Course Title: Provide Supervision of and Support to Adult Offenders within a Correction Framework

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term2 2010

Course Code: JUST5145

Course Title: Provide Supervision of and Support to Adult Offenders within a Correction Framework

School: 365T Global Studies, Soc Sci & Plng

Campus: City Campus

Program: C6077 - Advanced Diploma of Justice

Course Contact : Karen Linstrom

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925-4597

Course Contact

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Nominal Hours: 54

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites

There are no pre-requisites for this course

Course Description

This course supports the attainment of skills and knowledge required for any job in the Justice environment that involves supervision and/or support of adult offenders in the correctional system.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

VBQU376 Provide Supervision of and Support to Adult Offenders within a Correction Framework


2. Analyse the legislative requirements and accountability mechanisms within the Victorian correctional environment.

Performance Criteria:

2.1 The legislation pertinent to the Victorian Correctional system is investigated.

2.2 "Duty of Care" as it applies to the professional conduct of staff in the management of offenders is identified.

2.3 The development of accountability mechanisms of public and private providers of correctional facilities is investigated.


3. Evaluate the current management practices of Victorian Prisons

Performance Criteria:

3.1 The impact of Unit Management in the daily management of offenders is reviewed.

3.2. The process of internal control via the Prison disciplinary system is investigated, and the role of the Sentence management Unit in prison placement is analysed.

3.3 The impact of access to Bails and Fines and the Community Integration program (CIP) in the re-integration of offenders in the community is outlined.

3.4 The impact of minority and disadvantaged groups within correctional facilities is investigated.

3.5 An analysis is conducted to make a comparison of the Victorian model and other Australian and overseas jurisdictions.


4.Evaluate the role and  functions of Community Corrections.

Performance Criteria:

4.1 The range of sentencing options which are based on a graduated restriction of personal liberty is analysed.

4.2 The role of the community corrections Officer (CCO) in providing court advisory assessments is outlined.

4.3 CCO’s role in creating Progress and Parole Reports and their impact in the decision-making process of the Adult parole Board are examined.

4.4 An analysis of Case Management as it relates to the role of the CCO is undertaken.

4.5 the function of the CCO in relation to the Fine Default Program, Home Detention and the Extended Supervision Programs are evaluated.

4.6 The process involved in the preparation of Breach Reports and the role of the CCO as Prosecutors are examined.



5. Examine the role and function of the Adult Parole Board (APB).

Performance Criteria:

5.1 The legislative basis for the constitution, authority, lines of accountability  and function of the Adult Parole Board is analysed.

5.2 The reflection of community  standards and expectations in the decision-making management of offenders eligible for parole are reviewed.

5.3 The processes for the preparation of Breach of Parole Reports are evaluated.


6. Evaluate the psycho-social effects and responses in determining the correctional environment.

Performance Criteria:

6.1 The impact of society’s changing tolerances in determining sentencing options and correctional requirements are  examined.

6.2 An analysis is conducted to examine the influence of the media in creating community attitudes.

6.3 The effects of institutionalisation on staff and prisoners in custodial institutions are examined.

6.4 The relationship between educational and vocational training and employment for offenders is analysed.

6.5 The major Mental Health and Medical issues addressed within a correctional environment is reviewed.

6.6. Overseas social trends which influence Australian correctional responses are investigated.


7. Examine offender management principles.

Performance Criteria:

7.1 Risk is determined using current assessment practises.

7.2 The development of risk assessment tools is determined.

7.3 The use of technology in managing offenders is investigated.


8. Analyse problem oriented courts and their impact on correction services.

Performance Criteria:

8.1 The development of "Specialist Courts" is analysed.

8.2 The impact of "Problem Oriented Courts"  on correctional services is investigated.


9. Review the planning and management of Victorian Correctional Systems.

Performance Criteria:

9.1 The corporate structure of Corrections Victoria is outlined, and the departmental aims and objectives are identified.

9.2 The issues relevant to to the management of of the custodial environment as opposed to community supervision are identified.

9.3 The relevance of of statistical analysis in the management of offenders is outlined.


1. Examine the historical perspectives and practices that led to development of modern correctional systems.

Performance Criteria:

1.1The historical perspectives and practices that led to the development of modern correctional systems is examined.

1.2 The major theorists and their contributing philosophies, which underpin the evolution of punishment is reviewed.

1.3 The contribution of architecture in the development of offender management practises is analysed and evaluated.

Learning Outcomes

See elements in part B of the course guide

Details of Learning Activities

All classroom-based classes will be comprised of a lecture period, followed by case studies in which students will be assessed on the application of theory or concept into practice.

There will be video-tape/DVD components to the course to illustrate major points by documentaries or real-life reflections.

An excursion to a prison may be possible during the semester, dependent on Corrections Victoria requirements on the day.

Teaching Schedule

Week One:  The Origins of the Prison. 

We will begin this week with an investigation of the evolution of punishment from a custom or religious penalty to statute law.  We will follow this trail from the code of Hammurabi to the Anglo-Saxon and Dane Law  in Medieval England, which became the basis for the Westminster rules of government.  Video: "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" parts 1 & 2.

