MC283 - Master of Global Studies

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Plan: MC283 - Master of Global Studies
Campus: City Campus

Learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes Statement

The program has been designed to prepare you to work in complex, global contexts. You will be able to make strategic decisions about your practice and leadership in international arenas. You will demonstrate a collaborative and professionally informed approach to your work. 

As a graduate of this program you will be able to: 

  • Critically analyse, synthesise and reflect on the immediate effects and broader consequences of global sustainability challenges, including the interplay of ecological, economic, political, social, and cultural factors
  • Develop and use appropriate research strategies, methods and tools to generate knowledge to inform decision-making in diverse social, cultural, and geographic contexts
  • Clearly communicate complex and technical analysis and proposals related to global challenges to diverse audiences and stakeholders
  • Provide professional leadership by determining and applying the specialist knowledge and technical skills required to creatively solve problems, demonstrating expert judgment and ethical responsibility
  • Critically analyse, synthesize and reflect on diverse knowledge, practices, and lived experiences to extend and challenge the discipline and the field. 
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