Course Title: Developing Professionally

Part A: Course Overview

Course Title: Developing Professionally

Credit Points: 12.00


Course Code




Learning Mode

Teaching Period(s)


City Campus


610P BUS Portfolio Office


Sem 2 2021,
Sem 2 2022,
Sem 1 2023,
Sem 2 2023,
Sem 1 2024,
Sem 2 2024


RMIT University Vietnam


610P BUS Portfolio Office


Viet1 2023

Course Coordinator: Meg Colasante

Course Coordinator Phone: +61399251656

Course Coordinator Email:

Course Coordinator Location: Building 80, City Campus

Course Coordinator Availability: via email

Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities


Course Description

The development of a professional persona underlies your personal credibility in the business world. To be successful, you will need to develop: self-efficacy; the ability to speak up at the appropriate time to the appropriate audience when you disagree with a decision or strategy; the ability to take criticism and to give it productively to others; a flexible, open-minded approach to problem-solving; a ‘can-do’ attitude that stems from your confidence in your knowledge-base and personal preparation for tasks; and the ability to self-reflect and continuously develop your professional self.

Today’s business professional also requires a level of digital literacy- to be able to find, evaluate and present information effectively on digital platforms- as this is a critical skill for confidently preparing and delivering tasks in today’s business contexts. This course will support you as you develop your professional capabilities through application to a range of business tasks and opportunities.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development


On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

1. Apply current theories and research that relate to contemporary and emerging work environment.


2. Enhance self-awareness through meaningful reflective practice about skills,personality, values and philosophy.


3. Ideate and test options for future professional life through an assessment of a particular industry, company and position.


4. Design, articulate and critically reflect on a plan for continuous self-development throughout your future career/s.


Overview of Learning Activities

This course is delivered as a blend of face-to-face activities and online learning. Learning will be supported through in-class and online activities such as: personal development activities; guest speakers/expert commentators; prescribed readings; practical tasks; seeking and providing peer feedback; and reflective praxis.

Overview of Learning Resources

Various learning resources are available online through MyRMIT Studies/Canvas. Class activities, recordings, notes and outcomes are posted on Canvas.

Resources are also available online through RMIT Library databases and other facilities. Visit the RMIT library website for further details. Assistance is available online via our chat and email services, face to face at our campus libraries or via the telephone on (03) 9925 2020.

Additional resources and/or sources to assist your learning will be identified by your course coordinator and will be made available to you as required during the teaching period.

Overview of Assessment

The assessment tasks, their weighting and the course learning outcomes to which they are aligned are as follows.

Assessment Task 1: 20%
Linked CLOs: 1, 2

Assessment Task 2: 40%
Linked CLOs: 1,2, 3

Assessment Task 3: 40%
Linked CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4

Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or in online forums through individual and group feedback on progress, outcomes and approaches, and by individual consultation.