Course Title: Mobile Computing

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Mobile Computing

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


125H Electrical & Computer Engineering


Sem 2 2013,
Sem 2 2014,
Sem 2 2015,
Sem 2 2016


City Campus


172H School of Engineering


Sem 1 2018,
Sem 1 2020,
Sem 1 2021,
Sem 1 2022,
Sem 1 2023


City Campus


125H Electrical & Computer Engineering


Sem 2 2013,
Sem 2 2014,
Sem 2 2015,
Sem 2 2016


City Campus


172H School of Engineering


Sem 1 2020

Course Coordinator: Dr Hiep Tran

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 0864

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Availability: Email for appointment

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Required Prior Study:
Successful completion of EEET2368 Network Fundamentals and Applications or you should have strong knowledge of TCP/IP plus the ability to program in classes, in either C++ or Java.  

If you are in doubt of your skills, please contact the lecturer.

Course Description

This course will give you an understanding of mobile computer systems particularly in the context of wireless network systems such as 3G/4G/5G mobile telephony, data networks, and other wireless networks and infrastructure. The course emphasises how to interface hardware to mobile computing devices, and programming those devices.

Contents of the course include:

  • Mobile environments and communications systems.
  • Hardware devices and interacting with these devices.
  • Mobile operating systems available.
  • Programming applications on a mobile system.
  • Data and knowledge management.
  • Wireless systems and security issues in wireless networks.

Please note that if you take this course for a bachelor honours program, your overall mark in this course will be one of the course marks that will be used to calculate the weighted average mark (WAM) that will determine your award level. (This applies to students who commence enrolment in a bachelor honours program from 1 January 2016 onward. See the WAM information web page for more information.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

This course develops the following Program Learning Outcomes for students who commenced their program prior to 2023:

     1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline.

     2.1 Application of established engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving.

     2.2 Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources

     3.5 Orderly management of self, and professional conduct.

This course develops the following Program Learning Outcomes for students who commenced their program in 2023:

  • PLO1: Demonstrate an in-depth understanding and knowledge of fundamental engineering and scientific theories, principles and concepts and apply advanced technical knowledge in specialist domain of engineering.
  • PLO2: Utilise mathematics and engineering fundamentals, software, tools and techniques to design engineering systems for complex engineering challenges. 
  • PLO4: Apply systematic problem solving, design methods and information and project management to propose and implement creative and sustainable solutions with intellectual independence and cultural sensitivity. 
  • PLO5: Communicate respectfully and effectively with diverse audiences, employing a range of communication methods, practising professional and ethical conduct.

On completion of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe wireless and mobile communications systems and be able to choose an appropriate mobile system from a set of requirements.
  2. Be able to evaluate methods and approaches to the design, development and implement mobile computing applications. 
  3. Interface a mobile computing system to hardware and networks.
  4. Program applications on a mobile computing system and interact with servers and database systems.

Overview of Learning Activities

Student Learning occurs through the following experiences and evaluation processes:

  • Pre-recorded lectures provide guided learning of key topics.
  • Self-paced learning will use reference material as a guide.
  • Laboratory based exercises and a project explore specific topics in depth.
  • Preparation for the tests.

It will be very useful to study on your own computer, however lab computers will also be available during lab sessions.

A good project outcome will be useful at a job interview. This includes written reports and the technical outcomes.

Overview of Learning Resources

All material required for this course of study can be found on the Canvas shell for this course. 

You will be expected to have access to various software/tools for learning in this course. Full details of required software will be made available on the course Canvas shell.

You are expected to spend a sufficient amount of time outside the class (self-learning), typically at home using your own computer to be able to complete laboratory tasks/major project. As such, it will be very useful to study on your own computer. However, required software will also be made available on lab computers where possible.

Overview of Assessment

This course has no hurdle requirements.

The assessment tasks for this course consist of:

  • Laboratory Tasks
  • Group Project
  • Lectorial Quiz
  • Final Timed and Timetabled Assessment.

Feedback will be provided on written assignments via Canvas or via individual consultation during laboratory sessions.

Assessment Task 1: Laboratory Tasks
Weighting: 25%
This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 3, & 4.

Assessment Task 2: Group Project
Weighting: 35%
This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 2, 3, & 4.

Assessment Task 3: Lectorial Quiz
Weighting: 10%
This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 2, 3, & 4.

Assessment Task 4: Final Timed and Timetabled Assessment (coding exercises, theory-based questions)
Weighting: 30%
This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 2, 3, & 4.
This assessment is a timed and timetabled assessment that students must attend on campus except for international students who are outside Australia.