MC267 - Master of Data Science

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Plan: MC267 - Master of Data Science
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

The teaching approach in this program is designed to foster your development as an independent learner so you will be able to extend your capabilities once you graduate. The teaching method includes lectorial, tutorial, workshop, practical sessions, studios, project work and seminars, using face-to-face, intensive, and online provision of materials. You will be expected to complete all prescribed out-of-class learning activities in preparation of scheduled face-to-face and online classes, and encouraged to extend your learning through additional recommended readings and online activities. Of particular importance is the time spent in practice, laboratory based and work integrated learning activities that will develop your employability skills and capabilities.

Several courses in the program are delivered online, rather than on-campus, and you are likely to find that other courses transition to online delivery as you progress through the program. All courses use Canvas for electronic provision of course material, tutorial problems and/or other relevant documents. 

Assessment is designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your capabilities. Various forms of assessment will be used throughout the program since the assessment you undertake will be appropriate to the objectives and student learning outcomes for each course. Assessment may include class tests, quizzes, essays/reports, oral class presentations, group projects, research projects, laboratory projects, practical assignments, timed assessment, and reflective journals.

If you are living with a disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can fully participate in your studies. To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with Equitable Learning Service.

The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in on-campus learning and professional experience settings. 

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning 
If you have already developed areas of skill and knowledge included in this program (for example, through prior studies or work experience), you can apply for credit once you have enrolled in this program. There is information on the RMIT University website about how to apply for Credit:

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Work integrated learning

RMIT is committed to providing students with an education that strongly links formal learning with workplace experience. As a student enrolled in an RMIT program you will: 

  • undertake and be assessed on a structured activity that allows you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking this activity
  • complete an activity in a work context or situation that may include teamwork with other students from different disciplines.
  • underpin your learning with feedback from interactions and contexts distinctive to workplace experiences. 

Any or all of these aspects of a WIL experience may be in a simulated workplace learning environment. 

In this program, you will be doing specific courses that focus on work integrated learning (WIL). You will be assessed on professional work in a workplace setting (real or simulated) and receive feedback from those involved in your industry. 

The work integrated learning (WIL) designated courses for this program are:

  • COSC2669 Case Studies in Data Science
  • COSC2667 Data Science Postgraduate Project

In these WIL courses, you will interact with organisations (industry, government and community) through discipline relevant projects and activities. These interactions and the work context provide a distinctive source of feedback to you to assist your learning.  

The course COSC2669 Case Studies in Data Science includes a work integrated learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a simulated workplace context where feedback from data scientists working in industry is integral to your experience.

COSC2667 Data Science Postgraduate Project is a capstone course designed to provide you with hands-on practical experience. All your learning activities in this course are based on applying your data science knowledge in a process of planning and executing a substantial research-based project or industry-sponsored capstone project experience. The emphasis is on understanding and working within a corporate environment and integrating all the skills and knowledge that you have acquired from your previous courses into a solid base to progress from into your professional life. This course includes a Work Integrated Learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/ or community is integral to your experience.

Please note: students may be required to undertake additional screening/compliance checks as advised by Government, Industry or RMIT University as the need arises.  If applicable, further information will be provided once enrolment has been completed. 

International Students will need to check their Visa requirements and any work regulations/limitations before they can commence any WIL Activity. Further information can be found under the Visa Requirements for International Students section. 

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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete 84 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Practical Data Science with Python 12 COSC2670 City Campus
Programming Fundamentals 12 COSC2531 City Campus
Database Concepts 12 ISYS1055 City Campus
Applied Analytics 12 MATH1324 City Campus
Data Wrangling 12 MATH2349 City Campus
The Data Science Professional 12 COSC2792 City Campus
Advanced Programming for Data Science 12 COSC2820 City Campus
Complete 12 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Big Data Processing 12 COSC2637 City Campus
Data Visualisation and Communication 12 MATH2270 City Campus
Case Studies in Data Science 12 COSC2669 City Campus

