Course Title: Introduction to Commercial Pilot Licence

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Introduction to Commercial Pilot Licence

Credit Points: 12.00

Important Information:

This Flight Training WIL course has additional requirements to a standard RMIT course. These are detailed in the RMIT Aviation Academy Canvas Student Guide, and it is the responsibility of the student to read and understand them.   

Flight Training Performance 

You will be assessed for competency during each flying lesson. A failure to demonstrate competency will prevent you from progressing to a subsequent lesson in the syllabus. Should you fail a lesson more than once you will be required to undergo the remedial training process (see RMIT Aviation Academy Canvas Student Guide) and be provided a remedial training plan. Should you fail to demonstrate the required competencies at the end of the remedial training process you will be awarded an NH fail grade and be required to re-enrol in a subsequent semester.       


Safety is paramount. It is your responsibility to monitor your personal health and declare any conditions which may impact your ability to safely operate a training aircraft. Students need to be able to meet the inherent requirements of the program. At any time prior to or during your course if there are concerns raised related to your capacity to safely operate a training aircraft you may be prevented from continuing flight training pending the outcome of an operational investigation in accordance with the RAA Safety Management System. If your medical condition will delay your progress in the program, you are encouraged to apply for special consideration for a withdrawal without academic penalty and re-enrol in a subsequent semester. 

Fitness to Fly 

It is your responsibility to monitor your personal health and declare any conditions which may impact your ability to safely operate a training aircraft. Students need to be able to meet the inherent requirements of the program. At any time prior to or during your course if there are concerns raised related to your health and there is a potential that this can impact your ability to safely operate a training aircraft you will be prevented from continuing flight training until you have provided evidence of your fitness to fly signed by an appropriate authority (typically a CASA Designated Aviation Medical Examiner).  Any ongoing medical condition that has the potential to delay your ability to complete the course in the allocated timeframe will require you to apply for special consideration for a withdrawal without academic penalty and re-enrol in a subsequent semester. 


It is your responsibility to ensure you enrol in the correct courses as per your program sequence and adhere to all pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements.  


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


Point Cook Campus


110P SEH Portfolio Office


Sem 1 2018,
Sem 2 2018,
Sem 1 2019,
Sem 2 2019,
Sem 1 2022


Hartwig Air


110P SEH Portfolio Office


Sem 2 2018,
Sem 1 2019,
Sem 2 2019,
Sem 1 2022,
Sem 2 2022


RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo


110P SEH Portfolio Office


Sem 1 2020,
Sem 1 2022

Flexible Terms

Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


Point Cook Campus


110P SEH Portfolio Office


UGRDFx2020 (CPL1),

UGRDFx2020 (All)


Point Cook Campus


110P SEH Portfolio Office


UGRDFlex21 (PC1),

UGRDFlex21 (PC2),

UGRDFlex21 (All)


Point Cook Campus


110P SEH Portfolio Office


UGRDFlex22 (PC1A)


Point Cook Campus


176H RMIT Aviation Academy


UGRDFlex24 (PC),

UGRDFlex24 (OCT),

UGRDFlex24 (PC1)


Hartwig Air


110P SEH Portfolio Office


UGRDFlex18 (All)


Hartwig Air


110P SEH Portfolio Office


UGRDFx2020 (CPL2)


Hartwig Air


110P SEH Portfolio Office


UGRDFlex21 (HAR2)


RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo


110P SEH Portfolio Office


UGRDFlex21 (BEN2)


RMIT Flight Training - Bendigo


176H RMIT Aviation Academy


UGRDFlex24 (APRB),


Course Coordinator: Richard Bennett

Course Coordinator Phone: -

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: Point Cook

Course Coordinator Availability: Via email

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


  • AERO2466/2625 Theory to Recreational Pilot Licence 
  • AERO2467/2619 Flying to Recreational Pilot Licence 


  • AERO2469/2624 Theory to Private Pilot Licence (Point Cook) 
  • AERO2470/2618 Flying to Private Pilot Licence (Point Cook) 

WIL pre-entry requirement 

  • Satisfactory completion of all lessons in the flight training syllabus up to and including the CASA RPL Flight Test 

Course Description

This Work Integrated Learning (WIL) course builds upon the foundational flying skills and knowledge developed in preceding courses, serving as a critical stepping stone toward Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) training. Through a structured sequence of practical flight training exercises, ground-based theory classes, and immersive educational experiences, students will deepen their proficiency and understanding of professional aviation. 

