4-Course Sequence (compulsory) listed at the end of this program structure
Complete Two (2) Courses from a second Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure
Select and Complete Two (2) Elective Courses from the Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure. (One (1) International Study Tour may be included).

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Stage B:

Complete the Two (2) remaining Courses from One (1) compulsory Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure
Complete the remaining Two (2) Courses from a second Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure
Select and Complete Two (2) Elective Courses from the Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure (One (1) International Study Tour may be included).

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Stage C:

Complete the following One (1) Course:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Business Research Design 12 BUSM4448 City Campus
Select and Complete any Three (3) Elective Courses from the Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure (One (1) International study tour may be included):

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Stage D:

Complete Four (4) courses from a third Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure
Select and Complete any Four (4) Elective Courses from the Specialised 4-Course Sequence listed at the end of this program structure (One (1) international study tour may be included):
Select and Complete any Four (4) Business and Law Courses:

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Specialised 4 -Course Sequence:

Accounting Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Accounting, Accountability and Society 12 ACCT1106 City Campus
Business and Corporations Law 12 LAW2480 City Campus
Financial Decision Making 12 BAFI1100 City Campus
Corporate Accounting 12 ACCT1110 City Campus
Business Information Technology Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Business Project Management 12 BUSM4610 City Campus
Business Analytics 12 ISYS3374 City Campus
Database Design and Development 12 ISYS2038 City Campus
Business Systems Analysis and Design 12 ISYS2395 City Campus
Supply Chain and Logistics Management Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Supply Chain Principles 12 OMGT1021 City Campus
Supply Chain Modelling & Design 12 OMGT2087 City Campus
Business Analytics 12 ISYS3374 City Campus
Business Project Management 12 BUSM4610 City Campus
Business Analytics Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Modern Business Intelligence 12 INTE2689 City Campus
Database Design and Development 12 ISYS2038 City Campus
Intelligent Enterprise Systems 12 ISYS2396 City Campus
Business Analytics 12 ISYS3374 City Campus
Strategic Procurement Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Strategic Procurement Management 12 OMGT2236 City Campus
Managing Supply Contracts 12 BUSM1474 City Campus
e Business Supply Chains 12 OMGT1236 City Campus
Supply Chain Sustainability 12 OMGT2190 City Campus
Business Finance Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Financial Statement Analysis 12 BAFI1070 City Campus
Managerial Finance 12 BAFI3258 City Campus
Quantitative Financial Methods and Modelling 12 BAFI3288 City Campus
Global Financial Markets and Institutions 12 BAFI3261 City Campus
Marketing Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Marketing Management 12 MKTG1100 City Campus
Consumer Behaviour 12 MKTG1101 City Campus
Marketing Communication Strategy 12 MKTG1103 City Campus
Marketing Research 12 MKTG1104 City Campus
International Business Specialisation:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Sustainable International Business Futures 12 BUSM4388 City Campus
Accounting for Sustainable Management 12 ACCT2229 City Campus
Managing Across Cultures 12 BUSM3127 City Campus
Leadership Issues in International Management 12 BUSM3229 City Campus
Human Resource Management Specialisation

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Key Concepts in Human Resource Management 12 BUSM4499 City Campus
Professional Human Resource Management Practices 12 BUSM4504 City Campus
People and Organisations 12 BUSM3249 City Campus
Employment Law 12 BUSM4506 City Campus
Business Law Specialisation

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Employment Law 12 BUSM4506 City Campus
International Business Law 12 LAW1034 City Campus
Business and Corporations Law 12 LAW2480 City Campus
Intellectual Property Law 12 LAW1022 City Campus

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Program transition plan

Amendments - Effective from Semester 1, 2025:

Business Analytics Specialisation:

From Semester 1, 2025, the following course will no longer be available in the Business Analytics Specialisation:

INTE1040 Business Intelligence

and is being replaced with the new course:

INTE2689 Modern Business Intelligence

If you have completed INTE1040 Business Intelligence prior to Semester 1, 2025, the course will contribute to your Business Analytics specialisation.

If you have not completed INTE1040 Business Intelligence prior to Semester 1, 2025, you must complete INTE2689 Modern Business Intelligence as part of your Business Analytic specialisation.


AMENDMENTS - Semester 1 2024

RMIT University will be discontinuing the MC205 Master of Commerce program, after Semester 2, 2023. The final intake for admission into MC205 Master of Commerce was Semester 2, 2023. The program will be taught out to current students until Semester 2, 2026.

For students who will not complete their program by Semester 2, 2026, we have several optional pathways to consider for planning your enrolment. These pathways are described below and have been designed to ensure minimal impact toward your current enrolment.

Your Options:
Option 1: Remain enrolled in the MC205 Master of Commerce program.

