Course Title: Global Development, Themes, Debates and Practice

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Global Development, Themes, Debates and Practice

Credit Points: 12.00

Important Information:

Important Information: 

In 2024, this course is titled 'Global Development, Themes, Debates and Practice'. 

From 2025 this course is titled 'International Development: Themes, Debates and Practice'.  


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


330H Social Science & Planning


Sem 1 2006


City Campus


365H Global, Urban and Social Studies


Sem 1 2007,
Sem 1 2008,
Sem 2 2009,
Sem 2 2010,
Sem 1 2012,
Sem 2 2013,
Sem 2 2014,
Sem 1 2016,
Sem 1 2017,
Sem 1 2018,
Sem 1 2019,
Sem 1 2020,
Sem 1 2021,
Sem 1 2022,
Sem 1 2023,
Sem 1 2024

Course Coordinator: Dr Vandra Harris Agisilaou

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 2960

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: 37.05.25

Course Coordinator Availability: By appointment

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


Course Description

In this course you will critically examine themes, debates and practices in international development, building a complex understanding of diverse global realities. In particular you will investigate key development concepts and approaches through a close examination of contemporary themes such as peace, security, localisation, migration, poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals.  

You will explore different perspectives on these issues, including global governance; policy and funding; design, implementation and evaluation of projects; and community goals and capacities.  

From community practices to the global context, this course takes a practical approach that encourages you to think about your role in these processes and ways to bring about positive change. 

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Program Learning Outcomes   

In this course you will develop the following program learning outcomes:    

1. Contribute to global justice and equity with empathy, critical thinking and resilience.   
3. Problem solve collaboratively and adaptively using linguistic, intercultural and digital skills.   
5. Engage with industry and community networks to advance local and global goals and equity.   
6. Reflect on and effectively express your global, linguistic and cross-cultural capabilities for professional and career progress. 

Course Learning Outcomes   

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:   

1)Demonstrate an understanding of the themes, debates and practices relating to international development. 
2)Critically reflect on, evaluate and explain key concepts and scholarly debates concerning development 

3)Apply theoretical approaches to ‘real world’ development scenarios 

4)Clearly and effectively present relevant research in a variety of formats 

Overview of Learning Activities

You will be engaged in learning that involves a range of activities in a variety of settings including lectures, group problem-solving exercises and discussions, and self-directed study. A structured tutorial program is provided to give you the opportunity to explore course ideas in greater depth through active participation in small group discussions and collaborative activities. 

Overview of Learning Resources

RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through our online systems.  

There are services available to support your learning through the University Library. The Library provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help as well as a range of study support services. For further information, please visit the Library page on the RMIT University website and the myRMIT student portal. 

Overview of Assessment

You will be assessed on how well you meet the course learning outcomes and on your development against the program learning outcomes. 

Assessment Tasks 

Assessment Task 1: Active engagement 10%  
Course Learning Outcomes 1 

Assessment Task 2: Short essay 30% (500 words) 
Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2. 

Assessment Task 3: Persuasive research task 40% (2000 words or equivalent) 
Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4. 

Assessment task 4: Collaborative Peer review 20% (500 words)  
Course Learning Outcomes 2, 4. 

Feedback will be given on all assessment tasks. 
If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more. 

Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions.