Part A: Course Overview
Course Title: Signals and Systems 1
Credit Points: 12.00
Course Code |
Campus |
Career |
School |
Learning Mode |
Teaching Period(s) |
EEET2369 |
City Campus |
Undergraduate |
125H Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Sem 1 2011, Sem 1 2012, Sem 1 2013, Sem 1 2014, Sem 1 2015, Sem 1 2016 |
EEET2369 |
City Campus |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Sem 1 2017, Sem 1 2018, Sem 1 2019, Sem 1 2020, Sem 1 2021, Sem 1 2023, Sem 1 2024, Sem 1 2025 |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
125H Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Offsh3 15, Offsh3 16 |
EEET2486 |
RMIT University Vietnam |
Undergraduate |
125H Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Viet1 2016 |
EEET2486 |
RMIT University Vietnam |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Viet1 2017, Viet3 2017, Viet2 2018, Viet2 2020, Viet2 2021, Viet3 2022, Viet1 2023, Viet1 2024, Viet1 2025 |
Flexible Terms
Course Code |
Campus |
Career |
School |
Learning Mode |
Teaching Period(s) |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSe22017 (VE20) |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSep2018 (All) |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSep2019 (All) |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSep2020 (VE26) |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSep2021 (All) |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSep2022 (VE31) |
EEET2469 |
Undergraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
OFFSep2024 (VE34) |
Course Coordinator: Dr Jiao Lin
Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 2925
Course Coordinator Email:
Course Coordinator Location: B010 F09 R001
Course Coordinator Availability: Email for appointment
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
Pre-requisite (required prior study): You must have successfully completed EEET2248 - Electrical Engineering Analysis, or an equivalent course, or provide evidence of equivalent capabilities.
This course assumes that you have:
- The ability to solve basic algebraic equations and sets of linear equations.
- Competence in basic integral and differential calculus and differential equations.
- Competence in the use of MATLAB for basic programming.
Course Description
The focus of this course is to introduce you to the fundamental concepts and techniques used in both analogue and digital signal processing (ASP and DSP) which are areas of interest if you are studying any program relating to electronic, communication and/or computer engineering.
Initially you will be introduced to the basic concept of signals and systems and learn about important mathematical techniques commonly used in the analysis of these (this includes both time- and frequency-domain analysis techniques).
You will then examine signal processing systems to determine how these can be classified as causal, stable and linear, time-invariant (LTI).
This will then allow you to utilise time and frequency domain techniques to analyse the behaviour of systems from their transfer functions, impulse responses, frequency responses and z-transforms (for discrete-time systems).
This course will also introduce you to the methods used to convert continuous-time signals to discrete-time (and vice-versa) and how to assess appropriate criteria to use to prevent signal distortion.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
This course contributes to the following Program Learning Outcomes:
1.1 Comprehensive, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline.
1.2 Conceptual understanding of the, mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the engineering discipline.
1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline.
2.1 Application of established engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving.
2.2 Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources.
2.3 Application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes.
3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.
On completion of this course you should be able to:
- Apply time and frequency domain analysis techniques to different signals and systems.
- Classify signals and systems as discrete/continuous, linear/non-linear, causal/non-causal, time-variant/invariant, etc.
- Select and utilise appropriate methods for basic signal processing applications.
- Design and implement software simulations of common systems in MATLAB.
Overview of Learning Activities
Student Learning occurs through the following experiences and evaluation processes:
Theoretical concepts and mathematical methods used in the signal processing field will be introduced in weekly lectures.
Weekly lectorials will cover the practical implementation issues stemming from the lecture material and will allow you to practice your software simulation design skills.
Weekly tutorials will work through problems relating to the concepts introduced in the lectures, and
Laboratories will allow you work in groups to develop MATLAB simulations of various signals and systems.
Weekly Canvas quizzes will also be made available to you to allow you to revise the course material and give you feedback on your progress.
Overview of Learning Resources
RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through our online systems.
Lists of relevant reference texts, resources in the library and freely accessible Internet sites will be provided.
Access to the MATLAB software package will be provided through RMIT computer labs, myDesktop and the MathWorks Total Academic Headcount student license.
Overview of Assessment
☒This course has no hurdle requirements.
The assessments in this course are designed for you to:
- Research and apply techniques discussed in lectures to help evaluate your comprehension and understanding of course concepts
- Prepare reports to evaluate your capacity to communicate your comprehension and understanding of the concepts covered in this course
Assessment types may include laboratory reports, assignments and examinations.
Assessment tasks Assessment Task 1: Laboratory reports Weighting 40% This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 3 & 4 Assessment Task 2: Assignments Weighting 40% This assessment supports CLOs 1, 2, 3, & 4 Assessment Task 3: Final Test Weighting 20% This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 2 |