Course Title: Major Project (PART B)

Part A: Course Overview

Course ID: 031282

Course Title: Major Project (PART B)

Credit Points: 24

Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


335H Applied Communication


Sem 2 2006

Course Coordinator: Laurene vaughan

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 9807

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: city campus

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Research Methods and successful completion of the Graduate Diploma (Graphic Communication)

Course Description

This course is the major research component of the Master of Design. Students will undertake an independent research project or thesis in an area of specific interest. This will be achieved by working with their supervisor to complete the research program. Students will also be expected to present their progress to their peers in class seminars. The final presentation will be in the form of a written dissertation or visual project.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

As the major research component within the Master of Design this program it embraces student’s advanced research skills and content knowledge which will be formalised in a self-directed research study.

On completion of this course students will be able to:
•    Undertake a formal research study relevant to a specific aspect of industry
•    Critically evaluate their findings using appropriate methods
•    Present their research in the form of a written dissertation
•    Work independently on a major research project and report their findings

Overview of Learning Activities

Activities will be based on course notes, required readings and discussion on Weboard in the form of Learning Activites set out by the lecturer.
Research reports , group projects and essays will require the student to reflect on their own industry knowledge and on reserach and reflection.

Overview of Learning Resources

Resources are outlined on Part B and included in course content on Blackboard.

Overview of Assessment

Assessments are detailed within the course notes on Blackboard