MC221 - Master of Urban Planning and Environment

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Plan: MC221 - Master of Urban Planning and Environment
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

All core courses in this program and some electives are available both on campus and online. You will experience a range of teaching and learning approaches that are intended to enhance the development of your skills and knowledge, including seminars, lectures, workshops, tutorials, industry based presentations, problem-based learning, presentations, group-based learning, independent research, reflective learning techniques and case studies. You will be also required to demonstrate different methods of communication through verbal, written and internet based approaches.

Assessment will be aligned to the course and program learning outcomes, and is designed to complement your teaching and learning experience. Your skills and knowledge will be assessed through a range of assessment tasks that may include essay writing, report and project writing, class presentations, group work, on-line discussion and other on-line activities, case studies, problem solving and analysis, industry-based assessment, and examinations.

Most of the assessment you undertake will be designed so that your lecturer can provide you with ongoing feedback on strengths and areas for improvement in your learning. This approach will enable you to improve on your performance during the program, as well as continue to refine capabilities for your future professional practice and learning after graduation.

The research project in your final semester will be a capstone experience designed as a culmination of your learning throughout the program.

If you have a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition or are the primary carer of individuals with a disability it is possible to have adjustments arranged and negotiated to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the Program Manager or the Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more. 

If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

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Work integrated learning

RMIT University is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice. As a student enrolled in this RMIT University program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities; complete these activities in real work contexts or situations; and in addition:
  • these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning.

Any or all of these aspects of a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) experience may be simulated in a workplace environment.

The program provides work related projects in learning activities and assessment activities.

The designated WIL course is ARCH1274 Spatial Thinking and Urban Design. 

You will also undertake WIL activities in ENVI1134 Statutory Planning and ARCH1411 Urban Planning and Environment Project. In these courses the assessment tasks either simulate real world workplace practices and/or standards or will have government/industry representatives provide feedback on completed work. 

The program and its courses create learning opportunities that have strong relevance and links with professional practice, and provides the option to complete a specific course where you are placed in a workplace (ENVI1206 Environment and Planning Work Placement).

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


History of Planning 12 ARCH1412 City Campus
Sustainability, Governance and Social Change 12 ENVI1169 City Campus
Strategic Planning issues 12 ARCH1261 City Campus
Urban Economics and Spatial Development 12 ARCH1408 City Campus
Spatial Thinking and Urban Design 12 ARCH1274 City Campus
Select and Complete Three (3) Courses from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Global Urban Transitions: Processes and Outcomes 12 ARCH1488 City Campus
Climate Change Responses 12 ENVI1222 City Campus
Ecosystems and Human Impact 12 ENVI1162 City Campus
Environment and Planning Work Placement 12 ENVI1206 City Campus
Environmental Management Systems and Tools 12 ENVI1128 City Campus
Environmental Policy and Governance 12 ENVI1127 City Campus
Global Cities 12 ARCH1402 City Campus
Housing Policy 12 ARCH1270 City Campus
Indigenous Sovereignty and Contemporary Land Policy 12 HUSO2066 City Campus
Infrastructure and Property 12 ARCH1297 City Campus
Intercultural Knowledges and Practices 12 HUSO2378 City Campus
Integrated Transport Planning 12 ARCH3352 City Campus
Planning Healthy Cities 12 ARCH1312 City Campus
Post Disaster Project Management 12 BUIL1268 City Campus
Urbanisation Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region 12 ARCH1265 City Campus
Communication for Social Change 12 COMM2083 City Campus
Community and Civic Engagement 12 COMM2761 City Campus
Gender in a Global Context 12 HUSO2085 City Campus
GIS Principles 12 GEOM1163 City Campus
Global Governance 12 POLI1099 City Campus
Green Cities 12 ARCH1287 City Campus
Housing and Health 12 BUIL1323 City Campus
Shape - Multidisciplinary Projects in the Built Environment 12 BUSM4686 City Campus
Global Development 12 HUSO2074 City Campus
Planning for Community Development 12 ARCH1268 City Campus
Social Planning 12 ARCH1321 City Campus
Heritage Planning 12 HUSO2443 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Natural Resource Management 12 ARCH1482 City Campus
Planning Theory 12 ARCH1272 City Campus
Statutory Planning 12 ENVI1134 City Campus
Research Strategies - Social Sciences 12 HUSO2079 City Campus
Urban Planning and Environment Project 24 ARCH1411 City Campus
Select and Complete Two (2) Courses from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Global Urban Transitions: Processes and Outcomes 12 ARCH1488 City Campus
Climate Change Responses 12 ENVI1222 City Campus
Ecosystems and Human Impact 12 ENVI1162 City Campus
Environment and Planning Work Placement 12 ENVI1206 City Campus
Environmental Management Systems and Tools 12 ENVI1128 City Campus
Environmental Policy and Governance 12 ENVI1127 City Campus
Global Cities 12 ARCH1402 City Campus
Housing Policy 12 ARCH1270 City Campus
Indigenous Sovereignty and Contemporary Land Policy 12 HUSO2066 City Campus
Infrastructure and Property 12 ARCH1297 City Campus
Intercultural Knowledges and Practices 12 HUSO2378 City Campus
Integrated Transport Planning 12 ARCH3352 City Campus
Planning Healthy Cities 12 ARCH1312 City Campus
Post Disaster Project Management 12 BUIL1268 City Campus
Urbanisation Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region 12 ARCH1265 City Campus
Communication for Social Change 12 COMM2083 City Campus
Community and Civic Engagement 12 COMM2761 City Campus
Gender in a Global Context 12 HUSO2085 City Campus
GIS Principles 12 GEOM1163 City Campus
Global Governance 12 POLI1099 City Campus
Green Cities 12 ARCH1287 City Campus
Housing and Health 12 BUIL1323 City Campus
Shape - Multidisciplinary Projects in the Built Environment 12 BUSM4686 City Campus
Global Development 12 HUSO2074 City Campus
Planning for Community Development 12 ARCH1268 City Campus
Social Planning 12 ARCH1321 City Campus
Heritage Planning 12 HUSO2443 City Campus

