Course Title: Masters Research Project
Part A: Course Overview
Course Title: Masters Research Project
Credit Points: 48.00
Course Code |
Campus |
Career |
School |
Learning Mode |
Teaching Period(s) |
OENG1088 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
115H Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Sem 1 2014, Sem 1 2015, Sem 2 2015, Sem 1 2016 |
OENG1088 |
City Campus |
Postgraduate |
172H School of Engineering |
Face-to-Face |
Sem 2 2016, Sem 1 2017, Sem 2 2017, Sem 1 2018, Sem 1 2019, Sem 2 2019, Sem 1 2020, Sem 2 2020, Sem 1 2021, Sem 2 2021, Sem 1 2022, Sem 2 2022, Sem 1 2023, Sem 2 2023, Sem 1 2024, Sem 2 2024 |
Course Coordinator: Prof. Pavel Trivailo
Course Coordinator Phone: 9925 6274
Course Coordinator Email:
Course Coordinator Location: Bundoora East Campus, Building 251, Level 3, Room 16
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
OENG1120 Research Methods in Engineering or equivalent
Course Description
This course is designed to consolidate and expand the knowledge gained throughout the program through an in-depth experimental and/or analytical study of a highly technical and/or engineering management application. You will undertake this course in the final semester of your Masters program. The course constitutes the major experimental and/or analytical research project for the program and engages you in achieving the objectives of a research project investigated and formulated in Research Methods. You will work on research projects individually or in small groups; however, you will submit individual reports and be assessed on your individual project work.
In this course you will plan and manage your research project, conduct a critical analysis of relevant literature, undertake research work to a high level standard of professional engineers and researchers, evaluate and report your research findings.
This is a work-integrated project done either in conjunction with industry or in a simulated engineering work environment. You will receive supervision from an internal RMIT supervisor and you may also have an external supervisor (such as an industry-based practitioner). As appropriate to the level of professionalism that is required in this course, you are expected to perform your project work with a high degree of independence and with only limited guidance from supervisors. You will work on your project individually or in small groups; however, you will submit individual reports and be assessed on your individual project work.
If you are enrolled in a program for which engineering work experience is a compulsory requirement, then this course includes assessment of your Engineering Experience. For more information, please refer to the Student Engineering Experience Guidebook. Consult the Program Guide and your Program Manager for advice on whether this applies to your program.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
This course contributes to the development of the following Program Learning Outcomes:
4. Professional Practice
- Communicate in a variety of different ways to collaborate with other people, including accurate listening, reading and comprehension, based on dialogue when appropriate, taking into account the knowledge, expectations, requirements, interests, terminology and language of the intended audience
- Display a personal sense of responsibility for your work
- Demonstrate orderly management of self, and professional conduct.
5. Research
- Plan and execute a substantial research-based project, with creativity and initiative in new situations in professional practice and with a high level of personal autonomy and accountability
- Develop creative and innovative solutions to engineering challenges
- Assess, acquire and apply the competencies and resources appropriate to engineering activities
- Demonstrate professional use and management of information.
- Acknowledge (clearly) your own contributions and the contributions from others and distinguish contributions you may have made as a result of discussions or collaboration with other people
Upon successful completion of the course you should be able to:
- Plan and effectively manage an independent research project at an advanced professional engineering level;
- Locate and critically analyse scientific literature and use this to inform the planning, management, conduct and findings of a research project;
- Apply sound engineering practices and research methods to undertake project work and synthesise results;
- Communicate the context, goals, risks, outcomes, impact and limitations of a research project to a professional audience.
Overview of Learning Activities
You will undertake work in the research project that can be analytical, experimental, design or computational in nature (or some combination). Learning will take place primarily through independent research, guided by your project supervisor and supporting lectures.
Overview of Learning Resources
You will typically need to use professional level resources (specialist books, journal articles and conference proceedings) that are accessible in the RMIT library and other major libraries. The internet and course notes may be helpful, but will not be sufficient by themselves to support an entire project at this level.
Overview of Assessment
Hurdles (choose the appropriate checkbox):
X Additional requirements (hurdles) for course completion are specified below, and all have been approved by the College DPVC L&T:
Assessment item 1: Research proposal
Weighting of final grade: 20%
Related course learning outcomes: CLO2, CLO3
Assessment item 2: Thesis
Weighting of final grade: 70%
Related course learning outcomes: CLO2, CLO3, CLO4
Assessment item 3: Poster Defence
Weighting of final grade: 10%
Related course learning outcomes: CLO2, CLO3, CLO4
Assessment item 4: Evidence of work experience, where required for your program
Weighting of final grade: Hurdle
Related course learning outcomes: CLO1, CLO4
Description: If you are enrolled in a program for which engineering work experience is a compulsory requirement, then assessment includes an Engineering Log Book that captures specific evidence of work you have undertaken, a reflective report relating to the work experience, and substantiation of your work by an external supervisor.