Course Title: Honours Photography Studio 2

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Honours Photography Studio 2

Credit Points: 24.00

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities.  

To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption.  

Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:  

Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance:  

Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance. 


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


340H Art


Sem 2 2020,
Sem 2 2024

Course Coordinator: Dr Clare McCracken

Course Coordinator Phone: please email

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Availability: Via email

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Required Prior Study 
You should have satisfactorily completed VART3641 Honours Photography Studio 1 before you commence this course.
Alternatively, you may be able to demonstrate the required skills and knowledge before you start this course.  Contact your course coordinator if you think you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning.    

Required Concurrent Study
You should undertake VART3023 Praxis and Resolution at the same time as this course as it contains areas of knowledge and skills which are implemented together in practice. 
Alternatively, you may be able to demonstrate the required skills and knowledge before you start this course.   Contact your course coordinator if you think you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning. 

Course Description

In this course you will initiate a self-directed project, supported through individual supervision, to assist you in extending your creative ideas, methods and practice.  In doing so, you will examine a range of national and international photographers, artists, theories and concepts, their cultural context and their relevance to contemporary photography, in order to develop an informed position through which to explore your own work and practice. Through individual supervision, you will position yourself in relation to the multiple narratives that inform contemporary photographic practice.  The activities in this course seek to challenge the assumptions you make about your practice and provide you with new conceptual possibilities through which to explore your photography.

You will work closely with your supervisor, attending weekly or fortnightly meetings where you will show progress and gain feedback. Your supervisor is a busy professional with many commitments, the onus is on you to initiate contact, and to be punctual and to keep notes of feedback and comments. Give your supervisor plenty of time to respond to written work.

If you are enrolled in this course as a component of your Bachelor Honours Program, your overall mark will contribute to the calculation of the weighted average mark (WAM).   

See the WAM information web page for more information.  

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

In this course you will develop the following program learning outcomes:

  • Construct a pro-active and critically relevant career as a member of the photographic industries as an active participant and in preparation for further study.
  • Work autonomously, and with others to apply new theories of practice and embrace new developments in photographic technology and image analysis. 
  • Develop and implement a vision and philosophy of photographic practice through global, social, cultural, environmental and historical knowledge and contexts to contribute to the positive development of culture.

Course Learning outcomes

 Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Initiate self-directed projects that are informed by theoretical and conceptual ideas
  2. Apply appropriate research methodologies to the experimentation and testing of photographic processes to explore your concepts
  3. Use research as a way of directing and informing creative projects that critically engage with a photographic practice
  4. Articulate the major concepts within your individual project and document them in an exegesis.

Overview of Learning Activities

Your learning in this course takes place in a studio context through a series of lectures, workshops and practicals as well through access to online materials, instructional tutorials and readings. You will continue working with your supervisor to help formulate how your project for the semester will be realised.  You will meet regularly with your supervisor to explore options and discuss outcomes.

Overview of Learning Resources

RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through our online systems such as Canvas and the RMIT Library. During the course you will produce works, with access to photographic studios, editing and printing facilities.

There are services and resources available to support your learning through the University Library. The Library provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help as well as a range of study support services. For further information, please visit the Library page on the RMIT University website and the myRMIT student website. 

Overview of Assessment

You will be assessed on how well you meet the course’s learning outcomes and on your development against the program learning outcomes.

Assessment for this course will culminate in the submission of your completed studio centred research outcomes.

1. Research Abstract 20% CLO 2, 3 and 4.

2. Final Project Outcomes 80% CLO 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Feedback will be given on all assessment tasks.

If you have a long-term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equitable Learning Services if you would like to find out more. 

Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions.  

Late submission or presentation of assessable work without an approved extension or special consideration will be penalised as follows: 

  • Completed work submitted 1 to 7 days late will incur a penalty of 5% per day 
  • Work submitted after day 7 will not be assessed 
  • Weekends and holiday periods are included in the calculation of the late penalty 

How the penalty is calculated:

Example - Work is submitted 6 days late, incurring a penalty of 30% (6 x 5% = 30%).

  • The submission receives a result of 60 out of 100. 60 - 30% = 42.
  • The numerical result for that assessment submission is modified from 60 to 42.
  • The result of 42 is used to calculate the final grade for the course.