Course Title: Spanish 4

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2008

Course Code: LANG5496

Course Title: Spanish 4

School: 365T Global Studies, Soc Sci & Plng

Campus: City Campus

Program: C4200 - Certificate IV in Language (Spanish)

Course Contact : Dr. Glenda Meja

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 3732

Course Contact

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 144

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

Certificate III in Language (Spanish)/360 hours or equivalent

Course Description

This certificate is completed over in year Through closed and then open-ended learning activities students establish a basis for development of communicative skills in the spoken and written language, emphasizing the former, and practical knowledge of the culture, in a wider range of personal and social situations and contexts. Student-centred drilling, practical and communicative activities and tasks encourage learners to be responsible for their own learning, to be creative and critical in their application of knowledge of the language in order to communicate with people of a different cultural tradition.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

LOTE 424 Spanish 4

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course it is expected that students will be able to:

1. Negotiate an oral exchange to solve problems, explore issues or provide customer service
2. Give an oral presentation
3. Participate in a social or cultural event
4. Listen and report on a sustained oral event
5. Write work-related documents
6. Read and understand complex work-related or general written texts

Details of Learning Activities

Classes are conducted in Spanish and in a tutorial face-to-face format. Grammar and vocabulary are taught through the use of communicative methods such as guided or improvised conversations and hypothetical situations. New grammar is presented regularly through model dialogues, videos and supplementary material. Students practice structure and expression through spoken and written exercises. Cultural understanding is also introduced to further enhance the ideas of language and behaviour and their interrelationship as expressed in the aims of the course.
We will be doing many pair and group activities in which you are expected to participate actively and to use only Spanish. Therefore, regular class attendance is essential for successful completion of the course.

Please note that class attendance is crucial both for your success in mastering the Spanish language. There will be no time to go back over a class because someone missed it. You will be required to catch up at home yourself. Please try to attend all classes and please arrive on time!

Teaching Schedule

Week 1 (3-7 March) • Maneras de Vivir (Unidad 1)
• Introducción
- El pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo
- A hablar de sentimientos, del carácter y de la personalidad
- A expresar condiciones y deseos
- A dar consejos y a hacer propuestas
- A hablar de las cualidades de personas y objetos

Week 2 (10-14 March) • Maneras de Vivir (Unidad 1)
Labour Day

- Ortografía: uso de las letras mayúsculas
- La correlación de tiempos verbales en las frases de relativo
- Conectores para añadir, matizar, controponer y desmentir una información
- A expresar causa y finalidad: uso de por y para

Week 3 (17-20 March) • Así Pasó (Unidad 2)

• Video Argentina

- Ortografía: las conjunciones y/e, o/u
- Usos del imperfecto de indicativo
- Usos del gerundio
- Usos del imperfecto de subjuntivo
- Marcadores y construcciones temporales: justo en ese momento/estar a punto de /entonces

++++++EASTER ++++++++++++ BREAK++++++++

Week 4 (31 March-4 April) • Así Pasó (Unidad 2)

• Video Argentina

- Ortografía: acentuación
- A transmitir peticiones, adventencias, invitaciones...
- A combinar tiempos del pasado
- Colocación de los adjetivos

Week 5 (7-11 April) • ¿Y Tú Qué Opinas? (Unidad 3)
*Quiz I (Unidades 1-2)
• Video Bolivia

- Ortografía: acentuación
- A dar nuestra opinión: creo que + indicativo, no creo que + subjuntivo
- A argumentar opiniones
- A valorar diveras opciones: es una tontería/impensable...+ infinitivo/subjuntivo
- A poner condiciones: (solo) si/siempre que...

Week 6 (14-18 April) • ¿Y Tú Qué Opinas? (Unidad 3)
• Video Bolivia

- Ortografía: de la letra h
- A expresar acuerdo o descuerdo
- A aludir a temas o a intervenciones de otros: eso de …
- A secuenciar argumentos: en primer/segundo/...lugar, por último...

Week 7 (21-25 April) • Se Valorará la Experiencia (Unidad 4)
*Written Exercise I
• Video Venezuela

- Ortografía: de las letras b, v y w
- El pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo
- Uso del infinitivo compuesto
- Usos de se en oraciones impersonales: se volarará...
- Usos de las oraciones pasivas

Week 8 (28 April-2 May) • Se Valorará la Experiencia (Unidad 4)
• Video Venezuela

- Ortografía: de la letra g
- A expresar condiciones: es imprescindible + infinitivo/que + subjuntivo
- Uso de pronombres relativos
- Cualquiera/cualquier

Week 9 (5-9 May) • La Vida Es Puro Teatro (Unidad 5)
*Quiz II (Unidades 3-4)
• Video Venezuela

