Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Food Packaging and Labelling

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


Bundoora Campus


171H School of Science


Sem 1 2017,
Sem 1 2018,
Sem 1 2019,
Sem 1 2020,
Sem 1 2021,
Sem 1 2022,
Sem 1 2023,
Sem 1 2024,
Sem 1 2025

Course Coordinator: Professor Benu Adhikari

Course Coordinator Phone: +61 3 9925 9940

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: Building 201, Level 6, Room 5. Bundoora Campus

Course Coordinator Availability: By appointment other than scheduled time-table scheduled hours

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Assumed Knowledge

A completed bachelor degree in Food Technology, Nutrition, Chemistry or other closely related fields.

Course Description

This course provides the fundamentals as well as the most recent developments in food packaging including non-biodegradable, semi-biodegradable and biodegradable packaging materials, intelligent and active packaging, controlled and modified atmospheric packaging, sensors used in packaging, logistics and tracking and systems used to print on packaging.

Analytical aspects such as shelf-life prediction, and calculation of vapour and gas permeability, tensile strength, elongation and elastic modulus of some representative packaging will be emphasised.

Regulations concerning packaging and labelling will be covered. 

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Upon successful completion of the course, you should be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills relevant to contemporary food packaging systems including packaging-food-environment interaction and packaging and labelling regulations, 
  2. Evaluate new and emerging technologies and related underpinning science in food packaging, 
  3. Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in selecting packaging materials and technologies based on the characteristics of food product and characteristics of packaging materials, and storage and distribution requirements, 
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of sensors and tracking devices used in food packaging systems,
  5. Identify and solve the food packaging problems, Predict shelf-life, calculate water vapour and gas permeability, calculate tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s modulus.
  6. Predict shelf-life, calculate water vapour and gas permeability, calculate tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s modulus. 

This course contributes to the following Program learning Outcomes(PLO) at AQF Level 9

1. Understand food science and technology
1.1 You will demonstrate an advanced understanding of food science and technology by articulating relevant scientific methods and explaining why and how current knowledge in this discipline is both contestable and continuously evolving. Through further inquiry and research, make food science and technology relevant to the society.
1.2 You will have a thorough understanding of recent developments in a specialised area of food science and technology.

1.3 You will demonstrate knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to food science and technology and ability to apply them.

2. Critically analyse and solve problems in food science and technology

2.1 Demonstrate cognitive skills and mastery of advanced theoretical knowledge in food science and technology and apply this knowledge to solve complex problems in existing and emereging areas of this discipline.

2.2 Generate and evaluate complex ideas and concepts at an abstract level.

3. Apply food science and technology knowledge and skills.

3.1 Exhibit creativity, initiative and a high level of autonomy in research and/or professional practice.

3.2 Plan and execute a substantial research or work/industry-based project and/or pieces of scholarship.

4. Communicate technical knowledge

4.1 Effectively communicate concepts of food science and technology to specialist and non-specialist audiences, using a variety of presentation modes.

5. Display personal and professional responsibility.

5.1 Be accountable for individual learning and professional rigour via the development of independent and self-directed learning strategies.

5.2 Work effectively, responsibly, ethically and safely in an individual or team context.

5.3 Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory frameworks and ethical principles relevant to food science and technology.


Overview of Learning Activities

The learning activities included in this course are: 

Lectures presenting themes, contents and ideas, 

Supervised and unsupervised individual and/or group work to brainstorm, analyse, discuss and document the most recent advances and trends, 

Laboratory practicals on selected topics, 

Written group assignments and individual practical reports requiring an understanding and integration of the contents, 

Private study, working through the information presented in class, practical sessions and supervised and unsupervised group work. 

Overview of Learning Resources

You will be provided and/or referred to relevant texts, library resources, databases, patents, journal publications and reliable, authoritative reading materials. 

Materials required for completion of laboratory and pilot plant and prepare for competency assessments will be provided. 

Overview of Assessment

This course has no hurdle requirements.


Group assignment (a comprehensive and critical review of literature and written report)

Weighting 30%. 

Break down as follows: 

25% on written report. 

5% on presentation 

This assessment supports CLO’s: 1-6 


Practical reports.

Weighing 45%. 

Three practical reports written based on three practical sessions. Each report would weigh 15%.  

This assessment supports CLO’s: 1-6 


End of Semester professional competency assessment.

Weighing 25%. 

This assessment will test students’ knowledge that was presented through in lectures, practicals and tutorials 

This assessment supports CLO’s: 1-6