Week Two: The Origins of the Prison-from Bentham and Howard to the Modern Prison.

This week we will continue with the evolution of modern penology.  Video: "Out of Sight Out of Mind" parts 3 & 4.

Week Three: The major Theories and Philosophies of the Purpose of Punishment. 

This week we look all all the major philosophies associated with the theory and purpose of punishment   video: When the State Kills

Week four: Minimum Standards and "Duty of Care. 

This week we will look at section 4-7 of the Sentencing Act 1991 and section 47 of the Corrections Act 1986 to understand how sentences are applied and what human rights and duty of care accountabilities staff must maintain for offenders in custody and on community orders

Week five: Accountability pathways-public and private providers and the role of the Commissioner’s Office.  

This week we will look at the role and function of the Commissioner’s Office and how accountability pathways are managed for both public and private providers. Case Study: CCA and the Dame Phyllys Frost Centre

Week six:  Reparation and Restorative Justice: The role and function of Community Corrections.  

This week we will look at sections of the Corrections Act 1986 and Regulations 1989 and will define the role of the CCO and how they are empowered to manage community orders, give advice to magistrates for sentencing options and prosecute breaches of orders and parole. Case Studies: Students will do a risk assessment on a scenario to make recommendations to a Magistrate for sentencing.

Week Seven Mid term and Easter Break

Week Eight:  Keeping order inside: The Prison disciplinary system  

This week we will look at sections 49-55 of the Corrections Act 1986 and section 44 of the Corrections Regulations to assess how inappropriate behaviour in custody is managed.  Case Studies: students will act as the Disciplinary Officer to asses appropriate action . First essay due.

Week Nine: Sentence Calculations and the Sentence Management Unit

We will look at the assessment principles used by the Sentence Management Unit  (SMU) to determine the safe and appropriate placement of every offender. Case Studies: Student will act as SMU staff members and place an offender appropriate to their offending behaviours. Mid term exam-focusing on course content for the first eight weeks

Week Ten:  Unit Management and Individual Management Planning.  

This week we will look at the role of Prison officers and how they apply the principles of Case Management to directly supervise offenders in their accommodation units or on community orders. Case Studies: Students will asses a prisoner to determine what programs (s)he  needs to complete to address offending behaviours and personal or life skills.

Week Eleven: the Adult Parole Board.  This week we will examine sections of the Corrections Act which define and empower the Adult Parole Board in assessing risk for releasing of offenders on parole.

Week Twelve: Bail and  Fines 

This week we will look at the Bail Act 1977  to understand how Bails and fines are effected for persons in custody-remand,trial and appeal bails as well as State and Federal fines. Case  studies: students will assess whether they will affect a bail certificate based on the evidence provided in the scenario

Week Thirteen: The Management of Sex offenders. Students are warned that this can be a very confronting session.  If students have an issue they are encouraged to speak to the lecturer before class begins. 

We will go inside the mind of a sex offender and investigate how these offenders are manged in custody and in the community -including  Extended Supervision and community Safety orders.

Week Fourteen: the Impact of Institutionalisation  

This week we will look at how an artificial environment such as a prison can impact on people on both sides of the bars.

Week fifteen: Special Purpose Courts 

This week we will look at specialist courts such as the Drug court, the Koori court, the children’s court and the Family Violence court

Week Sixteen: Assessing and comparing Corrections and other Australian jurisdictions. 

This week we will look at the demographic evidence and statute law of  each State and Territory and compare outcomes with the Victorian model.  Second essay due

Week Seventeen: Correctional Trends overseas. 

This wee we will look at a number of overseas jurisdictions ( eg Sweden, the Netherlands, Israel, Japan and Taiwan) to examine any trends which have influenced Australian processes.  end of term exam

Week eighteen: Bringing it all together 

End of course discussion and evaluation

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Students will receive handouts and other materials in class . There are no prescribed texts. However, students will have a Library computer lab session to become familiar with accessing print and electronic sources of information relevant to this course

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course will consists of:

  • Participation in weekly case studies 15% of total assessment
  • A mid-term and end of term exam, each worth 25% for a total of 50% of total assessment
  • A 2,500 word (minimum) essay from a topic list provided in class to APA reference standards 35% of total assessment

Assessment Tasks

Students will be required to actively participate in classroom activities with case studies (worth 15% od total assessment)

Students will submit two 2,000 word  ( minimum) essays; one for the first half of the term and the other on the last half of the term’s content. (Worth 35 % each of the total assessment-a total of 70% of the total assessment)

Student will also sit a mid-term and end of term exam. (worth 7.5% each for a total of 15%of assessment)

Assessment Matrix

The essays will provide students with opportunity to choose a topic which will relate to any of the elements 1 to 7.


Mid year exam will focus on elements 1 to 4.   End of semester exam will focus on elements 5 to 7.   Weekly case studies will link to the competencies described in the weekly topics.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview