MC275 - Master of Interior Design

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Plan: MC275 - Master of Interior Design
Campus: City Campus

Program delivery and structure

Approach to learning and assessment
Work integrated learning
Program structure
Program transition plan

Approach to learning and assessment

The Master of Interior Design will provide you with a diverse range of learning experiences. These experiences will combine self-directed research, learning through designing, doing/making, analysis, reflection, discussion, with peer and industry interactions. Design studio-based learning sits at the core and is supported by workshops, excursions, collaborative projects and interactive class activities to provide the platform for information sharing and learning. The studios are viewed as intensive design laboratories in which academics, professional partners and students develop creative strategies, innovative approaches and unique responses to contemporary interior design issues. The studios are organised as a series of workshops, master classes, tutorials, presentations, intensive symposia, travel intensives and exhibitions.

Year 1:

During the first year, you will undertake two Partnered Interior Design Studios and two core courses (Interior Design Practices 1 and 2 that will operate as a direct support to the partnered design studio project providing opportunities to refine specific skill sets and design techniques including communication (written, verbal + visual), technologies (manufacturing, materials and experiential), relevant to the project and provide a base for further extension. You will also undertake a Research Strategies course and choose from a suite of elective courses from allied areas of business, communication, social science, environment and technology.

Year 2:

In the second year of the Masters, you will continue to develop your design capabilities through the completion of two further Partnered Interior Design Studios, Interior Design Practices 3 and two further elective courses. In the final semester, the design studio will be complimented by a portfolio-based course that will support you in identifying, evaluating and communicating key areas of interest, skills and expertise that form a profile of your practice enabling you to position yourself within the design profession.

You will learn how to constructively critique your own work and that of others. Assessment involves ‘learning by doing’ and will include a range of activities such as design project presentations, written reflection, research projects, portfolios, peer and/or industry review. Project proposals and presentations will be directly related to industry specific needs and will involve collaborating with industry practitioners on contemporary issues in the field.

The assessment you undertake will be designed so that your lecturer and/or peers can provide you with ongoing feedback on strengths and areas for improvement in your learning. This approach will enable you to improve on your performance during the program, as well as continue to refine capabilities for your future professional practice and learning after graduation.

The project produced in your final semester will be a capstone experience designed as a culmination of your learning throughout the program.

Inherent requirements

The following information on inherent requirements outlines the tasks you will be required to undertake during professional placement and on-campus learning activities. The non-academic abilities listed are provided for information only and are not entry requirements. If there are any activities outlined which may be difficult for you to undertake, there are a range of adjustments to your study conditions available to enable and support you to demonstrate these abilities. Please contact the Equitable Learning Service to discuss any adjustments you may require.

Please read the full list of the Master of Interior Design inherent requirements. By understanding the types of activities you’ll participate in, you can:

  • understand more about the program
  • determine if you may need support during your studies
  • make an informed decision about whether the program is suitable for you

If you are living with disability, long-term illness and/or a mental health condition, we can support you by making adjustments to activities in your program so that you can participate fully in your studies.

To receive learning adjustments, you need to register with the Equitable Learning Service
The University considers the wellbeing and safety of all students, staff and the community to be a priority in on-campus learning and professional experience settings.

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Work integrated learning

RMIT is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional practice.

As a student enrolled in an RMIT program you will:

  • undertake and be assessed on a structured activity that allows you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice;
  • interact with industry and community when undertaking these activities;
  • complete these activity in a work context or situations; these interactions and the work contexts provide distinctive sources of feedback to you to assist your learning

Any or all of these aspects of a work integrated learning experience may be simulated.

All Partnered Interior Design Studios offered encompass a WIL experience where students develop their projects within a scenario-based, simulated or real design practice environment.

Strong community and industry partnerships have been developed by the Interior Design Program to enable students to be involved with actual projects in the profession, industry and/or community. The final assessment for Design Studios are assessed by a panel which includes industry practitioners, client partners, and academics.

The designated Work Integrated Learning courses within the Masters of Interior Design program are:

  • ARCH1496 Partnered Interior Design Studio 2
  • ARCH1500 Partnered Interior Design Studio 4
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Program Structure

To graduate you must complete the following. All courses listed may not be available each semester.

