Course Title: Mathematics 1

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Mathematics 1

Credit Points: 12.00

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


155T Vocational Health and Sciences


Sem 1 2008,
Sem 2 2008,
Sem 1 2009,
Sem 2 2009,
Sem 1 2010,
Sem 2 2010,
Sem 1 2011,
Sem 2 2011,
Sem 1 2012,
Sem 2 2012,
Sem 1 2013,
Sem 2 2013,
Sem 1 2014,
Sem 2 2014,
Sem 1 2015,
Sem 2 2015,
Sem 1 2016,
Sem 2 2016


City Campus


174T School of VE Engineering, Health & Science


Sem 2 2018,
Sem 1 2019,
Sem 2 2019,
Sem 1 2020,
Sem 2 2020,
Sem 1 2021,
Sem 2 2021


City Campus


520T Future Technologies


Sem 1 2022,
Sem 2 2022,
Sem 1 2023,
Sem 2 2023,
Sem 1 2024,
Sem 2 2024


RMIT University Vietnam


155T Vocational Health and Sciences


Viet3 2014,
Viet1 2015,
Viet2 2015,
Viet3 2015,
Viet1 2016


RMIT University Vietnam


174T School of VE Engineering, Health & Science


Viet1 2018,
Viet2 2018,
Viet3 2018,
Viet1 2019,
Viet2 2019,
Viet3 2019

Course Coordinator: Dr Bishwajit Chowdhury

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 8054

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: 57.05.17

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


Course Description

This course aims to provide a broad introduction to the fundamental mathematical techniques (single- and multi-variable differentiation and integration) and mathematical objects (vectors, complex numbers and functions of several variables) needed by engineers. The course builds on the foundations laid in secondary school mathematics and in turn aims to lay the foundation for more advanced mathematics courses that follow. Topic areas include vectors, complex numbers, differentiation with applications, integration and its applications and functions of several variables.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

This course contributes to the following program learning outcomes:

1.1 Descriptive, formula-based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the practice area.

1.2 Procedural-level understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the practice area.

1.4 Discernment of engineering developments within the practice area.


On completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Use vector algebra including scalar/vector products to determine equations of lines and planes in three dimensions and intersections/angles between them.
  2. Recognise the properties of complex numbers and manipulate complex numbers in both rectangular and polar forms to find nth roots, to solve algebraic equations.
  3. Apply the techniques of differential calculus to formulate and solve problems including the applications.
  4. Apply the techniques of integral calculus to formulate and solve problems including the applications.
  5. Find the partial derivative and double integration for functions of several variables.


Overview of Learning Activities

The learning activities included in this course are:

Students will need to attend classes, which will be a combination of lectures and tutorials. Students will be provided with printed exercise books and they need to complete the exercises within and outside class times.

Overview of Learning Resources

You will be able to access course information and learning materials through the course CANVAS. Your course CANVAS will give you access to important course-related information such as announcements, staff contact details, online lecture notes and exercises, tutorials, assignment, and other learning resources. Access to CANVAS will be instructed in details in the course introduction session.

You are advised to check your student e-mail account daily for important announcements.

Overview of Assessment

☒ This course has no hurdle requirements.

☐ All hurdle requirements for this course are indicated clearly in the assessment regime that follows, against the relevant assessment task(s) and all have been approved by the College Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching).

Assessment 1: Maths Ready Test   

Weighting towards final grade: 5% 
Assessment 1 assesses the following course learning outcomes: 
PLO 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 CLO 1, 2 


Assessment 2: Mid Semester Test   

Weighting towards final grade: 30% 

Assessment 2 assesses the following course learning outcomes: 
PLO 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 CLO 1, 2 


Assessment 3: Project   
Weighting towards final grade: 25% 

Assessment 3 assesses the following course learning outcomes: 
PLO 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 CLO 1, 3, 4 


Assessment 4: Final Assessment  

Weighting towards final grade: 40% 

Assessment 4 assesses the following course learning outcomes: 
PLO 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 CLO 3, 4, 5