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Year Two of Program

Complete 12 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Computational Machine Learning 12 COSC2793 City Campus
Data Mining 12 COSC3125 City Campus
Machine Learning 12 MATH2319 City Campus
Complete 24 credit points not already completed from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Big Data Processing 12 COSC2637 City Campus
Data Visualisation and Communication 12 MATH2270 City Campus
Case Studies in Data Science 12 COSC2669 City Campus

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Year Two of Program - Program and Research Options

Program Option: Complete 24 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Data Science Postgraduate Project 24 COSC2667 City Campus
Complete 36 credit points from the following Data Science Program Option Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Algorithms and Analysis 12 COSC3119 City Campus
Analysis of Categorical Data 12 MATH1298 City Campus
Applied Bayesian Statistics 12 MATH2269 City Campus
Artificial Intelligence 12 COSC3117 City Campus
Deep Learning 12 COSC2779 City Campus
Big Data Management 12 COSC2636 City Campus
Cloud Computing 12 COSC2640 City Campus
Data Mining 12 COSC3125 City Campus
Database Systems 12 COSC3138 City Campus
Computational Machine Learning 12 COSC2793 City Campus
Evolutionary Computing 12 COSC3124 City Campus
Forecasting 12 MATH1307 City Campus
Managing Semi-structured and Unstructured Data 12 ISYS3476 City Campus
Optimisation for Decision Making 12 MATH2468 City Campus
Advanced Optimisation 12 MATH1326 City Campus
Machine Learning 12 MATH2319 City Campus
Multivariate Analysis Techniques 12 MATH1309 City Campus
Regression Analysis 12 MATH1312 City Campus
Social Media and Networks Analytics 12 COSC2671 City Campus
Time Series Analysis 12 MATH1318 City Campus
Usability Engineering 12 COSC3127 City Campus
Intelligent Decision Making 12 COSC2780 City Campus
Knowledge and Data Warehousing 12 ISYS1072 City Campus
Research Option 1: Complete 60 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Computing Research and Project Preparation 12 COSC3130 City Campus
Algorithms and Analysis 12 COSC3119 City Campus
Minor Thesis/Project 36 COSC2179 City Campus
Research Option 2: Complete 60 credit points from the following:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Computing Research and Project Preparation 12 COSC3130 City Campus
Algorithms and Analysis 12 COSC3119 City Campus
Minor Thesis/Project Part A 24 COSC2389 City Campus
Minor Thesis/Project Part B 12 COSC2390 City Campus

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Program transition plan

Semester 1, 2025 Transition Plan

Minor amendments have been made to your program effective semester 1, 2025. If you have completed any course that is now removed, your credit will still count towards your completion.

If you require enrolment advice, please contact your Program Manager, Associate Professor Yongli Ren (

1. The following course has been amended in the structure:

Year Amended Credit Points Prior to 2025 From 2025
2 COSC1295 Advanced Programming 12 Data Science Program Option Course Removed

2. The following courses have a new course code with no change to course title or content:

Course Title Old Course Code New Course Code
Artificial Intelligence COSC1125 COSC3117
Managing Semi-structured and Unstructured Data ISYS1078 ISYS3476
Usability Engineering COSC1182 COSC3127
Algorithms and Analysis COSC1285 COSC3119
Algorithms and Analysis COSC1285 COSC3119
Evolutionary Computing COSC2033 COSC3124
Data Mining COSC2111 COSC3125
Computing Research and Project Preparation COSC2149 COSC3130
Database Systems COSC2407 COSC3138

Amendment - Semester 1, 2024
The following table shows courses that will be replaced from Semester 1, 2024. If you have successfully completed the old course prior to the commencement of Semester 1, 2024 it will continue to count towards the completion of your program. 

Prior to Semester 1, 2024 Credit Points Replacement Course Credit Points
MATH1293 Optimisation for Decision Making 12 MATH2468 Optimisation for Decision Making 12

Students who require enrolment advice should contact their Program Manager. 


Core course that has been removed New course course
COSC1295 Advanced Programming  COSC2820 Advanced Programming for Data Science 

If you have previously completed COSC1295, you will not be required to undertake COSC2820 and will receive credit.

If you did not achieve a passing grade in COSC1295 prior to Sem 1, 2021, you will be required to undertake COSC2820 instead.

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