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Year One of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Partnered Interior Design Studio 1 24 ARCH1502 City Campus
Partnered Interior Design Studio 2 24 ARCH1496 City Campus
Interior Design Practices 1 12 ARCH1498 City Campus
Interior Design Practices 2 12 ARCH1503 City Campus
Interior Design Research Strategies 12 ARCH1499 City Campus
Complete One (1) Program Option Course from one of the Program Options listed at the end of the program structure.

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Year Two of Program

Complete the following Five (5) Courses:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Partnered Interior Design Studio 3 24 ARCH1497 City Campus
Partnered Interior Design Studio 4 24 ARCH1500 City Campus
Interior Design Practices 3 12 ARCH1501 City Campus
Portfolio 12 ARCH1495 City Campus
Interior Design Practices 4 12 ARCH3371 City Campus
Complete One (1) Program Option Course from one of the Program Options listed at the end of the program structure.

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Program Option Courses

Allied Creative Practice:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Arts Management Fundamentals 12 OART1066 City Campus
Service Design 12 GRAP2494 City Campus
Design Strategy 12 GRAP2626 City Campus
Case Studies in Urban Design 12 ARCH1396 City Campus
Urbanism: History and Theory 12 ARCH1393 City Campus
Landscape Architecture Postgraduate Elective 12 ARCH1363 City Campus
Fabric to Fashion Essentials 12 GRAP2792 Brunswick Campus

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Accounting for Management Decisions 12 ACCT2127 City Campus
Leadership and Management 12 BUSM1530 City Campus
BUSM2292 Hamilton Campus
BUSM4480 Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
Managing Project Teams 12 BUSM1271 City Campus
Business Skills for the Creative Industries 12 BUSM3323 City Campus
Managing Across Cultures 12 BUSM2699 Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
BUSM3127 City Campus
Consumer Behaviour 12 MKTG1101 City Campus
Customer Experience Design 12 MKTG1373 City Campus
Introduction to Project Management 12 BUSM1269 City Campus
Fashion Brand Management 12 MKTG1314 Brunswick Campus
Social Futures:

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


Sustainability in the built environment: A focus on building and design 12 BUIL1225 City Campus
Sustainable Building Technologies 12 BUSM4467 City Campus
Climate Change Responses 12 ENVI1222 City Campus
ENVI1223 Melbourne transfer to Vietnam
Communication for Social Change 12 COMM2083 City Campus
Managing Sustainable Building Projects 12 BUSM4464 City Campus
Environmental and Culture: Ecological and Aboriginal Understanding of Country (PGR) 12 AERS1004 City Campus
Sustainability, Governance and Social Change 12 ENVI1169 City Campus
Urbanisation Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region 12 ARCH1265 City Campus
Technology (Data and Systems/Material Experience):

Course Title

Credit Points

Course Code


People and Data 12 COMM2793 City Campus
Digital Curation 12 ISYS1168 City Campus
Electronic Publishing 12 COMM1218 City Campus
Energy Moisture and Airflow in Buildings 12 BUSM4463 City Campus
Urban Regions: Strategic Considerations for Development 12 ARCH1273 City Campus
Building Systems 12 BUIL1005 City Campus

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Program transition plan

The program structure of MC275 Master of Interior Design has been amended and the following changes applied in Semester 1, 2025:

  • New year two course offering ARCH3371 Interior Design Practices 4
  • Reduction in program options from three to two
  • Removal of 18 program options courses and addition of 11 alternate program option courses

If you have already completed three program options you will be exempt from completing ARCH3371 Interior Design Practices 4. All other students must complete ARCH3371 Interior Design Practices 4 in order to graduate from the program.

If you commenced the program prior to these changes, you will not be disadvantaged, and all approved courses undertaken previously will contribute toward your qualification. You will not be required to complete extra credit points or incur any extra costs because of these changes. 

If you are undertaking a reduced load, are on Leave of Absence (LOA), or have deferred studies, you will not be disadvantaged by the change of program structure.

Academic advice will be made available to you and an enrolment plan provided to you on request.

Where to get help

If you have questions or concerns regarding this advice, including what to do if you are unable to complete by the end of the teach out period, please do not hesitate to contact your program manager, Anthony Fryatt via email to

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