If you wish to remain in the MC205 Master of Commerce program, you will be supported to complete the program by Semester 2, 2026 as per teach-out schedule.

Please refer to the teach-out schedule for your current program which will be provided to your RMIT student email to help you plan your enrolment. You will also have the option to complete two of the core courses from the MC288 Master of Commerce Certificate as part of the teach out arrangements:

  • BUSM2664 Future of Work
  • BUSM2669 Social Impact and Responsible Business

Please note that any Leave of Absence requests whilst enrolled in your current program may not be approved whilst your program is in teach-out.

If you are unsure whether you can complete the program by the end of the teach out period, please contact Business Connect for more advice.

Option 2: Transfer to the new MC288 Master of Commerce program.

Recommended for students who have been given an offer but not commenced their program.
Note: entry will be subject to maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
To transfer into the MC288 Master of Commerce program, please refer to the following steps:

Domestic Students
1. Log into myRMIT
2. Under 'Launch Applications', select 'Apply for a Program'

International Students
Apply to change your program via the online application system.
If you are eligible for a transfer, a new offer letter will be issued to you, and you will be required to accept your new offer to finalise your transfer and receive a new CoE for your student visa.
If you have been awarded sponsorship or scholarship, you will be required to obtain a new letter of approval (i.e. Financial Guarantee) from your sponsor before you are eligible to be accepted into the new program, receive a new CoE or enrol.

Information for all students
Credit will be assessed on an individual basis and where possible, credit will be granted with grades (including fail grades). Note: you will not be required to submit any supporting documentation in your application (i.e.,transcripts, qualifications).
If you have any queries or concerns about your enrolment, please do not hesitate to contact Business Connect who will be able to assist you in planning your studies.

AMENDMENTS - Semester 2 2022

The four (4) Business Enabling courses will be removed from your program structure from Semester 2 2022:

  • BUSM1162 Management 1 - Managing People
  • BUSM3886 Business and Government in the Global Context
  • ISYS1028 Global Business and Social Technology: A Case Study Approach
  • ACCT2127 Accounting for Management Decisions

The above four (4) Business Enabling courses will be replaced with four (4) additional courses from the current Specialisations list. Please refer to your program structure for the Specialisations list.

1. If you have already successfully completed or received exemptions for the four (4) Business Enabling courses, prior to Semester 2 2022:

The courses will be recognised as part of your program, and no further action is required. You may continue your program enrolment as planned.

2. If you have successfully completed or received exemptions for up to three of the four (4) Business Enabling courses, prior to Semester 2 2022, you will need to complete additional courses as detailed below:

  • If you have completed one Business Enabling course, you must complete an additional 36 credit points from the options list.
  • If you have completed two Business Enabling courses, you must complete an additional 24 credit points from the options list.
  • If you have completed three Business Enabling courses, you must complete an additional 12 credit points from the options list.

Please also note the following changes:

  • Substitution: ECON1095 Quantitative Methods in Finance will be replaced by BAFI3288 Quantitative Financial Methods and Modelling.
  • Course title change: ISYS2396 Enterprise Systems will change to Intelligent Enterprise Systems (effective Semester 1 2023)

From Semester 1, 2022, the 'Information Management' and 'Project Management' Specialisations will no longer be available.

If you have completed any of the following courses from the 'Information Management' and 'Project Management' Specialisations before Semester 1, 2022, and have not yet completed the Specialisation, they will count towards your Electives:

Information Management Specialisation:

  1. ISYS1166 The Digital Information Environment
  2. INTE2489 Information Organization
  3. LIBR1085 Information Discovery
  4. LIBR1013 Information Provision

Project Management Specialisation

  1. BUSM1269 Introduction to Project Management
  2. BUSM1271 Managing Project Teams
  3. BUSM1273 Project Management Techniques
  4. BUSM1272 Project Design for Quality

Please note: The following Semester 1, 2021 transition rules apply for students who commenced the Business Finance Specialisation pre-2021:

Program Changes Effective Semester 1, 2021

  1. If you have already completed ECON1239 Principles of Finance - you do not need to complete course BAFI3258 Managerial Finance
  2. If you have already completed BAFI1059 Corporate Finance - you do not need to complete course ECON1113 Economic Analysis for Business (Semester 1, 2021 only)
  3. If you have completed BAFI2077 Investment Analysis - you do not need to complete course ECON1095 Quantitative Methods in Finance
  4. BAFI1070 Financial Statement Analysis - No change.

Program Changes Effective Semester 2, 2021

  1. If you have not completed ECON1113 Economic Analysis for Business in Semester 1 2021, you must enrol into BAFI3261 Global Financial Markets and Institutions.
  2. If you have completed ECON1113 Economic Analysis for Business in Semester 1, 2021, you do not need to complete BAFI3261 Global Financial Markets and Institutions.
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