Course Title: Introduction to Aircraft
Part A: Course Overview
Course Title: Introduction to Aircraft
Credit Points: 12.00
Course Code |
Campus |
Career |
School |
Learning Mode |
Teaching Period(s) |
AERO2376 |
City Campus |
Undergraduate |
115H Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Sem 1 2006, Sem 1 2007, Sem 1 2008, Sem 1 2009, Sem 1 2010, Sem 1 2011, Sem 1 2012, Sem 1 2013, Sem 1 2014, Sem 1 2015, Sem 1 2016 |
AERO2376 |
City Campus |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Sem 1 2017, Sem 1 2018, Sem 1 2019, Sem 2 2020, Sem 2 2022, Sem 1 2023, Sem 1 2025 |
AERO2484 |
Singapore Inst of Management |
Undergraduate |
115H Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering |
Internet |
Offsh3 14, Offsh1 15, Offsh3 15, Offsh1 16 |
AERO2484 |
Singapore Inst of Management |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Offsh1 21, Offsh3 21, Offsh1 22, Offsh3 22, Offsh1 23, Offsh3 23, Offsh1 24, Offsh3 24 |
AERO2484 |
Singapore Inst of Management |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Internet |
Offsh1 17, Offsh3 17, Offsh1 18, Offsh3 18, Offsh3 19, Offsh1 20, Offsh3 20 |
AERO2540 |
Undergraduate |
115H Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Offsh3 16 |
AERO2655 |
RMIT University Vietnam |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Viet1 2022, Viet1 2023, Viet1 2024 |
Flexible Terms
Course Code |
Campus |
Career |
School |
Learning Mode |
Teaching Period(s) |
AERO2540 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSep2018 (All) |
Course Coordinator: Dr Matthew Marino
Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 4455
Course Coordinator Email:
Course Coordinator Location: 251.03.025
Course Coordinator Availability: Please email to make an appointment.
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
Course Description
This course provides a broad introduction to aircraft by considering a number of topics related to the role, function and operation of flight vehicles. The course introduces the fundamental science underpinning aerodynamics, propulsion and structures. Practical integration issues relating to achieving flight - such as aircraft economics - are also addressed. This includes exploring attributes and limitations relating to the atmosphere and well as examining the anatomy and configuration of aircraft. Other areas of study include stability and control, as well as high-speed flight. Emerging technologies and contemporary issues in aviation are also addressed to facilitate an understanding of emerging challenges in 21st century. The course will provide essential knowledge relating to all technical aspects of further study, including but not limited to aircraft systems, sustainability, maintenance, and airworthiness.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
This course contributes to the following Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for:
BP070P23 / BP070VRI23 / BP070VH23 / BP070HKG23 / BP070SIM23 Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation)
BP284ASA23 Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation) / Bachelor of Business (Management)
BP345P23 Bachelor of Aviation (Pilot Training)
PLO 1 Demonstrate understanding of a broad, coherent and in-depth body of knowledge relevant to the current and future global aviation industry
PLO 2 Adapt knowledge and skills to analyse and synthesise concepts, information and data in diverse aviation contexts using digital tools and professional skills.
PLO 4 Communicate and collaborate inclusively and professionally with diverse stakeholders across aviation and associated industries
This course contributes to the following Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for:
BH078 Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) (Honours)
BH082AEHDD Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor of Business (Management)
1 Knowledge and Skill Base
1.1 Comprehensive, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline.
1.5 Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline.
3 Professional and Personal Attributes
3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.
This course contributes to the following Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for:
BP070P6 / BP070VRI / BP070VH / BP070HKG / BP070SIM Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation), BP284 Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation) / Bachelor of Business (Management)
BP345 Bachelor of Aviation (Pilot Training)
- Identify, interpret and analyse stakeholder needs, establish priorities and the goals, constraints and uncertainties of the system (social, cultural, legislative, environmental, business etc.), using systems thinking, while recognising ethical implications of professional practice.
- Communicate and coordinate proficiently by listening, speaking, reading and writing English for professional practice, working as an effective member or leader of diverse teams.
- Apply abstraction, mathematics and discipline fundamentals to analysis, design and operation, using appropriate computer software, laboratory equipment and other devices, ensuring model applicability, accuracy and limitations.
For more information on the program learning outcomes for your program, please see the program guide.
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Summarise the history and development of aviation, as well as future trends in technology, and contemporary issues.
- Identify functions of key aircraft features, and rationalise the selection of different forms of propulsion used by aircraft
- Recognise constraints imposed by the nature of the environment in which aircraft operate, bother physical and operational
- Predict the forces experienced by an aircraft based on fundamental physical principles and identify technologies to control an aircraft’s stability, at both subsonic and supersonic speeds
- Analyse important aspects of aircraft performance
- Master the professional vocabulary of aerospace and aviation industry
Overview of Learning Activities
Learning activities may include online or face to face lectorials and tutorials. A detailed learning and planning guide will be provided for self-directed study.
Canvas will be utilised extensively to facilitate a flipped class room approach, and for the presentation of research assignment results.
Communication and research skills will be fostered with the use of the research assignment and the required communication via Canvas.
Overview of Learning Resources
Pre-recorded lecture videos, lecture notes, PowerPoint slides, tutorial worksheets, and other resource material will be available on the course Canvas which is accessed through myRMIT. Textbooks to support the learning material are also prescribed. In addition to this, the RMIT Library has full text access to a large number of journals to facilitate research and to enable students to complete their assignments.
The relevant RMIT Library Subject Guides are:
Overview of Assessment
X This course has no hurdle requirements.
☐ All hurdle requirements for this course are indicated clearly in the assessment regime that follows, against the relevant assessment task(s) and all have been approved by the College Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching).
Assessment Task 1 - Quizzes – Weight 30%
CLOs assessed 1-6
Time Limited quizzes taken in a Time Window
Knowledge base online quizzes to test you on the learning of the course content directly. There will be 3 staggered quizzes throughout the semester to be done online through the CANVAS portal.
Assessment Task 2 - Research Assignment – Weight 30%
CLOs assessed 1-3
Students to research a particular aircraft system/component and "pitch" it with a video presentation using Flip Grid (5-minute video with appropriate referencing)
Assessment Task 3 - Design, Build and Fly a Glider – Weight – 40%
CLOs assessed 1-6
From household materials, students are to design and build a glider, video a completed spiral manoeuvre and deliver a report.