Course Title: Becoming in the Early Years: Child in Community

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Becoming in the Early Years: Child in Community

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


Bundoora Campus


360H Education


Sem 2 2020,
Sem 1 2021,
Sem 2 2021


Bundoora Campus


360H Education


Sem 1 2022,
Sem 2 2022,
Sem 1 2023,
Sem 2 2023

Flexible Terms

Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


Bundoora Campus


360H Education


PGRDFlex24 (ONL2),

PGRDFlex24 (All)

Course Coordinator: Sweta Patel

Course Coordinator Phone: contact via email

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: Bundoora Campus

Course Coordinator Availability: By appointment

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities

Enforced Pre-Requisite Courses
Successful completion of TCHE2684 Belonging in the Early Years: Praxis

Note: it is a condition of enrolment at RMIT that you accept responsibility for ensuring that you have completed the prerequisite/s and agree to concurrently enrol in co-requisite courses before enrolling in a course. 

For your information go to RMIT Course Requisites webpage. 

Course Description

This course will build on your work-integrated learning experience in TCHE2684 and you will further apply your developing knowledge of theories and practice of the early childhood discipline to your own pedagogies as a developing teacher. Specifically, you will follow one selected infant, toddler or young child through a personal narrative using yarning methodology. This means that you will be working with them 10 days within their early years learning context.

This course is offered as an intensive over four weeks at the start of semester. This course also includes a 10 day work placement. This work integrated learning experience in which your knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/ or community is integral to your experience.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply a philosophical lens and critically interrogate historical and contemporary perspectives concerning local and global Early Childhood Education practice, policy and pedagogy, inclusive of indigenous narratives
  • Effectively plan, implement and evaluate an early years curriculum that is inclusive of all learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds, and responds to individual interests, learning priorities and abilities
  • Apply knowledge and skills as a teacher researcher, using self-review methodologies, to critically explore and assess a targeted aspect of pedagogy
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively and ethically with diverse communities and external stakeholders in the best interests of young learners

Course Learning outcomes:   Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Articulate the impact of culture and language on learning through narrative which shows an understanding of decolonising pedagogical approaches across future practice for and with children.
  2. Devise effective strategies to support children with culturally and linguistically diverse learning abilities and backgrounds.
  3. Communicate and advocate professionally with families and educational professionals concerning children’s learning.
  4. Outline and advocate for positive learning environments that are necessary for social and emotional competence in infants, toddlers and young children.


Overview of Learning Activities

This course will require you to work with a nominated child in the broader context of family, community and their early years educational setting. You will engage in ‘yarning’ methodology to engage with their everyday lives both in and outside of the institutional setting, in order to understand the networks and connections that construct their becoming.  In this WIL designed course you will be required to spend 10 days in an early years setting.

Overview of Learning Resources

  RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through our online systems.   The University Library has extensive resources for Early Childhood Education students. The Library has produced a number of subject guides that includes quality online and print resources for your studies in Education. Please access these Library Guides to assist you in your studies. The Library also provides guides on academic referencing and subject specialist help.

Overview of Assessment

You will be assessed on how well you meet the course learning outcomes and on your development against the program learning outcomes. In order to pass the course, you are required to receive a satisfactory assessment on your professional experience, in accordance with expectations outlined in the PX Handbook for the course. If you fail to meet this requirement, for reasons other than those approved by special considerations, you will not pass the course. If granted Special Consideration, you may become eligible to complete alternative professional experience to pass the course.

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1: Yarning - WIL (35%) A narrative mapping of ‘belonging’, using yarning methodology, with links to the importance of cultural and linguistic identities that underpin learning, integrating theories of belonging, CLO 1 and CLO 2

Assessment Task 2: Programme Plan - WIL (30%) Identify, implement and evaluate a programme plan/ IDP for that child and their peers that advocates for them in the curriculum AND community space, CLO 2 and CLO 3

Assessment Task 3: Policy Briefing for Social Media (35%) Prepare a policy briefing that explains and advocates for the impact of positive learning environments for emotional and social competence, CLO 1 and CLO 4

Assessment in this course is directly connected to your successful participation in professional experience. The end-of-placement report from your supervising teacher(s) on your professional development and participation in professional experience is an important component of your assessment. It will provide evidence of your ability to demonstrate the relevant professional practices and course learning outcomes specifically associated with the assessment tasks in the course. Feedback will be given on all assessment tasks.

If you have a long term medical condition and/or disability it may be possible to negotiate to vary aspects of the learning or assessment methods. You can contact the program coordinator or Equity Learning Services if you would like to find out more.

Your course assessment conforms to RMIT assessment principles, regulations, policies, procedures and instructions.