The course introduces key concepts of commercial aviation, enhancing students’ flying competencies while advancing their flight planning knowledge and operational skills. Additionally, students will begin elevating their theoretical understanding to meet the standards of commercial piloting by preparing for and completing an introductory series of CASA CPL theory examinations. This comprehensive approach equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to confidently transition into CPL training. 

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

This course contributes to the following Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs): 

PLO1: Demonstrate understanding of a broad, coherent and in-depth body of knowledge relevant to professional pilot practice and the current and future global aviation industry. 

PLO2: Adapt knowledge and skills to analyse and synthesise concepts, information and data in diverse aviation contexts using digital tools and professional skills.  

PLO3: Formulate ethical and evidence-based responses that integrate critical thinking, problem solving and decision making to address the challenges faced in professional piloting and by the current and future global aviation industry. 
PLO4: Communicate and collaborate inclusively and professionally with diverse stakeholders across aviation and associated industries. 

PLO5: Demonstrate accountability, self-management and reflection to achieve personal and professional outcomes in real-life contexts, with commitment to First Nations and/or globally inclusive perspectives. 

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

On completion of this course, you should be able to: 

1. Operate an aircraft as pilot-in-command to Commercial Pilot Licence standard with a high degree of confidence, autonomy, and accountability, demonstrating sound judgment, effective workload management, and adherence to safety protocols throughout all stages of flight. 

2. Safely perform basic aerobatic manoeuvres with precise control and situational awareness 

3. Conduct basic instrument and night flying with accuracy and adherence to safety standards. 

4. Plan and execute cross-country flights, demonstrating accurate navigation and effective time management. 

5. Acquire foundational CPL-level knowledge in meteorology, human factors, and air law, demonstrating an understanding of their application to safe and effective commercial flight operations. 


Overview of Learning Activities

Learning in this course will be facilitated through a combination of practical flight training exercises, pre-flight and post-flight briefings, classroom lectorials, flight simulator sessions, online learning tools, and guided study using textbooks and other reading materials. To optimize your learning experience, you are required to maintain regular communication with your instructors to coordinate and schedule your flight training activities. (Refer to the RMIT Aviation Academy Canvas Student Guide for detailed instructions.) 

This course includes 10 hours of dual flying and 15 hours of solo flying. All flight training activities outlined in the ICPL phase of the syllabus must be successfully completed to meet course requirements. 

Overview of Learning Resources

The learning activities included in this course are:
• Attendance at lectures where syllabus material will be presented and explained.
• Completion of tutorial questions and possibly workshop projects designed to give further practice in the application of flying theory to given situations, and to give feedback on student progress and understanding;
• Completion of class exercises consisting of numerical calculations and other factors requiring an integrated understanding of the subject matter; and
• Private study, working through the course as presented in classes, information gathered from practical demonstrations and learning materials, and gaining practice at solving flight related calculations.


Overview of Assessment

All hurdle requirements have been approved by the STEM College Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Teaching & Quality).  A hurdle requirement is necessary to demonstrate to an accrediting body (CASA) that students are competent and being sufficiently assessed against practice-focussed professional standards.  


Assessment Task 1 (Hurdle): Ground Theory Class Portfolio & Attendance 

Weighting towards final grade (%): 25 

This assessment supports CLO 5 

Assessment Task 2 (Hurdle): CASA CPL Air Law & Meteorology Exams  

Weighting towards final grade (%): 50 

This assessment supports all CLO 5 

Assessment Task 3 (Hurdle): CASA CPL Human Factors Exam  

Weighting towards final grade (%): 25 

This assessment supports all CLO 5 

Assessment Task 4 (Hurdle): Flight Training Portfolio Summative Review  

Present a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate satisfactory engagement with the flight training process, and completion of all practical flight training exercises, as defined in the assessment rubric.   

Weighting towards final grade (%): 0 

This assessment supports all CLO’s 1-4 


Your course assessment is consistent with the RMIT assessment and assessment flexibility policy.