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Program transition plan


The program structure of MC221 Master of Urban Planning and Environment has been amended and the following changes applied in 2025.

Year 1 and 2 option lists

  • New program option course HUSO2443 Heritage Planning

If you commenced the program prior to these changes, you will not be disadvantaged, and all approved courses undertaken previously will contribute toward your qualification. You will not be required to complete extra credit points or incur any extra costs because of these changes. Academic advice will be made available to you and an enrolment plan provided to you on request. 

If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies, you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure.


In 2022, the program structure of the Master of Urban Planning and Environment was amended and the following changes applied:  

Program Options  
Removal of the following courses: ARCH1481 Urban Design and Planning Workshop, ARCH1266 Sustainable Water Management, HUSO2204 Critical Urban Issues: Resilience, EMVI1129 Environmental Theory, HUSO2263 International Perspective on Community Development, HUSO2168 International Project management: Monitoring and Evaluation, HUSO2159 International Project Management: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, HUSO2173 Economics and Sustainable Development, ARCH1268 Planning for Community Development, ARCH1295 Planning Systems and Public Policy, POLI1052 Policy Making, ARCH 1260 Project Planning and Implementation for Change, ARCH1283 Regional Planning Project, ARCH1323 Social Impact Assessment and Community Engagement, ARCH1321 Social Planning, ARCH1263 Strategic Planning Practice 

New course offerings:  COMM2083 Communication for Social Change, COMM2761 Community and Civic Engagement, HUSO2085 Gender in Development, GEOM1163 GIS Principles, POLI1099 Global Governance, ARCH1287 Green Cities, BUIL1323 Housing and Health, BUSM4686 SHAPE - Multidisciplinary Projects in the Built Environment, HUSO2074 Theories of Development, ARCH1268 Planning for Community Development and ARCH1321 Social Planning

If you have commenced the Master of Urban Planning and Environment program prior to 2022, you will not be disadvantaged by these changes and all approved courses undertaken prior to 2022 will contribute toward your qualification. You will not be required to complete extra credit points or incur any extra costs because of these changes. Academic advice will be made available to you on request. If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies, you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure. 

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