Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Room Division Management

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


RMIT University Vietnam


830H The Business School


Viet1 2018,
Viet3 2018,
Viet1 2019,
Viet3 2019,
Viet2 2020,
Viet1 2021,
Viet3 2021,
Viet2 2022,
Viet1 2023,
Viet3 2023,
Viet2 2024,
Viet1 2025


RMIT Vietnam Hanoi Campus


830H The Business School


Viet3 2019,
Viet2 2020,
Viet1 2021,
Viet3 2021,
Viet2 2022,
Viet1 2023,
Viet3 2023,
Viet2 2024,
Viet1 2025

Course Coordinator: Justin Matthew Pang

Course Coordinator Phone: (84-8) 3776 1300

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: Saigon South

Course Coordinator Availability: Monday to Friday 9-5:30pm

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

There are no pre-requisites

Course Description

This course will incorporate a WIL experience in which knowledge and skills is applied to a real or simulated work based environment. The aim of this course is for you to acquire a functional understanding of the planning, Mgt and operational requirements of the rooms divisions of international hotels and integrated resorts. You will develop capabilities to facilitate effective room division Mgt by engaging in a range of practical problem solving sessions involving team work, case study analysis, online learning activities, peer discussion and review and self-reflection.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development


On completion of this course you should be able to: 

  • CLO1 - Work collaboratively in teams to investigate and critically appraise hotel and resort operation Mgt environments using a systems approach;
  • CLO2 - Apply the principles and practices of the guest cycle to facilitate effective room division Mgt in local and global contexts;
  • CLO3 - Analyse hotel and resort operating cost structures to support decision making for effective rooms division Mgt;
  • CLO4 - Appraise room division performance metrics and benchmarks; and
  • CLO5 - Evaluate and recommend appropriate models to forecast rooms demand and make room rate pricing decisions.  

Overview of Learning Activities

Learning activities will involve lectures and class discussions, case studies, group projects, and student presentations. You will have the opportunity to participate in work integrated learning assessments and field visits aiming at enhancing your learning experiences associated with the course.

Overview of Learning Resources

As an enrolled student of RMIT University you will be provided with access via the internet to the RMIT Library databases and online facilities. If you require assistance with the RMIT library facilities the first person to contact is the Business Liaison Librarian for this school. Contact details for Business Liaison Librarians are located online on the RMIT library website.

Additional industry-based resources may be available to you depending on the nature of your placement.

Overview of Assessment

Assessment Tasks


Assessment Tasks


Linked Learning Outcomes

Assessment Task 1


2, 3, 4

Assessment Task 2


1, 3, 4, 5