- Ortografía: de la letra j
- Marcadores y construcciones temporales: mientras, mientras tanto, al + infinitvo
- Algunas perífrasis verbales: volver a + infinitivo, seguir + gerundio
- A describir acciones con adjetivos, gerundios y adverbios

Week 10 (12-16 May) • La Vida Es Puro Teatro (Unidad 5)
• Video Colombia

- Ortografía: de la letra c y z
- A describir los movimientos y la situación de personas y cosas
- A describir estados de ánimo
- A hablar de postura corporal
- Usos de poner y quedar

Week 11 (19-23 May) • Dijiste que lo Harías (Unidad 6)
*Written Exercise II
• Video Colombia

- Ortografía: del d ígrafo ll y de la letra y
- A expresar finalidad: para + infinitive/presente/imperfecto de subjuntivo
- no es que (no) + imperfecto de subjuntivo, es que…
- A expresar intencionalidad: lo hizo a propósito, sin querer...
- Algunas partículas temporales: hasta que, cuando, tan pronto como + presente/imperfecto de subjuntivo

Week 12 (26-30 May) • Dijiste que lo Harías (Unidad 6)
• Video Ecuador

- Ortografía: de las letras r y rr
- Uso de se: expresión de la involuntariedad
- A aludir a promesas en estilo indirecto
- A reclamar el cumplimiento de un compromiso
- A formar palabras: adjetivos con prefijos

Week 13 (2-6 June)

• Video Ecuador

- Ortografia: de las letras n y m
- Juego de Foca a Foca

Week 14 (9-13 June)
Queen’s B’Day

• Repaso (All the material covered in the class)

Week 15 (16-20 June)

• Oral (All the material covered in the class)
• Listening (Unidades 5-6)
• Writing (Unidades 5-6)

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts

Corpas, J.,Garmendia, A.and Soriano,C.(2005).Aula Internacional 4. Barcelona: Difusión.


Other Resources

English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary.

Extra exercises and grammatical explanations are posted on the Blackboard almost every week and students are strongly encouraged to complete them.

Overview of Assessment

Language skills will be assessed via written exams or assignments, oral/speaking and aural/listening exams, as well as end-of-semester oral, aural and writing exams.

Assessment Tasks

I. Progressive Assessment (50%)

a) Two Short Quizzes (30%)

Quiz I. Week 5 (Mon 7 April) (Unidades 1-2) 15%
Quiz II. Week 9 (Mon 5 May) (Unidades 3-4) 15%

The Short Quizzes will consist of short answer questions, short written paragraphs and a listening comprehension passage with true/false short-answers.

b) Two written exercises (20%)

Written I – Week 7 (Wed 23 April) 10%
Writen II – Week 11(Wed 21 May) 10% 

Written Exercises. As 2008 is the Year of Languages and the Year of the Potato you are required to participate by creating two 300-350 word composition/poem/song about these two topics. Each essay is to be written in Spanish, and must be typed and double spaced. Remember: this assessment is a creative exercise. However, if you want to use sources from books or the internet you MUST cite it as references and present a bibliography. If you fail to do so you will be penalised as you will be committing plagiarism.

II. Final Exams (50%)
1. Listening Exam (week 15) = 10%
2. Oral Exam (week 15) = 20%
3. Final Written Exam (week 15) = 20%

Assessment Matrix

Other Information

Oral tasks are graded according to the following six criteria, each given equal weight.
1. grammatical accuracy
2. adequacy of vocabulary for purpose
3. intelligibility
4. fluency
5. relevance and adequacy of content
6. interactive skills

Written tasks are graded according to the following five criteria, each given equal weight.
1. relevance and adequacy of content
2. organisation
3. cohesion
4. adequacy of vocabulary for purpose
5. grammatical accuracy

High Distinction 80- 100 HD
Distinction 70-79 DI
Credit 60-69 CR
Pass 50-59 PA
Fail NN 0-49% NN
Fail DNS Did not complete either or both of the major components of assessment (i.e. project and class tasks)

Plagiarism may occur in oral or written presentations. It is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person, without appropriate referencing, as though it is one’s own. Plagiarism is not acceptable. The use of another person’s work or ideas must be acknowledged. All cases of suspected plagiarism in this course will be referred to the Course Coordinator who will decide on the action to be taken. Plagiarism may result in charges of academic misconduct, which carry a range of penalties including cancellation of results and exclusion from your course.

Any student, who has a grievance in relation to this course, must first discuss the situation with their lecturer and then, if the grievance cannot be resolved at this level, the student should pursue the matter with the program co-ordinator, Dr. Glenda Mejía

Course Overview: Access Course Overview